Public Apology
(132 posts, closed, started )
Public Apology
Hello everybody. For some of you, you might know me as Preston4321, RED, FalconF17 and many more names.

I have been "noobing" around and wrecking people on purpose in servers the past few weeks, and It needs to stop. I know I have a problem when it comes to playing right and I acknowlage that. I would like to Publicly Apologize to everbody b/c I've messed up alot of races and racers and I can asure you it WILL NOT happan anymore. I would hope the bans I have gotton in servers would be lifted but if not thats fine its the fact that I apologize that matters to me and hopfully you to.

Also on the other hand if you have any tips for new drivers like myself if you could post them thanks.
#2 - JTbo
Glad to hear it stops, sad to hear it has happened, thumb up for coming and apologizing

You might like to scan few threads at beginners section, there is also some sticky posts that should get you started.

One tip, train with AI, try to drive so that you don't overtake them, but follow closely as many laps as possible without touching them
#3 - CSU1
Quote from CSU1 :And DON'T EAT AND DRIVE!!!

What about Drinking and Driving?
Quote from CSU1 :And DON'T EAT AND DRIVE!!!

I drive a lot better when i'm starving.
I'm just like "better finish this race as fast as possible to get my hands on those cookies or something".

Works like a charm.
#6 - JTbo
Quote from Meanie :I drive a lot better when i'm starving.
I'm just like "better finish this race as fast as possible to get my hands on those cookies or something".

Works like a charm.

Human brain works better when you are bit hungry, stupid body thinks that there is crisis and you need to sharpen senses and think how to hunt/gather food

No don't drink and drive, that is bad too.

Also avoid sex few days before racing, that should give slight boost to your senses and thinking capability too. Hmm, maybe that will be too much to ask, let's say day before, that is still manageable and should help some Of course some of these methods are not necessarily for normal racing, but if you like to get all performance out, these do help
#7 - CSU1
Quote from JTbo :Human brain works better when you are bit hungry, stupid body thinks that there is crisis and you need to sharpen senses and think how to hunt/gather food

No don't drink and drive, that is bad too.

Attached images
Thanks for the tips lol.
What an utterly odd thread. But not in a bad way - I've simply never seen anything like it on any LFS forum!

Kudos to you, Preston :up:
Quote from Hankstar :What an utterly odd thread. But not in a bad way - I've simply never seen anything like it on any LFS forum!

Kudos to you, Preston :up:

Quote from JTbo :Edit:
Also avoid sex few days before racing, that should give slight boost to your senses and thinking capability too. Hmm, maybe that will be too much to ask, let's say day before, that is still manageable and should help some Of course some of these methods are not necessarily for normal racing, but if you like to get all performance out, these do help

Hmm, I've been married for 10 years and have two kids. Are you saying that I should have the sharpest mind, quickest reflexes, and most razor like senses of all who race LFS?
#12 - JTbo
Quote from mrodgers :Hmm, I've been married for 10 years and have two kids. Are you saying that I should have the sharpest mind, quickest reflexes, and most razor like senses of all who race LFS?

Should be, but you may be used too much for easy lunch already and that might decrease your performance, I recommend you to have small argument and after that spend next two week living in a tent outside house, that should bring your possibly, but not necessarily, lost razor sharp reactions back
Quote from JTbo :Human brain works better when you are bit hungry, stupid body thinks that there is crisis and you need to sharpen senses and think how to hunt/gather food

I didnt know that... I'll go hunt some cookies...
Quote from sidi :I guess once you sussed out ppl just need to press ctrl+shift to get your licensed name you had to change your ways and for a tip i can only suggest hard work as lfs demands lots of practice

What does ctrl+shift do?
Quote from Preston4321 :What does ctrl+shift do?

When the list of connected racers is visible, holding ctrl+shift shows racers username instead of display name. So there's no hiding behind multiple names like in demo mode.

It's the username that is banned
Thanks for your apology. And thanks also to all the server admins who've banned you to make sure I never have to put up with your car being in the same race as me. Thanks guys!
Quote from P1lot :When the list of connected racers is visible, holding ctrl+shift shows racers username instead of display name. So there's no hiding behind multiple names like in demo mode.

