Stars & Stripes Sim Racing
(438 posts, started )
Sooooooooooooooooooooo I'm checking out the results from the Christmas clash and Danke has team bars I should check this site more often Welcome new members, I'm thinking half of Ohio are on the team now Ohio is part of the United States right?

You know Danke earned his bars before he even became a member!

Happy Holidays to all of LFS!
I am hereby writing to complain about the behavior of some of your team's members.

A few months ago I logged on to Eagle Racing Team's server for the very first time and on my first race there (I think it was SO2) we had a typical chaotic Turn One. Some guy from your team clearly blocked me, hit me, sent me to the barriers and subsequently claimed it was my fault. He immediately kicked me off the server and banned me, so I couldn't logon for days. Apparently he had admin rights. Even if I wanted to apologise for that racing accident (although by no means it was my fault) I had no time...

I tried E.R.T's server a few minutes ago. The result was more or less the same. We were racing at AS1 and at the big straight on lap 5 I was wheel to wheel with some buy belonging to E.R. We barely touched, nothing really happened but at turn one (500m after we had touched) he just hit me hard, threw me off the track and before I could protest he just said "f*ck you!". I told him it was his fault and the response was "You hit me before!" Moreover he wanted to ban me and 5 more members of your E.R team immediately voted against me, without even knowing what was going on or what had happened. They were one vote short so they didn't kick me out.

At the next race (AS2) just before the last chicane some guy of E.R made a mistake, turned way too slow and it was too late when I saw him, I had no time or room to break or avoid him. Since I was doing at least 50km/h more I hit him full on the back, he almost flew out of the track and 5" later, before I could apologise (although there was nothing I could do) he just kicked me off the server, he didn't even say anything.

So I am wondering at the disgraceful behaviour of some of Eagle Racing Team members, I've done almost 5000 laps on LFS and I've logged on to hundreds of servers. Never before have I been banned and never before have I encountered such fascist attitude. I just wonder... do know this thread is about the Land Of The Free Racing team, not Eagles Racing??? illepall
Quote from tade :I am hereby writing to complain about the behavior of some of your team's members...

...So I am wondering at the disgraceful behaviour of some of Eagle Racing Team members, I've done almost 5000 laps on LFS and I've logged on to hundreds of servers. Never before have I been banned and never before have I encountered such fascist attitude. I just wonder...

Well, I'm sorry to hear about that. You have obviously put a lot of thought into your post, but no thought into where to post it.

I suggest you try to contact the Eagles directly if you have a problem with the Eagles. Your post is like a message left on the wrong voice mail.

The Land Of the Free Racing is not an answering service for the Eagles Race team.

You are more than welcome on any LOTF Racing server, and if you experience this on OUR server please do let us know.
You should also know (having been here over a year) that complaining about others on the LFS Forums is generally frowned upon. If you have a problem with Eagle Racing, you should contact them directly.

Sorry you had a problem with them. But it is their server and they can do what they like with it, including banning you. Not saying I agree with the why, what, how, because I don't know the circumstances.

Feel free to stop by one of our servers and race with us some time.

I think a mod should probably clean up these last few posts.
Guys, I am deeply sorry, I apologise for blaming the wrong team. Land of the Free Team has nothing to do w/Eagle Racing so I was writing at the wrong thread. I am sorry if I caused any trouble or disturbance. I wrote to them anyway, through their official site, but I never got a reply.

I am sorry once again. Keep on racing
Quote from tade :Guys, I am deeply sorry, I apologise for blaming the wrong team. Land of the Free Team has nothing to do w/Eagle Racing so I was writing at the wrong thread. I am sorry if I caused any trouble or disturbance. I wrote to them anyway, through their official site, but I never got a reply.

I am sorry once again. Keep on racing

Thanks tade! See you out there...
Thanks for replying tade. Hope it gets sorted out for you over at Eagle. Cya on the server some time.
Land Of The Free Racing is 1 year old this month!

Thanks to all members and friends for the continuing success of this team!

During our first year we have had up to 21 members. We still have 15 members, more than half of which are currently active. Nine members are also registered members of the League Of The Americas

The team now hosts 4 servers provided by 500 Servers
And continues to provide a 20 slot Ventrilo server.

We look forward to another interesting and rewarding year of Racing with LFS.

Congrats Land Of The Free Racing !!!
Congrat's to my freind's at LOTA. Here's to many more year's of fun!:drink:
Congrats guys!! :laola: :balloons: :huepfenic :drink:

It's a great feeling knowing the hard work you put into keeping a team running is rewarded by longevity. Talking about being around for "years" is one thing, but in reference to a group of people that are connected only electronically (mostly), and in a single simulation, its a impressive thing.

Thanks for being great friends, fun & clean racers, and wonderful helpers with the League Of The Americas!

Congrats and good luck on year #2 guys!

-Your friends at CoRe Racing.
Updated Roster.
Just wanted to post a current team roster.

Happy Anniversary!

