@Alan Dove
The sim of choise is choise by feeling. I bet most of the simmers choose their sim by the feeling and predictions they have and not by mathematical models or slip curve graphs. These come later
For me there are only 2 and half sims that give me the needed information to drive the car and these are LFS and GPL. (Nk was nice but I expect an update before I touch it again). I have never understood how people can drive ISI sims like GTR1&2, rF, GTL (no pun intended) because the feeling is so obscure, unreal and distant for me . When driving any of those I don't get the feeling of driving a car, a race car, I don't get any feeling what the car is going to do. And when I look at the replay to see what caused that snap spin, or why can't I correct slides after certain angles, it just looks so fake

Therefore saying stuff like rF gives better feeling sound very off to me. Totally crazy if you don't mind
And it doesn't make me like ISI sims any more (or dislike any less) when the most I hear about them is that they are way off on some areas. LFS is on the mark on important stuff, the feeling is great. LFS and GPL, my choises. There is, however, nothing wrong if you happen to like something else.
LFS is not about the looks, it's about the what's between the ears
EDIT: GTR2 was little better but still the feeling was lacking imho