The online racing simulator
Indeed.. FOX is great!

Overal there is a massive improvement in sound every testpatch since U32! U36 is the best ever! Only I did prefer the slightly more dampened sound on the FZ5, it seemed more like a road-going porsche.

Anyway great work. Happy holidays!
it aint working for me

when i chose the driver i used as always, it says that it cant open the file:S

I'm kinda happy with the gearwhine sounds.But is it correct?

In the racecars that use straight cut gears(and maybe the LX6), its naturally, that you hear the gearwhine.

But why can we hear gearwhine in UF1, XFG, XGR? If its possible to hear gearwhine in XGR, then where is the gearwhine in XRT?

If XRT gears ar stronger than XRG, and XRG's gears are more stressed, so that's why it produces more noise, then LX4 gearwhine shouldn't be louder than LX6?

I don't know how LFS sound engine works, but it seems, that every car generates gearwhine, and in some cars gearwhine volume is turned down.

About the redline sounds: BF1 behaves like a real car at redline. Let's check the road cars; UF1, XFG.... at redline, the rpm stays at a certain value, popcorn sounds. In real car: at redline, the rpm falls back suddenly, and reaches redline again, the rpm falls suddenly, and reaches redline again,....

Am I wrong?

There is no point hurrying a patch, if these questions aren't answered. We can wait.
Quote from mrfell :WOW, the FOX has suddenly grown a massive set of BOLLOCKS!!!
The best sounding car there is so far!!!!!
Puts the F08 in the shade ATM.

Fantastic work


Yep FOX is good, it makes FO8 and BF1 sound like kazoos. Really need to prevent the over-rev on flat-shifting in those cars too, it just sounds so weird and wouldn't it be impossible in real-life?
Quote from sinbad :Really need to prevent the over-rev on flat-shifting in those cars too, it just sounds so weird and wouldn't it be impossible in real-life?


LFS does not incorporate true sequential transmissions at this point...
Quote from (SaM) :Gentlemen, start your engines! For those that haven't noticed, a starting engine sound has now been added. Try it out by shutting down the engine with I and restarting it.

I've played a little with the sound SaM posted and I think I've managed to somewhat improve it. I've basically bumped up the mids&highs (> 1.5 KHz) a lot to get rid of the "in-helmet" feeling. Then I've added more deep bass (80-160 Hz), while making the midbass (200-400 Hz) frequencies a little quieter in comparison to the other parts of the spectrum. The ~400 Hz frequencies (400 Hz = telephone tone) seemed way too loud to my ears before.

I've attached two proper sound samples and also a screenshot of the EQ settings for "lfs_sound8". This might help Scawen when making possible sound tweaks.
"lfs_sound3" is the result of playing a bit more with various filters. While that sound is obviously very much distorted, I thought it had a very nice flavour to it during the full throttle phase
It consists of two layers of the engine sound (1 of the layers tweaked with a very odd filter) with a slight offset of ~1 millisecond.
This would surely be too complicated to reproduce from within LFS, but I thought someone else might enjoy hearing it.

Please note that I've tested these sounds on a fairly high-end system (Sennheiser HD650s + good sound cards), so I can't say how well the sounds work on lesser systems.
Attached images
Attached files
lfs_sound8.mp3 - 373.5 KB - 597 views
lfs_sound7.mp3 - 373.5 KB - 655 views
lfs_sound3.mp3 - 394.1 KB - 731 views
Wow, sound 7 and rather sound 3 sounds great.
That sounds awesome!!! I love #3! LOVE IT!!!
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Why?

LFS does not incorporate true sequential transmissions at this point...

F1 cars and GP2 cars with sequential shifters allow flat-shifting, and it cuts the throttle for you, so perhaps that's why.
Yeah that was my point... you can turn on "throttle cut on upshift" for sequential "mode" in LFS at the moment. But until sequential transmissions are made (it's on the list) we're stuck with that.

EDIT: wow, biggie, #3 sounds really cool.
Quote from biggie I can't say how well the sounds work on lesser systems.

I have a bog-standard AC97 onboard card and cheap Argos headphones....
and #3 sounds awesome!!

(btw...I am registered hearing-impaired )
just got back yesterday and installed patch, thanks scawen, the clicking 'bug' has been fixed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Yeah that was my point... you can turn on "throttle cut on upshift" for sequential "mode" in LFS at the moment. But until sequential transmissions are made (it's on the list) we're stuck with that.

