The online racing simulator
Well put, spankmeyer, exactly my feelings

I think the sound is fine, it gives a good immersion, tells you when the wheels are locked up, and I was mighty surprised when I first lost a door. The engine note changed immediately and I heard the sound much louder from the side the door was missing.

On cameras I can't say much. Tbh, I don't remember if I have installed any modifications in that regard, but I'm happy with the default in-car view which is somewhat similar to LFS anyways

Force feedback is a mixed bag of feelings, too. I think it has less nuances and precision than LFS, but I also recall doing some modifications to it, so that the aligning force has more dominance, I think. I'm already happy that I can let the wheel off and it automatically countersteers for me. The reactions to the ground seem reasonable to me.

Also I don't look at the speedo, ever. It's all about the gear. What helps greatly is to memorize what gear is associated with the pacenote. Also don't take them literally, because a "fast" corner doesn't mean it's actually that fast, compared to the speed you were driving a split second ago. Like already mentioned, the pacenotes sometimes don't really fit. Just take them as a general hint of what is to come, and drive carefully. Personally, if I hear anything lower or equal to "medium" corner, my alarm bells start ringing. Also "tightens" doesn't mean the corner stays in the same "range" either, so take that warning seriously.
#227 - Don
Quote from NetDemon01 :Any chance of getting that in english? Or atleast letting me know what language it is so I can try a translator. All this online talk is making me want to reinstall RBR, especially now that I have the harddrive space for it.

EDIT:: Ok I got the plugin installed. What do I enter for the username? I know 'lfs' is the password as you stated. I tried liveforspeed international for the username but that didn't work. :-/

oh, the page was linking to english translation earlier, now its czech
well just click the brittish flag at topright corner. And you have to register on that site to be able to join tournaments (and that is the username)
Quote from tristancliffe :The auto-reset with the crappy animated 'helpers' sometimes works automatically, and sometimes doesn't, so you don't know whether to reach over and press esc.

Well, if you drive in the crowds on media people, you'll get reset magically. If you flip over, it's all up to you - at least for me. And I rather like the "crappy animated helpers". At least there's a well deserved penalty for resetting in RBR.

Quote from tristancliffe :The lack of feedback (both force and aural) means it's very very hard to tell if you've locked a wheel or two.

Well, at least on gravel it is possible to hear if you've locked up a wheel, it's a slightly different sound. Plus, locked up wheels drop your revs rather drastically, so it should be noticable
Quote from herki :Well, if you drive in the crowds on media people, you'll get reset magically. If you flip over, it's all up to you - at least for me. And I rather like the "crappy animated helpers". At least there's a well deserved penalty for resetting in RBR.

Yes and no. If you drive the rally season with hardest difficulty, hitting a bystander ends your race instantly, DNF, no auto-reset.
Which means if I played on hardest difficulty, my race would be over in... about 3 minutes...
Just a note: I'm playing patched RBR without any mods, no steering thingy fix, no ini-modification. The only thing I did was set up my controls (i.e. right pedal to thottle, etc., didn't change any mappings or something goofy like that).
There's absolutely no need to spend hours to set up RBR. It works right out of the box.
(After all, this game was also released for consoles, where .ini-editing isn't possible at all.)

And when you can't feel a wheel locking up in RBR - - I can't help you.

Tristan if you can't hear a wheel locking then your deaf, as i hate the LOUD wheel locking noise!
Tristan, you're just too much of an LFS Fanboy :P

No, seriously, Jakg and spankmeyer are exactly right - if you can't hear the wheels locking, you have a serious problem with your hearing. There is no sim like RBR that has kept me interested and playing for this long. From the beta until now, with all the mods, I'm still totally addicted to RBR. Fantastic.
I'll keep trying. I don't it's entirely fair that some of you rate my driving or my hearing, especially when I'm quicker than you in LFS Especially you James, I don't think I've ever seen you do one clean lap, so how you can rate a driving game/sim is beyond me.

I'll another blast tonight and see what I can up with. Keep those tips and stuff coming, because I'm sure one day it'll work.

If my FFB is on (and it works in LFS), turned on in RBR etc, what possible reasons could it be for no feedback (I get a bit of resistance, it's not floppy, but it doesn't move in relation to the grip/bumps etc like it should). Is there an ini file or something I can tweak?
Well, be sure to apply the steering lag fix, otherwise it should work fine from the beginning. I think somewhere in the options you can also click "Test Force Feedback" or something. Anyways, the FF should be way more then "a bit of resistance"
The test works (turns left when it say it should etc). And I've done the lag fix (which has really helped my driving, though it's still limited by me). But I don't get any noticable FFB

I can see an RSC search coming on tonight...
Quote from tristancliffe :I'll keep trying. I don't it's entirely fair that some of you rate my driving or my hearing, especially when I'm quicker than you in LFS

ill make a recording just for you to hear that noise you ol' Deaf man
#238 - Don
I've started to play RBR more lately after reading this thread, but it seems i'm having graphical issues.


