The online racing simulator
#1 - Vain
Richard Burns Rally
I just asked the search-option and didn't find a nice thread about this game, so here it is.

I recently played a lot of RBR. Always doing one track once and then jumping to the other side of the globe, just so I don't remember the tracks. And still, it's hard to find a track where I don't look at a corner and think "Hey, wait, I have driven that before, it's not a fast right like the copilot says, I have to be more careful!" (* I have german texts, so I have no clue wether the english copilot also says "fast", but very propably he does).
Also I find the available cars a bit strange. Is it just me or is the Subaru "the best car" (c)? (* the version you get in the first minute of the game)
I find that all other cars either have worse specs or a worse setup or both. I tinkered around with the Evo VII and got it to be fun, challanging and fast, but I could just drive the Subaru and be some seconds faster.

A google querry didn't bring up anything beside the official website and game-reviews, so I guess there are no fanpages for this game and no fan-material. That is very sad, I'd really like some (well, actually a lot) more tracks.
Does anyone know how (commercially) successful this game was? And wether there are any other games in that direction that are either already released or under development?

Oh, and if you want to suggest me changes in the options, I drive like this:
Minimal speedo-thingie (I'd really like a cockpit view...), no visual speed-marks (only copilot-voice), lowest corner-stack, usually the Evo VII, I use my FFBshifter as a handbrake (I made a new forces-file for the handbrake, pretty simple) and shift with the sequential shifter on my MOMO Racing. Most tracks are WRed by me, though I really dislike the french tracks, where I'm usually 10-30 secs behind the WR.
On another sidenote, I found that I'm usually faster when I keep the car as straight as possible. The tutorial showed me a lot about sliding, and I liked that very much, but all I do is faint drifting, so to speak a skandinavian flick light and a bit of power-oversteering. I only use the handbrake in some 1st or 2nd gear-turns...

Quote from Vain :
A google querry didn't bring up anything beside the official website and game-reviews, so I guess there are no fanpages for this game and no fan-material. That is very sad, I'd really like some (well, actually a lot) more tracks.

german fanpage:

Alot of mods and addon cars and other downloads:

RSC forum:

That should keep you occupied for a while

Afaik there won't be a sequel, because the devs are now part of a studio which develops a strange console handheld thingy.
And obviously there won't be a sequel under that name

RBR is the best rally sim out there (even one of the best sims ever), so there are no real alternatives.
It is a cool game indeed, the only other sim I enjoy. Rarely get to play it though (or LFS for that matter).

But don't the replays look so good!
Funny, I thought few days ago that I should make a RBR thread. I've played RBR a lot in last few months. And I'll think I'll continue playing it until LFS gets patched. Even RBR has more grip on gravel than LFS on tarmac.

The Blackhole Motorsports is ultimate place for RBR mods. The RBR forum there is also more active than RSCnet's.

There are lots of new cars, the installing maybe a little hard for the first time but it's basicly just replacing files. Try for example the Subaru Impreza 2006 which was just released. I really suggest you to install mods, the original car textures and models looks just so crappy (good though that the devs concentrated on the physics instead of car textures). There are no complete total conversasion mods yet, though Season 2002 mod should be released before the summer and Group B Mod is under developement too.

Don't except new tracks anytime soon, though some modders have had some experiments with making them... But for example the RBR-Online utility includes "new tracks", that are the same stages but with new surfaces and textures (like France -> "snowy Monte Carlo" etc).

Check my post here where I've collected some "must have" mods: ... p=2900044&postcount=2

There are also multiplayer utilities:

And also I suggest to make a so called "steering lag fix" (do it even if you don't seem to notice "lag"): ... 787f10351e5063f3a26bb938c

happy rallying
#5 - Vain
Well, those mods didn't really look that good. 95% of them look like quick hacks.
But I'll take a look at the input-filters after I finished my current season.

Those were just some programs that are very useful (like the Camera Hack), well not really mods... there are so many new cars that I just didn't care list to them in that post.

