Ok, I tested all the new cars. Numerous times!
The think the RB4 and RAC are quite mean sounding now, I like it! The FXO appears to have some of it's "flatness" back, and sounds pretty well rounded now. Improvement overall I would say. I like what the fellow described as "nasal" sounds in the RB4 and RAC, I think it's pretty accurate TBH. Any more aggression from those two cars would be OTT for a road car

. FXO might be a tad mild, but I think it's not far off for what it is right now.
The LX4 isn't a LOT different, but just enough to notice and sounds less monotonous, and less "boomy". This is good.
The LX6 is really nice NOW, Anton, if you still don't like it... somethings wrong with your fancyass headphones bud! (hehe) It has a real snarl, lets you know when you're out of breath, and has a nifty intake "whine" off the throttle.. Kind of says "Cmon, get back on it wimp, I'll show you what I've got".... LX6 is much better than U36, and slightly better than U35 now.
FZR is still mild but sounds better than U36. Too much air intake sound for an NA car IMO. I realize it takes X amount of air to burn X amount of fuel to make X amount of power (basically.....), and it has as much power as the two 4 cyl turbo cars... However, something doesn't work out with that. Perhaps think of it that the turbo GTRs are taking in 3 times the air per ~1.7/3 displacement compared to the FZR's NA flat 6.... almost 3 total atmospheres 14.7+24LBS, compared to one total atmosphere for the FZR 14.7lbs... Geez, that math is messing with my head... too much wine perhaps... Hmm, the XRR and FXR have an IDENTICAL power curve

And I see, the FZR revs 30% more, and has 80% more displacement. Makes sense, however the FZR should be noisier mechanically up high IMO. I shouldn't be able to hear the air sucking in over the roar of an 7000-8500RPM NA engine... Other than that, nothing at all to whine about. Sounds great to me!
Have a great Christmas- by the time I get up I suspect patch V will be out...