The online racing simulator
Im quite satisfied with the sound of the FOX and the street cars (don't know how else to call them). I especially like the damping of sounds from outside the car (in cars with a roof).

The GTRs, FO8 and BF1 still need lots of improvement IMO. I was especially shocked by the BF1 sound. From stinging bee to toothless tiger.

But clearly the sounds have been developed in the right direction!
Quote from axus :Shotglass/LFSn00b, can we have a recording? I can't see how you have all sounds EXCEPT the turbo sound if its a sound card thing. Perhaps the names of your soundcards would be helpful anyway to double-check that others with the same cards have/don't have the turbo sound. Its more likely a code bug.

its a realtek alc850 ... pretty crappy tbh and my speaker arrangement is as well turns out with headphones the turbo is (barely) audible but to me its nowhere near as good as bbt makes it sound
anyway heres a recording of the rac xrt and xrr

Quote from axus :Actually, I had the pleasure of hearing some of his more recent sound stuff and it was much less synthetic sounding.

i so want to hear that

Quote from Yaamboo :Just noticed, we seem to have a starter sound now too

which sounds rather off on the big gtrs tbh

edit: forgot the attachment ... how embarassing
Attached files
turbo.mp3 - 1.1 MB - 307 views
Wow. That's all I can say about the LX6. It sounds so good, like a proper car should sound! The FOX is a bit smooth IMO, it's a race car so I think it could do with being a bit harsher - although that might come with exhaust sounds.

Overall a good patch!

P.S. You went all auto-unzipper on us!

EDIT: I cannot hear the turbo sounds either. I'm using Windows XP Home SP2 with onboard sound.
I really hope the sounds can be modified before the release of patch V in the next few days. My thoughts on the sounds are found numerous times throughout this thread. Among others, the BF1 used to sound semi-realistic but now it's miles off what a 2006 F1 car should sound like. I know that it's easy to criticise someone's hard work and that you can't expect a new implementation to be perfect right out of the box, but I think everyone could at least agree that in parts the changes to the sound are a step back - even if the change in implementation in itself is a big step forward. I'm not the only one who thinks this isn't ready to be put in a public patch, I'm sure...
#205 - col
Hmmm - I don't like the new sound update... and I do...

The final end result doesn't make me feel as good when driving as the U30 sounds.

The sound seems more fluid - it seems more like a real organic sound, just not like the sound a car makes .
Here's a guitar analogy...
It's like a nylon strung acoustic when it should be a Strat through a cranked Marshall stack. The old sound was like a synth though a cranked Peavey Bandit... At least now it sounds like a guitar.

Something I've been wondering for a long time (years) is if Scawen could implement some sort of Digital waveguide for the individual cylinder sounds (or for the engine as a whole), and for the exhaust. This would soak up some cpu for sure, but wouldn't need to be of the same quality level as for alias free synthesisers and the like...
I think this (possibly along with some psychoacoustic distortion - to fool the brain into thinking the sound is louder - think aural exiters as used in TV advertising) could make a huge difference to the percieved quality of the sound.
Scawen, have you been here before ?
Would it be possible to use simplified or low-fi waveguides without using way to much CPU? maybe a few for the car 'in focus' and 1 per car for other cars within earshot ?

Quote from Bean0 :For me, the engine sound is a bit quiet when just idling. In some of the cars it's barely audible until 3k revs or so, even with the volume up to 10.0.

Yep, definatly too quiet. And it would be nice to have a bit of "unsteadyness" for the race-prepped engines in lower rpm-ranges.
And I love the sound of the straight-6 engine now
Quote from zurdospeed :Hi, what is this new "lfs_restart.exe" that came up after the upgrade?

bumpin this post cause id like to know wha its about aswell
Not a programmer, here, but my best guess is that it's an application which is launched on auto-update, to restart LFS with the new patch installed after a successful/clean exit of the main LFS.exe application
Some more sound analysis. This time taken under different conditions:
Car flipped to the roof, no wind, 7000 rpm. But I forgot to disengage the gear. The results are obvious enough anyway. I wrote the numbers of the firing cylinders and the names of the car.
Like a sine-wave, I told you. Interesting how especially the XRT felt dead boring to listen to. This is the reason why.

