The online racing simulator
Quote from spankmeyer :It's fairly normal RBR behaviour, nothing to be worried about. Just wait 'till you lose a rally because you hit a tree during the last 100 meters...

I'd need a padded cell.
EDIT: thanks android. Couldn't find it whatever i did...
EDIT2: "Promiňte, ale tuto e-mailovou adresu má již registrována některý uživatel.
Promiňte, ale tento uživatel je již registrován." Wtf???
#454 - Don
Quote from Hyperactive :EDIT: thanks android. Couldn't find it whatever i did...
EDIT2: "Promiňte, ale tuto e-mailovou adresu má již registrována některý uživatel.
Promiňte, ale tento uživatel je již registrován." Wtf???

"this email is already registered"
"this user is already registered"
Btw, you don't have to re-register. As far as I have seen, it's just the logon on the main page is kinda weird. I, for example, have to login on the forum, because apparently the password box on the main page doesn't like some of the relatively "special" characters I use.

Also the english mode is borked, because you can click on english as often as you want, it's always gone after clicking a different link. But fortunately you can fix that by appending "lng=eng" to the address-parameters.
crap. Great Britain Rally: went ok for the first stages, then in Falstone while trying to avoid rolling my car over, I hit a tree. Chirdonhead was just disasterous... At least I was pretty fast at Chirdonhead II until I hit a hidden stone... we should have anothjer GB rally soon, I want to finish one...

I'll be having a go at Japan soon... Hurray for DNF
Quote from thisnameistaken :just need to drink some more booze first.

You don't think RBR is hard enough to drive without being in drunk?

No. He propably needs the booze to first drown his anger over his mistakes and then drown his sorrow over the lost rally.
Oh, and before that he needs the booze to make him believe that he can actually rally while being drunk.

I assume i can only take part in Online Races with the Default Cars?
Yes and I think that's the way it should be. Only good mods were made for Falcon 4.0 in my opinion.

EDITWHOOPSIE: Really didn't mean to sound that harsh, pardon me. I thought it was a better option to exclude all the mods to avoid the rFactor syndrome.
Well, the description of the tournament says
Quote :No add-on cars or modded physics allowed to avoid confusion.

So I sharply conclude that no modding is allowed.
Call me Sherlock.

Hopefully the video will have streamed to the end within the next 2 hours... Youtube isn't that fast as it looks...

I love that tournament-page. I'm currently watching "buedi" do Sipirkakim on the live-page.

Quote from spankmeyer :EDITWHOOPSIE: Really didn't mean to sound that harsh, pardon me. I thought it was a better option to exclude all the mods to avoid the rFactor syndrome.

It wouldn't be "rFactor syndrome" because you don't need to use mods if you don't want to.

Quote from sil3ntwar :I have exclusive footage of my big crash in Japan (well one of them )

Call was crest flat left so i went flat out. Stupid pace notes. I think someone else in the tournament did the same thing?

What the hell happened in that video? Never seen that kind of thing in RBR. Or does it just look very weird because of camera angle. Car just suddenly gets air?

Looks kinda similar to this:
(deggis) DELETED by deggis
Sorry to be a pain in the ass but how do I get the default physics back? I even searched the RBR wiki and found nothing, just editors and ini files...

I have _probably_ installed some setups with new physics from bhmotorsports and now I have incompatible cars...?
Quote from Vain :I love that tournament-page. I'm currently watching "buedi" do Sipirkakim on the live-page.

I hope you didn´t fall asleep while watching me
Man, I had damn luck on that Stage. I wrote it in the comments. After crashing into a tree my engine didn´t sound very good. And after a few corners it died completely. Luckily it was on that downhill section before the Finish

GB went better for me. But I don´t play RBR very much, just to don´t memorize the Stages. But it´s very interesting how different I drive in the Online Competition. When driving Offline I drive like a Maniac because I have nothing to loose. But when you make one big Mistake Online it could cost you many places. I love these Online Tournaments.
Heh, just finished the GB tournament. I could recognize one stage but on all the others I was just trying be careful. Still DNFed twice .

I would just like to kill that co-driver. Even my ex-girlfriends can give me better driving instructions than that sheep-of-a-human.

Anyways, I just can't get myself to like this game. Probably last time I touch it. When people say that it's realistic and stuff, I just wonder do I have some special non-physics-included edition...

Thanks for Spanky for setting it up though. And thanks for help setting RBR up
Quote from deggis :What the hell happened in that video? Never seen that kind of thing in RBR. Or does it just look very weird because of camera angle. Car just suddenly gets air?

Looks kinda similar to this:

There was a small bump just before the crest that got the car airborne. When the car landed i guess the suspension pushed the car back up at just the wrong time lifting the front left off the ground. The camera angle does suck i should have changed it.

By the way what view do people drive in? I guess i should have asked this before the tournament as i drive on the bumper cam so if i crash the broken windscreen doesnt affect me. I think this explains why people have problems seeing and i dont know what they are on about
I use the "behind the car" view. I would destroy the car in seconds with cockpit view with out being able to tell if I'm wide or cutting a turn short. Cockpit just doesn't feel real to me so I might as well use a non-real view anyways where I drive better.
Cockpit, but I dunno if it's a standard view. Basically it's on the drivers side, not like the other one in the middle. And yes, broken windshields do ruin your day.
That standard cockpit-view with that very narrow field of view. I quite like it and would choose it in LFS if I wouldn't need the overview in LFS.
The best thing is to avoid broken windshields altogether.
For the record: Not the least bit damage in both rallies. :rally_dri

I think the rFactor syndrome is that you'd like to go online but standard servers are empty. Then you spend next 3 hours searching for right mods and next thing you notice you gotta hit the sack to get some sleep before work.

DISCLAIMER: I don't know if they integrated automatic mod-install in rFactor but I really do not care. 99% of the mods are just some punk's elaborate guess how a gun/car/plane should feel without no real experience on the subject.

There are gems hidden in mod minefield, but I think it's best to keep things hassle-free.


A little addition... you can simply edit the car's .ini file and move the driver's POV to a more realistic place. Here's what mine looks like:

Here's my Impreza 03 ini-file is someone is interested. Take a look and you can see what values I have in XYZ-coordinates. The steering wheel does not move correctly as in LFS, but it's just a graphical detail, so I couldn't care less.
^^ Exactly. Mine is basically the same, just with a much narrower FOV, so the leftmost thing I see is the lower bit of the a-pillar.
Quote from spankmeyer :@Deggis
I think the rFactor syndrome is that you'd like to go online but standard servers are empty. Then you spend next 3 hours searching for right mods and next thing you notice you gotta hit the sack to get some sleep before work.

But if you want to use default cars in the tournament you can at the same time I can use modded cars if I want. So where is the problem? Especially when the modded cars are not that much faster, only if you are a very fast driver then it matters few secs depeding on the stage.

Quote :The steering wheel does not move correctly as in LFS, but it's just a graphical detail, so I couldn't care less.

But if it still bothers you change that too... From RBR\Misc\LM_Driver.ini "Max Steeringwheel degrees". This of course affects only the visual wheel, not controller settings. Put half of the value you want it to be in the game, e.g. 120 value means 240 degrees in the game. You can also remove the whole wheel from the cockpit, I just don't remember what setting that was and where.

And really recommend using better camera views by editing the .ini files or using Camerahack (I like it better because you can change the camera ingame while you are playing). I couldn't play with the default cockpit view (isn't it more like a windscreen view?) because I couldn't feel the car angles at all. Mine looks usually something like this, depends on car of course because they have so different kind of cockpits.
Attached images

Richard Burns Rally
(1110 posts, started )