The online racing simulator
it's "Ai" and no, it's not a bug
One lap on SO1 with UF1 and everything seems just fine.

Thanks Scawen.
Stupid question, maybe asked already. Since we can use the download skin system now will the skins that are default also be converted in patch X?

Would look a bit stupid all nice skins except your own. I know i can download hi res skins elsewhere. But think the default skin maybe even should be available in both tastes so to say, depending on your settings.
a quick suggestion,
when going to a server, before downloading all the skins, is it possible to let lfs check if the server is full?
or is this allready?
havent got any servers to check it out on

I just encountered the old "did not recieve guest info"-bug which means no one was able to join the server. I was not at the server at the time but I'll attach the log and the last recorded mpr before the server went bananas.

The server was still running patch w34.
Attached files
temp_mpr.mpr - 4.7 KB - 243 views
deb.log.txt - 35.5 KB - 294 views
AWWWWWWWWWW bug or maybe not. I tried to connect to some server and this is what it said. Take a look on attached picture.
Attached images
Well, I can now confirm the black screen bug is not fixed in W37 (just got it when connecting to Victor's server).
Noticed "help_Belarussian.txt" and "Belarussian.txt" in data\lesson\, guess those are in wrong place?
In the server
32 ppl on grid @ 20.30CET

I tryed to join abaut 10 mins , because there was "Player already connecting"

other thing is that when you try to join , it just freezes and you cant do nothing , you see people driving and talking...
Quote from AndroidXP :Well, I can now confirm the black screen bug is not fixed in W37 (just got it when connecting to Victor's server).

i get errors when on victors server, when going to pits, i have the button : pits
and cant change view, but can drive, maybe cuz there are alot of people on it
same here , 1st i got the black screen bug, then after restarting lfs and connecting to victors server, i tried to pit and i couldnt. i couldnt. the pit button just turned yellow. and all the other escape menu options were gone.
I was able to join the 32players online server but somehow my client of LFS seemed to load the wrong track. When I left the pits I spawned in the middle of nowhere. After driving around for a while i hit shift-S to spectate. The text "spectate" showed up on screen but I didnt become a spectator. Instead I ended up in a state where I could drive my car, but no nothing else. No Keyboard commands were working. As I am typing this I'm still not able to even type a message in LFS. I can still see other messages and the activity on the server.

I switched to windowed mode and hit X to close LFS. The text that said "spectator" was replaced by "Exiting" (or whatever it says) but LFS did not shut down.

I will now kill the LFS process.

Edit: here's the MPR if you need it.
Quote from Gabkicks :same here , 1st i got the black screen bug, then after restarting lfs and connecting to victors server, i tried to pit and i couldnt. i couldnt. the pit button just turned yellow. and all the other escape menu options were gone.

The same
Say Scawen, is it a hard/risky change to let the interface continue working when in "waiting for action to happen" mode, like "Pits" or "Exiting..."? I just got stuck in such a situation where nothing worked anymore, not even Alt+F4, and the only thing left was killing the LFS process from taskmanager.
Quote from Gabkicks :same here , 1st i got the black screen bug, then after restarting lfs and connecting to victors server, i tried to pit and i couldnt. i couldnt. the pit button just turned yellow. and all the other escape menu options were gone.

I got the second, I could only drive and send binds.
I had this "pits" sign in front of me, and nothing worked, just the binds
Attached images
Bloody hell, tried that photoshoot server you have/had going. We NEED queuing system. It's really needed especially when server lags out or crashes or just normally joining, it's dam irritating that while joining LFS shows loading skin/texture 1,2...12, 22 and then, another player already connecting (or whatever it's in English). Irritating to see the load start again, load few textures and get aborted, this makes things slow when there is 20 people trying to connect at the same time. The problems has always been there but now it's really shown because the increased connection spots increase in/out traffic. I'm sorry about the rantish post, but I really think this is urgent.
A player is connecting.
I enter options menu.
Can't change anything, still says A player is connecting.
Trying to escape pressing OK, but A player is connecting.
Then pressed ESC - it quited.
Quote from Blackout :...this makes things slow when there is 20 people trying to connect at the same time...

it's more like 200
In a full server when there is more than 20 resutls in qual = results are making my pit instructions almost invisible..check pic.
Attached images
watta hell always a player is conecting i cant conect

and later Dont send
Yes, queues would be a welcome addition to improve user experience, but on the other hand I don't think that there will ever be a server with so many people trying to connect. It would be nice if LFS could handle the load of the current problem server, but it's not a daily occurrence.
A queue would be an idea.
The "pits" message happens when someone is taking an abnormally long time to connect (or disconnect) while you're trying to enter the pits. It happened to me back on W32, so it's old behavior.
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