EDIT: wow, biggie, #3 sounds really cool.

Sorry, what was your point? Basically you've just said that it's possible in LFS, and I knew that already.

Don't have to tell me what's on "the list", but even something as simple as forcing throttle cut and sequential shifting for those two cars isn't beyond the realms of possibility, and since this is a sound-focused thread I thought I'd mention it.
If you're happy with the way the cars "toot" everytime they shift, then perhaps your standards/expectations a bit lower than mine, just seems a shame to go to all this trouble and still have them scream like that whenever people change gear
if you can make it sound like biggie's sound #3, it'll be a step into the right direction.
No love for #8 or #7 so far? I think these sound pretty decent too and should be "fairly easy" to implement.

About #3: if I had known before that everyone digs it so much, I'd have noted exactly how I did it. Unfortunately I can't seem to reproduce it anymore (originating from the base sound)
Hello, u36 i thought improved the majority of cars. It just goes to show how everyone has different opinions of whats sounds correct. At this rate Scawen will be adjusting the sounds all the time and someone will always find something wrong with them.

I was wondering though whether anyone knew where i could get hold of u30,u31,u32,u33,u34,u35 test patches? I would like to do more comparing and a few tests for my own pleasure.

If anyone has links could you please pm me.. cheers

Nice work Scawen

[X] i vote for #3 ;-)
Quote from Madman_CZ :I was wondering though whether anyone knew where i could get hold of u30,u31,u32,u33,u34,u35 test patches?

I've got :

The rest you can download from the LFS site.

I don't know if Scawen would let me post these?

[edit] except for u31, I don't think it was public? [/edit]
Quote from Everyone :Wahhhhhh the sounds

heres an idea, mute all the audio from LFS and make your own using just your mouth...
works a treat
BRmmmmmmmmmmmm brrrmmmmmmm neeeoooowwwnnnn neeoooowwnnn
Quote from biggie :No love for #8 or #7 so far? I think these sound pretty decent too and should be "fairly easy" to implement.

About #3: if I had known before that everyone digs it so much, I'd have noted exactly how I did it. Unfortunately I can't seem to reproduce it anymore (originating from the base sound)

Sound 7 and 8 has kind of "jet" feeling because of the gearwhine which makes them quite similar to the actual sounds in U36 patch. But in Sound 3 the engine sound (which is quite good there) dominates therefore it sounds like a car
So maybe conclusion is that gearwhine in current version is a bit exaggerated.
Quote from Victor :Clipping definately is NOT a natural fenomenon. It's a mostly digital thing.

You ears compress loud sounds, but they do not clip.

he didnt say it was a natural phenomenon. he and i said it would happen irl also. not everything that happens irl is natural. ill skip the fag joke here.
what currently compresses (and abnormally at that) is lfs. so scared it is of clipping. thats part of why it sounds tiny. bee scale tiny.
as far as clipping being a digital phenomenon... maybe this will help reconsider
Quote from KiDCoDEa :he and i said it would happen irl also. not everything that happens irl is natural.

If in IRL you mean on a TV broadcast or an incar video then yes, very likely you would have clipping, although nowadays it seems that limiters are usually applied.

Quote :what currently compresses (and abnormally at that) is lfs. so scared it is of clipping. thats part of why it sounds tiny. bee scale tiny.

Actually no. Compression would actually have the opposite effect of what you describe - it would make the volume seem louder without causing clipping. Using compression as a limiter is generally a good idea, getting it to properly compress the sound and give priority to certain frequencies is a different story.

Clipping is just distortion, unecessary and very annoying in the digital medium. If you want loud sound that will cause your ears to bleed and your neighbors to scream then just get a bigger soundsystem and crank it up. Personally I wouldn't want to listen to distortion when playing on large speakers - it would just be loud distortion while it should be loud sound. Causing clipping on purpose to make it "sound loud" when played at lower volume is surely not the way to go.
Quote from sinbad :Sorry, what was your point? Basically you've just said that it's possible in LFS, and I knew that already.

My point was that it's a transmission simulation limitation in the current version of LFS, NOT a sound limitation. For what it does, the sound is correct. It's what is happening mechanically that is wrong. As stated, if you hate it, then use the option that you said yourself you knew is already there.
This thread is closed

TEST Patch U35 (obsolete)
(382 posts, closed, started )