#210 - col
Quote from Vain :Some more sound analysis. This time taken under different conditions:
Car flipped to the roof, no wind, 7000 rpm. But I forgot to disengage the gear. The results are obvious enough anyway. I wrote the numbers of the firing cylinders and the names of the car.
Like a sine-wave, I told you. Interesting how especially the XRT felt dead boring to listen to. This is the reason why.


Not remotely like a sine wave - there is plenty of spectral content in there.
It would be interesing to see results of your comparisons after putting the wave files through a spectrum analyser - that would give a much more revealing picture of the frequency content.

Try your two car sound clips (and a sine wave just for fun :razz...
The XRG graph is like a 5th harmonic square wave, near identical.
Personally, I don't think the sound system is as simple to work with as some of you seem to think! It isn't a matter of assigning a few variables and voila! a perfect recreation of an engine. I'm sure it's largely experimental and that at this point there are limits to what can be acheived. Manipulating synthesizers to sound like real engines with character takes some doing.

I agree that a lot of the cars sound similar to each other and several of them sound worse, but this is an ongoing process and things are simply going to get better from here on out. I do wish the BF1 and FZ50 sounded closer to how they were, though, especially since I've been putting in several hours a day with the BF1 in the past two weeks or so .

At least the newest sounds help mask the synthesized sound a bit.
Just viewing some replays, and I wonder if the gear whine should be that loud outside? You can clearly hear the whine when the cars go by the camera, and it seems to cover the engine, well maybe because there is no exhaust but still, is that like it should be?

I feel bad to criticize Lord Scawen's work, don't you guys? Maybe his first bad patch (but still a leap forward)?
Quote from Blackout :I feel bad to criticize Lord Scawen's work, don't you guys? Maybe his first bad patch?

Yes!! No!! Umm.. maybe!?

Yes.. I know Scawen's slogged his butt off the last few weeks, which is why he's not been around very much.. so I feel kinda gutted for him, that the patch hasn't gone down as well as previous patches.

This is why I'm keen to keep a finger on the broader picture: that this is only the first deployment of the new extensible sound system; includes a new auto-updater; a bunch of other modifications; a collection of gratefully received fixes; and so far (touch wood) is pretty darn stable.

But yeah.. I feel bad!
New sound sounds like the old sound sent thru a lowpass filter with some added resonance, with gearbox whine on top, outside the filter. I only watched a replay of a full grid LX6 start and drove a few cars very briefly, but the overall impression is that everything is quieter, muffled, blurred, skid sounds way less audible, engine sounds of surrounding cars much quieter. I don't like the new sounds.
No one is pulling any punches, but in a real company making a game people would be just as candid, 90% of people here do nothing but say how great this game is compared to any other on the market.....the Devs get plaenty of compliments for making the greatest sim racer ever!...

As far as the FOX is concerned, I'm watching "Star Racer" today and the new FOX sounds almost the exact same as the mazda speed open wheel racer they race on that show, so it's not as bad as some people think.

I think this is what a patch forum is all about, lots of honest feedback = amazing final S2 and S3
Only hear any BOV on the GTRs and RAC The TBOs are probably more like stock that way, but not necessarily so (SRT-4?). I agree the FOX sounds really good now - but the engine on the FOX kind of sounds like I think I was expecting the sound on the XFI to sound. The default level of wind noise really needs to be increased though that's for sure.

I don't know... Probably needs a few days to sink into everyone's head. Sure does sound too muted though. I still think it's definitely going the right way but some things really need to be balanced / tweaked & fine tuned. Bleh.
-here is the problem with the sounds...

There is no control over the sound volume levels!! :wtf2:

All I hear is the engine droning on and on.. with no control over any of the sounds that make any difference at all.

How can you even tell if it sounds good or not? You can't hear anything but the engine!

The engine sound is ok but needs to be leveled out- there seems to be a huge volume peak on one tone.. what sounds like midrange- or mid-bass.. everything else is hardly even audible. This is with the engine sound all the way down and everything else all the way up.

Tested on RB4 GT and a few other tin tops..

