I like the license system myself, it gives an element of progression that I appreciate, though I can see some of the potential downsides to it.
Over a long enough timescale even really bad drivers could get up to platinum...hell...even I might make it one day! If everyone that gets to Gold plus sticks on those servers then the level of competition on lower servers will decrease, then worse and worse drivers could worm their way through to higher servers. Maybe people should have to drive within a certain time of the current WR of the track to accrue points? Maybe that's how it works already?
It would add some future proofing when most of the people with some sort of clue who are currently playing have got to gold or above and don't play bronze as much. Personally I still play on the Bronze server quite a bit...I've been enjoying the XFI a lot recently. Plus my rubbishness with the RB4 and XRT makes me feel the feeling of shame...
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