The online racing simulator
Quote from (SaM) :Gentlemen, start your engines! For those that haven't noticed, a starting engine sound has now been added. Try it out by shutting down the engine with I and restarting it.

Great addition, but works a little bit weird. When you start the engine, the ingnition sound "plays" which is about 1,5 - 2 secs long. But, right after you pressed the ingnition button, you get an engine sound too.
So, you get an ingnition sound, an engine sound, and 1000RPM at same time

Needs a little tweaking
#52 - nmag
This is the first time I write on the forums, although I am a very old (offline)racer on LFS.

I believe that the gear whine noise should still be heard when we press the clutch and the car is still moving with a selected gear. It should stop only we select neutral. When we have a gear selected and we press the clutch the gears in the gearbox still rotate fast, at the speed of the wheels, so they still make noise.

Hope I helped... and sorry for my bad English
#53 - Woz
I was on an Auto X server with about 3 people. We found that if two people select join at the same time they end up in the same space overlayed. After that its hard for people to join when its your turn.

Not sure if this is linked with the relax in connect/disconnect and oos errors etc
Doh, after 5mins of playing i get a headache new sounds are horrible for me cars sound like in GeneRally(with Funny sound theme), but there`s too much low frequencies(that play in sattelites, not in subwoofer illepall) in FZR at 9k rpm i get this horrible sound.

I would like sounds like this:

In the attachment i put comparison of LFS GTI and GeneRally sounds ;]

The previous sounds(from U30) were much better

P.S. after playing first time the U35 patch, shutting down LFS and starting it again my gearbox changed to H, not sequential illepall it happened only once.
Attached files - 468.1 KB - 309 views
I have problems with the U35, why when I play LFS, I always get Warning : Shadow Error?

It happens everytime I want to play. Here's the preview :

Shadow Error Problems
Quote from AE86drifter :I have problems with the U35, why when I play LFS, I always get Warning : Shadow Error?

It happens everytime I want to play. Here's the preview :

Shadow Error Problems

This normally happens when you run out of texture memory. Are you using excessively high resolution texture packs, or too high a screen resolution or high res screen plus antialising, or not using compressed skins? All these things add up and then LFS doesn't work any more.
Quote from Scawen :This normally happens when you run out of texture memory. Are you using excessively high resolution texture packs, or too high a screen resolution or high res screen plus antialising, or not using compressed skins? All these things add up and then LFS doesn't work any more.

Okay Scawen, will check it out.
well done Scawen this patch is great, all those little changes/features all add up. The sounds on the cars i tested were a huge and greatly thanked improvement.
I'm not too fond of the new sounds being labeled as an improvement! I've done some spectrum analysis (basically makes it visible how 'loud' frequencies are in a sound clip) and a high revs sliding Fz50 sees the loudness drop very quickly until about 1600hz, after which the descent in loudness continues but at this point we're at -70Db (peak in this clip is about -18).. And if the majority of the sound is ~ -20dB, you barely hear some high frequencies that are at -70db!

I don't have high quality in car sound recordings but just threw in some in car videos, captured the sound and did the same..

Nurburgring Ring Mini, high revs and sliding:
Slight bass tendency, but then constant sound pressure until dropping at 11khz

Subaru Imprezza:
Drops at 3.5khz (grunty engine, poor quality video as well)

Ruf CTR ring video:
Drops after 13Khz despite old VRC rip

The Mini and RUF videos have slightly higher quality sound but one thing is clear; by no means would near absence of sound frequencies higher than ~2khz mean 'improved'! Providing of course my sound card and LFS are 'ok' and I'm not experiencing a random bug.

I would say the last physics patch, though labeled as a big improvement, was more a 'change'. For the better, yes, but when I read 'big improvement' I tend to think 'core changes'. Same with the sound; it has changed but subjectively and semi objectively not improved.

Negative, yes.. but thats my opinion on U35..
Quote from Winkel :In the attachment i put comparison of LFS GTI and GeneRally sounds ;]

I think you've managed to slightly improve the LFS sound with to some added distortion.

Just "open the window" a bit and it should sound something like this (without the using-a-mic-to-record-speakers @ 8khz effect)
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REC02 (2).mp3 - 184.2 KB - 398 views
#61 - axus
So after 5 days of testing and many thumbs up since U33, and people saying that the sound is much better than U, now that V's about to come out today (at latest tomorrow maybe), 20 people go "woah, wait, wait, I think this is worse than U"?!
I didn't mention that I haven't tried any other 'unofficial' patch so I went straight to u35.
Well, try U32 once, then come back thankful for U35 sounds
The sound mechanics need to be in place before the sound aesthetics are tweaked.
Quote from axus :So after 5 days of testing and many thumbs up since U33, and people saying that the sound is much better than U, now that V's about to come out today (at latest tomorrow maybe), 20 people go "woah, wait, wait, I think this is worse than U"?!

Many thumbs up? What I've seen and heard when I have asked opinions about the sounds is that more people dislike them instead of giving "thumbs up". I won't tell my own honest opinion because it seems to be trolling.

The latest physics update was a major update. The latest sound update wasn't - Imho, of course.

I have just done some laps in the lx6 as i was practising for the LXCC race on saturday. Have been playing for about an hour and a half but I just cant find the taste for these sounds as they are at this moment. I do like all of the extra detail that Scawen has implemented into the sounds as it does add immersion but the roariness of the engines just isnt there at the moment.