What we NEED is an engine EQUALIZER... like in RBR, so we can dial in the perfect amount of bass, midrange, and treble for just the engine sound so we can tune it so it sounds good on our speakers, not just so it sounds good on the LFS devs speakers.

I have a Hercules Fortissimo III 7.1 with Sennhieser headphones and a 5.1 Creative PC speaker system. It doesn't sound like these sounds were tested on a system with a subwoofer, or tweeters for that matter.. Everything is midrange, no treble, no bass in the engine note. Sounds really bad as it is.

I can't even barely hear the gear wine, I can barely hear the skidding sounds, I cannot hear the wind noise, I cannot hear the turbo or blow-off valve or any of that. it is all drowned out by that huge mid bass peak in the engine "tone"..

We need a skid sound slider that can be pushed above the sound level of the engine note... as it is, that slider is useless.

We need a separate BOV sound slider.

We need a separate gear whine sound slider.

We need a separate turbo sound slider.

We need an engine sound equalizer..

We need these sliders to "stick" for each car so that when we get it tuned right, it stays that way. if we had all that, we could at least tune the sounds to sound as good as they can on our own personal soundcard/speaker/headphone setup.

Ok, separate but even more important bug/issue-

After hitting a wall with the RB4 GT, at Aston Nat. - the force feedback totally reverses and stays like that until you go back to the garage. There was no damage at all to the suspension, and as soon as I hit the wall (I was testing sounds), the FF reversed.
I tried again to see if I could duplicate it and the same thing happened every time. basically in a straight line the FF will pull the wheel to the opposite lock and hold it there.. If you let go of the wheel you will just go in circles with the FF pulling the wheel to the left or right, instead of centering the wheel.

Using Driving force Pro, latest drivers. 70% overall force in DFP control panel, no centering.. About 50% FF strength in LFS..
720 degree rotation in DFP control panel.
Also I think everyone should have their wind, echo, and skid volume boost on max for the time being.....and it also sounds much better through the stereo with your sub cranked than headphones.
Firstly I think the sounds in general are an improvement and the FFB feels great (I must have had it lower than 256 steps before )

I like some others though rely on the sounds of tyres for vital feedback on what the car is doing, so like to have there volume loader than RL

I found even with the car sound volume down to 2 and skid volume boost to 2 it wasn't clear enough

I amplified all the skid volumes by 10db and found that was about right with car sound volume at 2 and skid volume boost at 1.7

Have attached the modified sound files if anyone wants to use they need to be extracted to the sound folder in LFS (Backup the folder first!)

As to the outcry about muffled sound, if you stick some ear plugs in and then put a helmet on and then go for a drive in your car whats it sound like
Attached files
sound.rar - 465.9 KB - 239 views
It goes without saying that we all appreciate the effort, but I really do not like the new sounds! Only the XRT is okay!

One of the main things I don't like is the urge for whining gearboxes... an lx4 would have a normal gearbox in real life.

We made a kitcar at my old college similar to lx4 which had a stock Sierra gearbox. That's how it should be imho!
By equalizer- this is what I mean.. Look at the amount of control RBR gives you- this is why everyone can make it sound good.. to them..


NumberChannels=48 ; 0 means use all hardware channels
; 32 means 32 audiochannels


Now LFS doesn't have nearly that many different sounds, but what if we had control over the sounds that ARE there in LFS? Wouldn't everyone benefit from that? Wouldn't it sound better for everyone on their own PC?
I played with the XFR and sounds good.
I'll have to admit that the new sounds are not as good as the ones as late as U30. However, given the other updates and fixes that we get with U32, I would much rather tweak on my sound card settings and the available volume settings in LFS that see disconnects during a league race. I can deal with the new sounds until Scawen makes some more improvements.

Cheers to Scawen for making forward steps overall!
Is there a way to switch off the gear whine? I don't like it at all and I'd like to compare the new engine sounds directly to the old ones without the whine overlayed. The whine sounds far too "electric" like some sort of kitchen appliance. Also I'm not sure it should be audiable from the cockpit of an open wheel car at all. Here's a video of an FF at Donington: ... 1&q=dawkins+donington

But good to see the sound is being developed. I hope the BF1 is a bug and the other things can be tweaked.
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OLD test patch thread, up to U35
(851 posts, closed, started )