The online racing simulator
Thanks I'll try.

MAGGOT to feel it you must to drive at manual transmission.
I've always used manual transmission in RBR
Can you tell me wich Logitech driver you use for the Wheel. Mine is v5.10.127 for Windows 7x64.
It's not showing up in my devices list (possibly because it's not plugged in) but I can't remember actually installing any drivers for it, tbh. The windows settings do more than enough for me, I don't need the bloat of the logitech profiler.

I might be mistaken, but I don't think I have any installed.
Strangely, I have not tried without driver of Logitech. And will try this option.
I think you need the Logitech driver to make it work properly, but you can disable the profiler from starting at least and use the Windows game controllers thing to adjust settings.

Blackholemotorsports haven't been around for quite of a long time now. Shame, it hosted much nice files for RBR, tho I think you can still find most of them around somewhere.

The gas pedal problem, I dunno but maybe you should check out the filters and other stuff inside RBR's options. And remember to set both axis and digital since they both matter.
how do i fix the game looking stretched on my 1080p 23.6 inch monitor?
Edit these lines in the Richardburnsrally.ini:

XRes = 1680
YRes = 1050

(or whatever res you use)

To adjust the FOV, download the camera hack from Racer_S - ... ion=category&cat_id=7

Create a batch file as follows:

start CamHack.exe
start RichardBurnsRally_SSE.exe

The CamHack.exe must use the SSE executable.
Run this batch file to load the camera hack and start the exe.
There's a specific setting change you need to make in the CamHack files, too (the program needs to be run once, first, I think) but I don't recall off the top of my head what it is. It is resolution dependant, though, so the specific value you enter depends on your screen resolution.

[EDIT] French Instructions:

Running it through an online translator should suffice for getting the idea across.
i don't use camhack. centre bonnet cam. send er straight sidways sir!!
I use the hood cam too, but CamHack fixes the horizontally stretched image which drastically changes the experience.

As an aside; if you're running a widescreen resolution, you'll have to fix the HUD positioning. I haven't done this myself, as I'm using the GranTurismo Gauges addon available from the same site as CamHack
#937 - Don
Someone *really* needs to make a metallic seq shifter that feels properly mechanical and can take a bit of a thrashing, it looks like the driver is fondling the stick.

Nice driving though.
Pringles.. you mean to tell me you don't like to gently fondle your stick?

Strange man you are.
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Someone *really* needs to make a metallic seq shifter that feels properly mechanical and can take a bit of a thrashing, it looks like the driver is fondling the stick.

Nice driving though.

Nice driving indeed.

I have my G25 setup with paddles for shifting and pulling back on the stick for the handbrake. I love it... it's just too bad I'm now not proper in my controls as the 2011 cars are back to sequential :S
has anyone got the RBRSR 2011 mod installed? tiz very good. Franky and i were doing some S2000 races last night. there's one aspect of this game that's very similar to LFS. after only 2 stages i kept asking myself why i ever stopped playing this game.
Just downloading RBRSR just now, never bothered to mod the game but I fancy installing it again and might aswell get up to date cars.
the install is a pain. a few tips.
do not install RBR on your windows hdd (anything other than C: ). also, do not install it into the program files (X86). just the old program files is the trick.
there is no cars in the mod itself. you then need to download the car packs (i think there 6 or 7 of them).
then you need to install patch 3 and 5 lol.
once that's done, you should be good to go.
this is my edited config file to get a higher resolution(RichardBurnsRally config file):

Depth = 32
ForceFeedback = true
Fullscreen = true
MinDepthBits = 24
MinStencilBits = 8
ParticleQuality = low
RenderCarShadow = true
RenderQuality = high
RunIntro = false
RunStartup = false
Sound = true
UseCubicEnvironmentMaps = true
UseEAX = false
UseSoftwareAudio = false
UseTripleScreenBuffers = false
WaitRetrace = false
XRes = 1680
YRes = 1050

i've also added the savegame folder for you to put into your main install directory. this will save you from making the cheat profile to open all the stages.
Attached files - 61.5 KB - 343 views
Thanks Dadge, that makes it quite a bit easier. I'm following the install guide and downloaded the full car park, as it's only 700MB.
after installing the mod, my RBR folder is now nearly 18GB lol.
Just got a quick couple of questions, just about to install all the RBRSR stuff, but I've downloaded the 1.02 patch for RBR, installed RBR to C:/RBR, but how do I get the patch to install in that directory?

Also, my pedals are reversed when I set up the controls, any way to change this?

Every website I've tried has been in French
the BRB i have was already patched to the most recent. also, the RBRSR mod will not work properly if it's on the same drive as your operating system. the pedal thing i'm not sure about. i was able to assign all three pedals with no problems. try assigning your brake first and delete the assignment for brake/reverse.
i'm using a G27 if that could be a problem for you.

EDIT: RBR the game should be on a different drive. mine is on "F:\Program Files\SCi Games\Richard Burns Rally\ and it works flawlessly.

Richard Burns Rally
(1110 posts, started )