Scawen, no need to be upset

The majority here are realism freaks, so you gotta understand us and our moanings
I think that this no automatic handbrake would be a really great addition to this amazing new starts, since you implemented them already, then go for it to the end..
A button, a button it is, it doesn't matter, in real life, you would also put it down veru quickly so it is not THAT important to have the travel like a clutch, the button will do just fine.
The point is, it will make starts that much realistic, and would add a great immersion, and it would aquire some skill sto start of properly and some concentration (like it should)..
And as majority said, maybe they would start with a heal-toe technique, or with the handbrake, it is up to the driver, and that choice would really be interesting, and it will add some aditional adrenalin heart beats to the starts

with all the people reving it nervously, thinking will their start would be good, etc.. Think about it