But here you go:

Subaru Imperaza 2006:

Toyota Celica ST-205 GT-4:

Ford Focus RS 04/05:
(plus better livery

Fabia WRC 2005:
(plus Red Bull livery:

Renault Clio S1600:

Peugeot 307:
(plus updated livery:, there are also this season's OMV team liveries but those are crap quality)

Citroen Xsara 2005:
(plus Kronos team livery:

There are lots of good but also crap skins/models/cars, but these are guaranteed quality. And everyone of these new cars also includes new physics, so it's not just brand spanking new models. But unfortunately every car replaces some other original car, so you can't have 50 cars at the same.

Some teasers.
Attached images
I bought the game some time ago and so far it has been nothing more than a disappointment. The steering lag is there althought the 1.01 patch helped some. In higher speeds it is undrivable. Also the game doesn't even work correctly on my comp. Only way to quit a stage is control-alt-del. Pressing esc does nothing, I have been sitting on my roof for minutes and the only way to get back on road is to restart RBR. Reinstalls haven't helped. There are no mods installed except the finnish co-driver sounds which I installed few mins ago.

The only good thing was that it did cost only 10 euros.

EDIT: forgot to mention that my pedals work on/off and the game looks ugly
Quote from Hyperactive :EDIT: forgot to mention that my pedals work on/off and the game looks ugly

No it doesn't look ugly (except the default/original car models/skins). But your computer sucks.

But seriously that's weird. Never heard about that ESC/quitting problem. Have you installed patch 1.02 too? Have you done that steering lag fix here? What non-FF wheel you were using? Are you sure RBR supports it? Anyhow, the problem is your wheel.


And there was some talk about what happened to RBR devs... RBR obviously didn't sell too well (thanks Colin McRae Anti-Rally fans!) and portable console company Gizmondo bought Warthog dev team. Couple of months ago Gizmondo company made a concrupt. And because Richard Burns died last year I think it's more likely to win a jackpot in a lottery than to see a RBR sequel...

The ex-Warthog devs were doing RBR for the portable console: ... ns_rally/screenshots.html
(when I first time saw those screenshots I almost wanted to cry)
Quote from Hyperactive :I bought the game some time ago and so far it has been nothing more than a disappointment. The steering lag is there althought the 1.01 patch helped some. In higher speeds it is undrivable. Also the game doesn't even work correctly on my comp. Only way to quit a stage is control-alt-del. Pressing esc does nothing, I have been sitting on my roof for minutes and the only way to get back on road is to restart RBR. Reinstalls haven't helped. There are no mods installed except the finnish co-driver sounds which I installed few mins ago.

The only good thing was that it did cost only 10 euros.

EDIT: forgot to mention that my pedals work on/off and the game looks ugly

but that's obviously a problem with your computer, you can't blame RBR for that.
There's a setting in therichard Burns physics.lsp called MaxFFTorque, set that to 90 and the Force Feedback is transformed.
#12 - Vain
What I have in mind doesn't have to be called "RBR2" but "<Place name for any realistic rally sim here>". But well, as I said before, I just want more stages. And because they propably won't release any more for RBR I guess I have to buy a new game to get new stages.

Is there any application I have to have installed for the main menu? Cause my computer crashes every time I get to the main menu, but every other game works perfectly fine...
#14 - Vain
Try disabling all driver-enforced-gfx-effects (AA, AF, and all those other fancy things), update RBR to 1.02 and update your graphics driver. Oh, and try to find some more evidence on that error .

Quote from deggis :No it doesn't look ugly (except the default/original car models/skins). But your computer sucks.

Quote from deggis :But seriously that's weird. Never heard about that ESC/quitting problem. Have you installed patch 1.02 too? Have you done that steering lag fix here? What non-FF wheel you were using? Are you sure RBR supports it? Anyhow, the problem is your wheel.

I'll try those tweaks with a fresh install soon. Some I have already tried, some not.

Btw. My computer > you computer.


PS: my wheel is the MS sidewinder precision racing wheel. I have dropped it from a height of 2 metres to floor, left in a car with -30degrees celsius over night and it's still 100% running. I bet only thing that can destroy it are cryptonite and temperatures above 2000 celsius. I bet my grand children will be driving it after 40 or 50 years.

EDIT: typos, a lotto'f'em
EDIT2: I just removed RBR from my harddrive and can't find the installation cd. Anyone got any suggestions where to look for it?
Quote from Vain :Try disabling all driver-enforced-gfx-effects (AA, AF, and all those other fancy things),

Never had any on, I use RadLinker to just switch AA and AF on when starting LfS...
Quote from Vain :update RBR to 1.02 and

Quote from Vain :update your graphics driver.