It's the username that is banned

O ok, I knew its the username thats banned.
Quote from thisnameistaken :Thanks for your apology. And thanks also to all the server admins who've banned you to make sure I never have to put up with your car being in the same race as me. Thanks guys!

#19 - JTbo
Quote from Preston4321 :Haha, yea I wish I had some replays for a movie or somthing... OMG just got an idea

A movie for noobs about noobs haha.

It could be educational movie, things you shall never do or thou will laid down by a lightning or something along those lines

Have you found good driving tips from beginners section already and do you have got new questions about anything specific?

Ctrl+shift, nice, even I did not know that, maybe I'm still noob too
Quote from JTbo :It could be educational movie, things you shall never do or thou will laid down by a lightning or something along those lines

Have you found good driving tips from beginners section already and do you have got new questions about anything specific?

Ctrl+shift, nice, even I did not know that, maybe I'm still noob too

Yea haha, you got aim or msn I need sombody to help me with the movie, I can produce it just need to find some videos and just sombody to work with
A movie for noobs about noobs by a noob - sounds... err... awesome.

A leopard never changes it's spots, so I hope server admins don't unban you until you've proved yourself able to drive properly... Not that you and I will ever have a race (unless you count racing as just being at different ends of the same starting grid).
Quote from mrodgers :Hmm, I've been married for 10 years and have two kids. Are you saying that I should have the sharpest mind, quickest reflexes, and most razor like senses of all who race LFS?

Yes, this is correct, which makes me a bit better, for I've been married 13 years.

Quote from thisnameistaken :Thanks for your apology. And thanks also to all the server admins who've banned you to make sure I never have to put up with your car being in the same race as me. Thanks guys!

You're welcome, trust me.
Quote from tristancliffe :A movie for noobs about noobs by a noob - sounds... err... awesome.

A leopard never changes it's spots, so I hope server admins don't unban you until you've proved yourself able to drive properly... Not that you and I will ever have a race (unless you count racing as just being at different ends of the same starting grid).

Thanks yea I can prove in a month maybe, gotta get a new stearing wheel I have the old Driving force wheel with only 180 degree wheel turn I wanna get the DFP but idk if I am yet.
#24 - JTbo
Quote from Preston4321 :Yea haha, you got aim or msn I need sombody to help me with the movie, I can produce it just need to find some videos and just sombody to work with

I can't make really a movies, but there was LFS movie guide sticky at moves area, I believe, you might get started from there and on that area there is many guys who knows how to make movies, just make sure use search there before starting new thread as there is perhaps lot of answers to questions already

DFP is actually not necessarily making driving any faster, perhaps bit slower first and lot more real like. At least my times got worse when I got dfp and I could not even catch tail at beginning, now going bit better as I slowly learn.
Most gain I have got when I have learned more patience and calm my heart as at early days when I was on good lap I got too excited and spoiled that lap because of it, focusing to be calm has helped there.
For young people it is harder as their passion is so strong so they need to work harder to overcome of excitement.
Surely long marriage helps with that too
Quote from JTbo :I can't make really a movies, but there was LFS movie guide sticky at moves area, I believe, you might get started from there and on that area there is many guys who knows how to make movies, just make sure use search there before starting new thread as there is perhaps lot of answers to questions already

DFP is actually not necessarily making driving any faster, perhaps bit slower first and lot more real like. At least my times got worse when I got dfp and I could not even catch tail at beginning, now going bit better as I slowly learn.
Most gain I have got when I have learned more patience and calm my heart as at early days when I was on good lap I got too excited and spoiled that lap because of it, focusing to be calm has helped there.
For young people it is harder as their passion is so strong so they need to work harder to overcome of excitement.
Surely long marriage helps with that too

Yea im only 15 so im not married, maybe if I keep my hands outa the cookie jar for a few hours
This thread is closed

Public Apology
(132 posts, closed, started )