The online racing simulator
I love the changes to the actual track, looks more realistic curb and layout wise and there's some fun new corners. Those new graphics are beautiful.
Fantastic update guys, looking extremely promising!

@Scawen would you be so kind as to provide some layout imagery as you did when I requested it for South City please? (
Quote from tankslacno :I'm also curious about the purpose of those chalk curves you can see on Oval when looking at oval turns 1 and 2. You can clearly see them when zooming picture #18 Smile

I think it's chicanes which may be used in some new alternate configs Uhmm
Damn. Na-na
really great job, cant w8 for some testing Na-naNa-naNa-na
Quote from Flame CZE :I think it's chicanes which may be used in some new alternate configs Uhmm

Daytona Road Course came immediately to my mind with the possibility of oval section being slower by use of chicanes.

Eric, please tell me that if there actually will be an alternative configuration, where that oval section uses those chalk curves as chicanes to slow down drivers, you will give that track configuration a following name:


We waited for the New Year's gift to try the new version, but the screenshot will satisfy us, thank you developers.
Liked this idea of "retro" version! hope sooner than later Smile thx!
Quote from Degats :

Well that has just upped my appetite.
Hope it's out in a reasonable timeframe! Smile
Quote from tankslacno :Daytona Road Course came immediately to my mind with the possibility of oval section being slower by use of chicanes.

Also F1 Indy, a chicane a bit like that was one of the proposals to stop Michelin tyres falling apart, though it's in the wrong place
#37 - D4NO
Awesome! Will it be possible to keep old kyoto in game aswell?
How on earth did i miss this? We love you scavier!
#39 - uf1
AAAA god thx AA
This is great I can’t wait to try it out. Thank you!