The online racing simulator
Look at the car in 4th place, it's sideways (before the race is even started) i've noticed this a few times
Attached files
sideways.mpr - 374.5 KB - 363 views
I can't see it, but maybe he pressed reset, that will spin you around.
Cleaned up
I've done some cleaning up, to keep the thread manageable as a reference for me on the way to U31.
I moved repeated / off topic / inconclusive / already processed posts to the special cleanup thread as usual.

I've added these to the Known Issues section in the first post :

Force feedback stays on for one second when it is supposed to be switched off
If you assign arrow keys to keyboard steer, they do not work on pit instructions in wheel mode
Sometimes when you press ALT+TAB you see an unecessary FF error message DIERR_HANDLEEXISTS
Quote from detail :Updated translation and found that LFS reports some strings to exceed the limit by 1 character.

(I guess this is true for all *-cylinder strings)

I can't reproduce this. I've downloaded the latest Russian file and selected it in LFS, but I don't get any error messages.
It seems that those lines can be up to 15 characters long and yours are all shorter than that.
A bug I've seen in the recent test patches:
At race starts, all cars appears to lag at the moment the lights become green. Remember a similar thing beeing fixed in an earlier testpatch (where every car got the lag message). I'll see if I can save a replay of this later today.

Bug 2:
Minor annoyance, sometimes when "Restart 3.. 2.. 1.." message appears the FPS drops heavily (from 80+ to ~5), making the sound "crack" (for the massive drop in FPS is my guess & the update between frames is so high), only seen this happen while driving around the track, and not while beeing parked along side it.

btw, ...

Patch U30
Related to my earyler post but this time not in shift U mode.

When in car spectating another car after race finish (tab key) race started and I was still spectating other car (view didnt home) took me a few secs to realise and hit the home key, by that time I was in grass

Tomylee : ISP's do restrict some ports to relieve the P2P bandwith strain maybe this is prob

sgt flippy: Wireless will almost allways messup theres just too many things on the same freq ( run a patch cable for 100% stabitily)

Got this crash in patch U30
Attached images
I found another thing with the new patch. If you have FFB going when you disconnect from a server, it keeps doing FFB in that direction until you Tab out of LFS.
Quote from skstibi :I found another thing with the new patch. If you have FFB going when you disconnect from a server, it keeps doing FFB in that direction until you Tab out of LFS.

I had the same problem a few times now with the U30 patch. A bit annoying.
(filur) DELETED by filur : Scawen has already noted the force feedback issue.
Scawen has already noted the force feedback issue.
Not sure if this is just a problem I'm having, but it started ever since i installed U30. It doesn't happen very often but when it does it certainly lets me know.

Ill be driving along and the sound will make this horrible sheering/screeching noise, like you're using a power saw to cut through a lump of metal. The first time i heard it I nearly had a heart attack

I use headphones, so when it happens its very very loud and I usually get all paranoid that the aliens are here to beam me up or send me weird messages via LFS.:alien2:

And once this happens the sound will be gone completely, or it becomes really quite. If I hit SHIFT + W to reinitialize the sound nothing happens and it still continues, its like it does it when it wants too. It doesn't give me any warning signs or indications when its going to do it either!
I've had that happen before in 0.3 days but only when I was being crafty and getting out of the track boundaries, where the laws of physics seem to go crazy and some very interesting forces got applied to the tyres (could get the tyres stretched to about 3 times their original width).
This happens to me when Shitf+F4:

Tested with 1280*1024 and 1024*768 TFT. nVidia 6600GT and lastest drivers.
Attached images
I have a Leadtek PX 6600GT TDH Extreme and i tried to replicate the result above in 1280x1024 32bit, 60Hz refresh, v-sync ON, AF 4X, AA 8xS. It doesn't happen. Running with the last drivers (93.71) and Win Pro SP2. I also want to mention that the only video corruption i had was in the dashboard when i alt+tab, but that i gone..... since S2 i think. I hope this helps.
Quote from jarespeed :This happens to me when Shitf+F4:

Tested with 1280*1024 and 1024*768 TFT. nVidia 6600GT and lastest drivers.

maybe you want to try some texture related settings in your advanced driver's options ... what happens if you shift+f4 in the actual game, not in the menu?
try use old driver version 77.77
Quote from jarespeed :This happens to me when Shitf+F4:

Tested with 1280*1024 and 1024*768 TFT. nVidia 6600GT and lastest drivers.

Solved reinstalling drivers, thanks everybody.
(tomylee) DELETED by tomylee
(VoiD) DELETED by VoiD
Quote from ksa_land :Hi,

1. I have U30 installed and I recognized when I play a single player replay the replay doesn't loop. After replay it goes back to main menu. I haven't read that this is wanted (if yes I am very sorry).

I tested this and the replay does loop. Maybe you have an InSim program attached? If InSim is connected, the replay does not loop. This is to allow an InSim program to run a series of replays (for example if LFS is running at a show).
Quote from Scawen :I tested this and the replay does loop. Maybe you have an InSim program attached? If InSim is connected, the replay does not loop. This is to allow an InSim program to run a series of replays (for example if LFS is running at a show).

I think you're right Scawen. Tested it again and the replay loops normal.
Maybe I used the pit spotter-mod (InSim program, right?) although I was hotlapping.

So, sorry.


DEDI U30 bans.ban file not effective
I'm posting it in the patch forum rather than Bugs because I've only noticed this since installing the U30 DEDI.

In the past 3 days, I've noticed 2 lifetime banned/barricaded drivers on the STCC server. I've downloaded the bans.ban file directly from the server to see if the bans were present (or if I'd brain-farted and not added them) and their LFSnames are showing in the Ban Editor with current bans in place. I don't think the file has ceased to function entirely, because there are still requests for unbans. It just seems to be dropping the ball occasionally.

[edit] One of the lifetimers has (brackets) in his name but the other hasn't. Neither have spaces, so I don't think the problem is character-related.
Would it be possible to have the option to disable the effects of g-forces or have them seperately configurable for custom cameras?

The reason i ask this is that it's great when you are driving from the cockpit view, but if you want to use an on-board camera for replays or videos or wotnot, you don't want the camera shifting about relative to the chassis. If you have a t-cam view on a formula car with the default g-force settings you will find it clipping through the top of the chassis every now and then.

Obviously you could just drag the bars down to 0 whenever you go to an onboard camera, and change them back again for the cockpit view but it's quite a lot of hassle really. Also you can't do this while watching an mpr as the esc key quits the replay.

Sorry if this has been brought up before, i don't think it has and it seems to fit with the general theme of the changes and fixes currently being made to the sim.

Thanks, Josh
I bet that AndroidXP is right. Your laptimes shouldn't change at all. Just watch the replay with U and U30 and you should see the difference in speedometer within the same replay.
Just want to mention that you do not hear horns of other cars when you are in Chase cam. I figured this was relative to the test patches because of the sound system of "nearby cars".

(And the fact that I don't think it was ever like this before)
Quote from Bob Smith :Josh - this is not a thread for feature requests, however minor, unless they are relevant to a feature being worked on in the test patches

How is this not relevant to the features being worked on? Other things have been fixed which are very similar to what i have suggested and it would seem bizarre to leave it out. I don't think anyone else has brought it up anyway, and it seems like a significant shortcoming in the current menu system which is what is currently being worked on.

Quote from scawen :Here is a list of compatible requests already noted from the previous test patch threads. Please do not repeat these requests. Any requests made must be very close to the topic of this test patch! For off topic or incompatible requests, please use the improvement suggestions forum!

Multiple custom views per car
Separate FOV per custom view

It couldn't be much closer to the second suggestion on that list.
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