To me it still feels like i am playing lfs and having the speakers give out the sound in the next room. It doesnt feel like the sound is coming from the engine that i am riding with.

I do agree that since u33 there has been a massive improvement with the sounds and they sound a lot better and I am sure that with every patch they will probably improve but I am not sure I will download the V patch.

@Filur: what you have done there with the distorsion is actually quite good, sounds a lot better.

Watch this video of a v8 caterham

its a v8 but the lx6 should sound as roary

Keep up the good work though Scawen, its definitevly evolving.

And Merry Christmas to you!


EDIT: I have just done some laps around WeshillReversed in the BF1 and found that I get a large ammounts of sound distortion when i go under the bridges. It only happens with the BF1 as i have tested it with other cars.

My system volume is at 50%

I tested it with the car volume in lfs, it isnt as bad when set to 5 but anything from 6.5-10 I get large ammounts of distortion when passing under the bridges in the BF1. I normally have the car volume set to 7 and everything else at 5.

Anyone esle find the same problem?
#67 - Gunn
Just remember that it isn't just a bunch of changed sounds, the whole way of creating the sounds is new, so there are two hills to climb. Patience grasshopper.
30-36s of the "LFS_sound_FZR" shows the rpm sound that i don`t like in fzr ... i get a headache because of it

These 2 files were recorded using "what u hear" from SB Live ... for me the engine sounds are sth like mono and are too silent as for RACING cars ... this type of sound you can have in a limo where everything is faced with silencing mats (is my english bad? ) to reduce the noises. Sports car should roar i really loved the FZR engine sound from U patches :]

I already gave you links to the VW Beetle racing sound compare it to the new LFS sounds, the VW is really loud roaring

Even a normal civic vtec sounds better than LFS ;]

or other cars (to 1st minute)

O_O look at this :bike: (that`s nice)
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LFS_sound.mp3 - 821.8 KB - 347 views
LFS_sound_FZR.mp3 - 752.1 KB - 338 views
Quote from Madman_CZ :EDIT: I have just done some laps around WeshillReversed in the BF1 and found that I get a large ammounts of sound distortion when i go under the bridges. It only happens with the BF1 as i have tested it with other cars.

My system volume is at 50%

I tested it with the car volume in lfs, it isnt as bad when set to 5 but anything from 6.5-10 I get large ammounts of distortion when passing under the bridges in the BF1. I normally have the car volume set to 7 and everything else at 5.

Anyone esle find the same problem?

Well, probably yes, as said on page one of this thread, only we called it "clipping". I'm no sound-expert and I had to look up "clipping", but whatever it's called, it's very unpleasent and can't be considered normal. Maybe you could double check if we're talking about the same thing by listening to a full field of BF1s from TV-cam view? "Clipping" or "distortion" gets very bad on the fast straights when the windnoise gets louder.
#70 - Gunn
Quote from Winkel :3

Even a normal civic vtec sounds better than LFS ;]

Oh puh-lease. Even drowning puppies sound better than VTEC.

I think the engine sounds need a little less awww and a little more waaa. It is improving.
#71 - Goop

I haven't seen this reported yet, apologies if it's a duplicate.

Joined a high-ping (300ish) server with heaps of connections... oops. The track was changed, and the race started while I was sorting a setup. The server was fine before the track change, as was my connection, but it lagged up badly after that.

Recorded in replay:
*textures gone
*wrong way message with cars going right way
*cars (locally) bouncing over obstacles that evidently weren't there

I guess some OOS error, tho I haven't seen anything like that before. The replay shows all the textures gone, but when it was 'live', opponent's cars were bouncing around all over the place, as if they'd spawned beneath the track

U35, and it might be worth mentioning that I've had to default temporarily to onboard gfx (unrelated )

[edit: also, turns out that my ISP "are currently investigating a fault on an international transmission circuit which is causing low-grade packet loss to some destinations."]
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woops.mpr - 293.5 KB - 237 views
Stop putting video with so badly sound recording. It is just USELESS. Those microphone fully distord sound & dont get the bass.
We know LFS sounds is not good yet, but what the point linking videos with CRAP sound recording, on car we DONT have on LFS, or dont reflect what devs wants in LFS ( i.e. Roadcars != Riced car with illegal exhaust ).
your missing the point magic, bass or no bass it gets the point across what engines should be seemingly around in the ballpark area to start off with

also, what type of exhausts are illegal? besides straight pipe/mufflerless

and thanks to the videos i just remembered what LFS is seriously lacking in sounds; tire.. just normal tires going down the road sound, that sound of stickyness and whirring
I skimmed the posts and didn't see this, but the BF1 is clipping when I look left or right (i.e. I can see the road through the car), I've been driving BF1 a lot lately and didn't notice it before U35, but that doesn't mean it wasn't there.

I'm using the standard in car view.

I get the popping/distortion in low gears too, but others have mentioned that.
Legal or illegal for track use or road use? Again I'm ranting about the car types and level of tuning/race prepping... . At least it will be clearer what kind of cars the XRT, FZ5 and UF1 are when the new cockpits are released.
This thread is closed

TEST Patch U35 (obsolete)
(382 posts, closed, started )