"Land Of The Free"

~full members~
|||S k i p p y

~provisional members~
LOTF GhostRyder

Thanks everyone for a great 1st year. Here's to many more to come!
Just a bit of a bump...

Looking forward to the start of the LOTA Formula V8 Challenge, see you guys there!
New Member
Today, we at the "Land Of The Free"

|||S k i p p y
LOTF GhostRyder

welcome a new provisional member from Orlando, Fl.
LOTF NoQuarter

Thanks for the Welcome, Skippy!

Currently an LFS rookie, but I'm sure that'll change soon enough. :heyjoeani

See you folks on the tracks!
This week at Land Of The Free Racing our thoughts and wishes are with a new friend and team mate, NoQuarter.

NoQuarter was racing Sunday, experienced chest pains and was rushed to the hospital. He is recovering and hopefully will be home this week.

He's rather new to the LFS scene but has been active in the STCC program. Some of you may have seen him here or there.

Best wishes to Ed (NoQuarter) and his family/friends.
Wowzerz.....that's scary to hear about!

Our best wishes and prayers to Ed and his family from everyone at CoRe Racing.

Get well soon!
We wish Ed and his family all the best, and a speedy recovery.

Get well soon Ed!
Ed is back! And we're gearing up for the launch of IGTC.

We have |||LOTF Racing B set for the IGTC schedule to allow for practice.

The LOTA FV8 and FXR Chalenges are well underway and is some great competition.
Much chatter about new teams, team hunting etc...

So I thought I'd pull this thread back out and add a bit of an update.

In the 14 months of this teams life we have had;
27 different members.
15 of which are still members.
Of which 9 will have celebrated one year with the team by the end of this month.
4 more celebrate one year membership by the end of May.

We have been entered in the OLFSL, OWRL and SCORE's GT Challenge.
We currently have members in League Of The Americas, Sim FIA, STCC and IGTC.
We helped develope and help manage League Of The Americas

We are Husbands, Sons, Fathers and Grandfathers first.
We share an interest in each others lives as well as team related interests. We love racing and we are patriotic.

We are the Land Of The Free Racing
Sounds like a Good team. Well I have seen you guys racing and you are a good team on Live For Speed but wow I like that.

Good luck.
Well said, Scot. In this day of "I wanna start a team - here's my new team - my team is no more because no one joined", you dudes did it the right way. You had a group of guys that knew each other well first, then decided to start a team based on similar interests and personalities.

Personally, I scan this section these days just to look out for notices about the better LFS teams (not the "fastest" neccessarily, but teams on more solid footing) that have done something to really improve themselves, whether it is LOTF celebrating an anniversary, or Mercury adding another alien, Fusion announcing new drivers, or OCRANA joining SK. Those are developments that are great to hear about, because it is news that people are doing things to add to the quality of the LFS community, not just another fly-by-night team starting up haphazardly.

See ya on track LOTF!
I appreciate all that has been said here and the good LOTF reputation. However, it is very hard to find a team that will accept new members in this day and age. Last time I checked LOTF, R4R, Carbon, CoRe, and others, none were accepting new members.

So, that would leave someone like me to start a team, right? What other choices are there? If you want to race and be with folks of your liking, that would be the only recourse.

Joining a league as a loner is fine, in fact I belong to LOTA. But I have to wait for the right event to race as a loner. With a team you can organize your own practice races and more.

For a while here, I fought against myself restraining myself from offering to be a sub-driver on teams to cover for anyone that may miss a race. That could open doors for a permanent position in a team once they get to know you. But to this day I have split feelings of anyone taking me seriously because I am so new at this.

And so it goes. Good luck to you guys, may the moon shine your way and the wind be on your back.
Quote from Indiana Jim :I appreciate all that has been said here and the good LOTF reputation. However, it is very hard to find a team that will accept new members in this day and age. Last time I checked LOTF, R4R, Carbon, CoRe, and others, none were accepting new members.

So, that would leave someone like me to start a team, right? What other choices are there? If you want to race and be with folks of your liking, that would be the only recourse.

Joining a league as a loner is fine, in fact I belong to LOTA. But I have to wait for the right event to race as a loner. With a team you can organize your own practice races and more.

For a while here, I fought against myself restraining myself from offering to be a sub-driver on teams to cover for anyone that may miss a race. That could open doors for a permanent position in a team once they get to know you. But to this day I have split feelings of anyone taking me seriously because I am so new at this.

And so it goes. Good luck to you guys, may the moon shine your way and the wind be on your back.

I understand completely. I/we all were in that situation at one time as well.
This team was started under similar circumstances, as many are and will be.
There does seem to have been an over abundance of the "looking for a team" threads, while in the last few months so many teams have come and gone or have revolving doors.
No offense intended, I just thought it would be a bit refreshing to update the community. That is really all we use this thread for. We don't talk any spam here, try not to flame folks, just to keep the thread active. Moo!

Register on our team forum and see more of what we're up to.

You are more than welcome to visit our servers any time. We are more apt to be online in the evenings thru the week. Good Luck and hope to see you online someday.

Stars & Stripes Sim Racing
(438 posts, started )