You know, as a "casual racer" (LOL), I really just don't give a hoot about your licensing system. That being said, I still think Y'all have a good idea with this.
I also think that the Bronze server is a great place to learn how to make set-ups on the fly. I'm sorry but forces view and replays don't help. I need to know what the car does in performance by it's performance (do that make sense?) and your server fills that need perfectly for me. I also never really used the GTi or whatever it's called after S-2. It's a fun little car.
But I'm really glad that this concept is limited to just y'alls servers. If everyone decided that the whole LFS community needed to operate this way, my wheel would go in the garage and never come out again

I don't like the idea of being dictated by pasty outta shape Schumi wannabes
what car I can or can't use and if EVERY server started doing something like that, then that's what would happen. Plus, I bet it would be very frustrating for newbies that bought the full license expecting to tear it up in the new cars and tracks, only to find they are stuck in the same ol demo cars for like forever until they get their color changed. So that would ultimately be detrimental to the game* (calling it a racing-sim is just soooo geeky)
But like I said, as long as this license thingee is limited to your servers, then
it can actually be a blessing for the game in disguise. It can help people note their progress and hooks them up with people that are about their skill level.
Also, with this license system an unintended consequence is you can tell who has an active social life or lack thereof by what color they have ROFL
Oh yeah, If I was to get a titanium license (yeah, right) and win the server, does it have to be used for LFS? March madness is around the corner and I would really love to make some extra $$$ booking bets