Done too...
Quote from Vain :Oh, and try to find some more evidence on that error .


Hmm... It plays the intro and then, when I have to put a name in for creating a profile, it works for maybe 1 second and freezes... The whole f*cking computer... Only thing I can do to get it working again is to hit the reset button...
Hmm weird, I had the same problem with the demo. Once I updated my graphics drivers and installed the full version it worked fine. Maybe it's just the drivers :S
#18 - Vain
You might want to take a look at the file "CRASHDUMP.txt" in the RBR-folder. There it should have written something about what was the evil thing that killed it.

Rsrbr 2
Quote from Vain :What I have in mind doesn't have to be called "RBR2" but "<Place name for any realistic rally sim here>". But well, as I said before, I just want more stages. And because they propably won't release any more for RBR I guess I have to buy a new game to get new stages.

Just install some new mod cars and it will feel like a new game for a while. As I said, there are no new stages except the different surface texture (mostly tarmac and snow) versions of the same original stages. It will take some time before we see Ouninpohja or Col De Turini... I have also a bad feeling about that we will be playing RBR for the next 10 years. Haven't seen any news about any upcoming rally sims. And the next rallysim title won't be Sony's WRC 06 or neither Colin McRae Anti-Rally 2006.

Quote from Hyperactive :PS: my wheel is the MS sidewinder precision racing wheel. I have dropped it from a height of 2 metres to floor, left in a car with -30degrees celsius over night and it's still 100% running. I bet only thing that can destroy it are cryptonite and temperatures above 2000 celsius. I bet my grand children will be driving it after 40 or 50 years.

lol Check RBR manual if there are any mentions about if non-FF wheels are even supported. Anyways it will be pretty hard to play RBR without FF... but I guess you have used to it if you can play LFS without FF.

Quote from chunkyracer :If we want something new for RBR, check out this site . It's in french but if you check this, you'll get some more information. I only bought RBR about three weeks ago and didn't had much time to play but this mod looks good...

That's basicly just a collection of new cars and other mods. I haven't tried it and I'm not going to try it, I don't bother installing mods that doesn't even have a proper website in english.

Quote from bbman :Hmm... It plays the intro and then, when I have to put a name in for creating a profile, it works for maybe 1 second and freezes... The whole f*cking computer... Only thing I can do to get it working again is to hit the reset button...

Just popped up to mind... do you try to start RBR with RichardBurnsRally_SSE.exe or NoSSE.exe ? Try both, some have had problems with this.
#21 - Vain
I have another comment on the game... Is it just me or are the WRs strangely chosen? Sometimes too fast, sometimes too slow. This is most obvious in australia to me. I like australia and can drive a pretty consistant pace through all stages, but while I smoke the WR in East-West while talking with my girlfriend I consider the worldrecord on Mineshaft "failed suicide".

By the way I had a bad day in RBR today. Finished a pro-season with only 50 points, because in the second last stage of france I accidentaly used my own gravel-setup and destroyed my car by turn 5 before I even realized what was wrong with the car... Elsewise it'd have been a 60 points season .

WR as world records? You mean those records in the game (named "Stage Record")? Those are just Richard Burns' real records.

Here's one good record site (default cars & physics):
I just did the stuff deggis told me to do and the game got better. There is still steering lag but it is almost non-existent. Me thanks

Btw. that "esc not working" was because the the game had set the pause and the esc buttons to same button :doh:

Me now happy and install finnish pace notes to RBR!
Quote from Hyperactive :Btw. that "esc not working" was because the the game had set the pause and the esc buttons to same button :doh:


Quote :Me now happy and install finnish pace notes to RBR!

Nuoko sulla oli aiemminkin asennettu? Tuollahan on toisetkin suominuotit, mutta nuo on parhaat. Oon testannut kumpaakin.
*pitää nyt katella, että oppii ajamaan nuottien mukaan. Menee tällä hetkellä aika arvaamalla nuo mutkat Niin, ja tällä hetkellä on ne toiset nuotit käytössä...*

Sorry for speaking the "language of fast people"

Now I need to learn how to "install" car setups lol

Richard Burns Rally
(1110 posts, started )