I know its to do with graphics, but why is this happening? im running a x800xl. i play other games such as DOD:S CS:S BF2 etc.. and never experience this? or any problems at all in fact.
#240 - Don
i have the same and i think it happends only on ATI and it has something to do with AF - try to turn off/on the AF and see if it still happends
Thanks Don ill give it a try, my AF was on 8x
@Anyone who gets bored of RBR: try changing the value of gravity in physics.lsp, good fun doing Mineshaft with low gravity and some of the twisty stuff with extra high =)
Quote from Stealthy04 :I've started to play RBR more lately after reading this thread, but it seems i'm having graphical issues.

As Don said, you have to disable AA/AF for RBR. But it happens on all cards, not just ATi.
Quote from AndroidXP :As Don said, you have to disable AA/AF for RBR. But it happens on all cards, not just ATi.

not for me, i thought (ah, it might have been wierd and not done it though) i had enabled full AA/AF in the drivers of my nVidia Card
Quote from Don :i have the same and i think it happends only on ATI and it has something to do with AF - try to turn off/on the AF and see if it still happends

I think that effect is actually not to do with AA/AF, I had this effect with RBR originally but updating my graphics card drivers cured it.
Quote from Stealthy04 :I've started to play RBR more lately after reading this thread, but it seems i'm having graphical issues.


I know its to do with graphics, but why is this happening? im running a x800xl. i play other games such as DOD:S CS:S BF2 etc.. and never experience this? or any problems at all in fact.

The 1.02 patch has a Q&A about this in it's readme:
Q: Black mipmap lines appear in the road.
A: The black lines appearing on the road is caused by the users forcing the driver to use AF (Anisotrophic Filtering) and/or FSAA (Fullscreen Anti Alias). By default it is set to be application controlled, which the game works fine with. This can have other graphical side effects, such as poor looking fonts and 2D graphics, because if you force to use these techniques they are applied to everything that is rendered instead of the application selecting where to use it. Also it does degrade the performance.

Quote from Don :well just click the brittish flag at topright corner.

Hah, I didn't even see the british flag before. That helps a lot
Quote from tristancliffe :I'll keep trying. I don't it's entirely fair that some of you rate my driving or my hearing, especially when I'm quicker than you in LFS Especially you James, I don't think I've ever seen you do one clean lap, so how you can rate a driving game/sim is beyond me.

This isn't LFS. And your memory obviously isn't very good. Yes I may not be good in LFS, but that's irrelevant in the context of this discussion anyway.
Quote from mrfell :

I don't know if you've seen this, it could cure your FFB problems.

It is an option yes, but the effect is marginal and it doesn't change the FFb in the way I suspect he wants. I played around with it today, tried 15 to 200 and other values in between. None of them made the divots, bumps and other things any more "sharper" or noticeable.

But don't be dissuaded, have a go at changing that value.
Quote from AndroidXP :Well, be sure to apply the steering lag fix, otherwise it should work fine from the beginning. I think somewhere in the options you can also click "Test Force Feedback" or something. Anyways, the FF should be way more then "a bit of resistance"

Argh, stop giving links to that thread. Yes that is the original thread where the steering lag issue was discussed & solved but do you see simple step-by-step quick fixing instructions in that thread? Nope, actually I bet you don't understand a thing what he's saying in that opening post. So I don't know how many times I've already given this link but once again: STEERING LAG FIX

Quote from tristancliffe :The steering lag fix is a lot better. Still not sure on the handling, even after downloading a default setup pack (not worked out where to put 'personal' setups yet though), but it might just be setups.

What setup pack? Some setup packs in might include some modified physics... so be careful before you screw it up. Personal setups are in the RBR\SavedGames folder, named after car slots which is pretty confusing system.

Quote :CamHack is almost impossible to work. But camhack is just needlessly complicated.


Quote :The force-feedback is almost nothing.

I still don't understand. Something is wrong. "Nothing"?! Completely nothing or did you just over-exaggerate?

What kind of FF settings you're using in the Profiler/control panel? I might have forgotten to say this but it's confimed by the RBR physics coder (Eero Piitulainen, the same guy that makes Driver's Rebublic currently) that RBR uses only Overall and Spring Effects. So only Damper Effects should be 0%. I've noticed that it feels the best when you have e.g. Overall 100% and Springs 50% or lower. I'd guess that you had Springs put to 0%...? Otherwise I don't have a clue why you're not getting good FF feel from RBR. Did you know that it's using similar steering column torque system than LFS, netKar Poo and DR. There are no canned effects.

Quote :If you stall and want to restart, you HAVE to go to neutral, and the starter button doesn't seem to work. You have to lift the throttle and press it again to 'automatically' start.

And in LFS you can't even accidentaly stall your car! What a crappy game.

To all your other completely nonsense points I don't even care to answer. Just feels you have somehow decided "I can't like RBR because LFS is still the best" or something.

Quote from spankmeyer :RBR was designed on consoles and you can tell: The horrible menus and a lot of settings were defaulted very strangely for the thumbstick game pads in mind.

RBR was released first for consoles but I think that is still wrong assumption. I'm sure the devs wanted to make only for PC but the publisher wanted it to be "Colin McRae Rally". Did you know that publisher refused to release it before the devs added those driving helps and difficulty levels as a compromise. And they actually added more grip on gravel for the PC version.

Richard Burns Rally
(1110 posts, started )