UK sites for G25
Im tempted to get this like, but im saving up for a car.

I have the DFP anyway, so I'm happy .
Who's gonna make the DFP to G25 jump?
I'm very tempted, not because I like having the latest toys (although i do) but mainly cos of the shifter, and the 3rd pedal and the general quality over all....

But £200ish is a lot! Guess it depends how much I can get for my DFP, they'll be all over ebay i'm betting
in switzerland you can get the g25 already for 110£
dont ask me why they are so cheap here
but im sure if you search a bit more you will find a better price also
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I've got a H-shifter which i basically never use, i've also got a second wheel / pedals for clutch which i basically never use. At first i thought i'd go for the g25 right away but i think i'll properly wear out the DFP first.
I'll most likely get one even though I only got my DFP a few months ago. At £110 I'd get one right now . Even at £200-ish it seems a somewhat reasonable price for the immersion you'd get. If it's a tradeoff between competitiveness and immersion, the latter always wins for me.

edit: I did find this the other day,
Quote from troy : ... 209456&sessionID=1200
but they dont ship/send outside of switzerland (the price is in swiss franks)

Quote from troy :in switzerland you can get the g25 already for 110£
dont ask me why they are so cheap here

I checked your link and my Bank tells me:
264.05 Swiss franc = 167.056 Euro not 110.

and google means:
264,05 Swiss franc = 166,920941 Euro

Edit: I didn't read it properly you wrote £ not € ;-)
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :He said £110, not euros.

Your right. Sorry for mixing £ and €.
Think I should reduce my screen resolution
buying in oct
It is probably cheaper in Switzerland because Logitech is a Swiss company and based there
I will get one I am sure. Because a Clutch + H-Shifter is a Dream I have since I have a Wheel (before the Dream was a Wheel when we had those Digital Joysticks on the C64 but you never get satisfied. I am sure the next Dream is a Force Dynamics LOL).

But I won´t preorder. When it´s there I will get one... maybe when I read one or 2 Reviews in some Forums. Just in case it´s crap but I don´t think so.
i am gonna go from DFP to G25
I will go from Black Momo to G25. Although 540 degrees should be enough for any man!
Going from DFP to G25.... already put my preorder in at NCIX for $240-ish CAD

I bet you I'm gonna take the pedals apart the first week and mount them to the floor or something. They look insanely sturdy.
Black MOMO to G25... though haven't pre-ordered it yet. Don't know when I'm gonna buy it but I will right after my wallet stops giving me a middle finger.
On noticing that Geekseek's website had an actual release date posted on it, I went looking at other distributors (in the US), such as Amazon and the like. A shame, none of them have a release date . And the logitech website just says 'october' (which, actually, geekseek says its really late september. Global? European? Or are the distributors mis-informed?).

I really hope its the beginning of october (or end of september!) that it's released, rather than sometime mid- to late-Oeptember. I've been wheelless too long. I'd probably also end up buying both the wheel and my license at the same time, hehe. Spend the days while I'm waiting for my wheel to arrive... Well, wishing my wheel was here. Me and my mouse don't agree so-far as racing is concerned.

Maybe I'll use the time to perfectly setup my wheel so its comfortable, natural, and situated in a custom built desk . Hrm... My uncle does carpentry...
I will just wear out my DFP first, and by the time its nackered,
Logitech will have released a new version of G25 with MORE buttons on the wheel.

I think it depends on a couple of things whether I will or not, and when if I do. I'm not going to pre-order it because it's £160 for something that could well prove not to be worth it judging by what I've read on the H-shifter and the amount of buttons and their placement. Also, even if it turns out to be "all good" I'm not going to buy it if the post-release prices skyrocket, as it's limited edition.

If it lives up to my expectations and stays around the original release price or lower, I might indeed get it. Still, I feel I'm wasting a perfectly good MOMO Racing Force because apart from the occasional DXTweak2 to neutralise any pedal spikes and a broken shifter part there is nothing wrong with it.
Quote from bo-kristiansen :I will just wear out my DFP first, and by the time its nackered,
Logitech will have released a new version of G25 with MORE buttons on the wheel.

They won't be making a wheel for a long time after the G25 is out of stock.... (true)
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I can't find any figures, but I found a reference to the "limitedness" in an RSC thread:

Quote from JonP01 :Most likely scenario is that in three years time it will either no longer be available or if it is, it will still be premium priced (albeit maybe reduced)

So I think even if that's a hyperbole, it will be available new in retail shops a year after the launch.
Quote from Goo aka " :
"Limited edition" does not mean 100 or 1000 or 5000 units. There will be a specific, unannounced (as yet) number manufactured, but I guarantee that everyone here who wants one will be able to get one if they try to.

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Can the G25 be purchased in the UK yet, regardless of price?

I already have a Act Labs shifter + 3 pedal set, and modified DFP with real car wheel, but would like my shift paddles back. Wouldn't mind a quieter shifter as well. As much as I hate to say it the Logi pedals look a bit better as well.

Wonder if the shifter will be any good or not..apparently the ones they had a few months ago felt pretty sloppy.