The online racing simulator
TEST Patch W48
(239 posts, started )

i noticed that when specting a racer, his best lap is not show anymore

is it supposed to be this way?
Quote from LupusC :One little thing in the docs:
Wouldn't be Info[NumP] a little bit clearer? At the first look it seems to be fixed length. The same in IS_MCI with Info[8].

No, because it's a real C header file used in LFS. Array size must be a constant or it's a compiler error.

Quote from Motörhead V8 :hi

i noticed that when specting a racer, his best lap is not show anymore

is it supposed to be this way?

Yes, you can press CTRL + SHIFT to see it.
Quote from Scawen :No, because it's a real C header file used in LFS.

:hide: sorry forgot it.
Joining bug?
I got the "player is leaving" (or disconnecting, don't know the English version that well) message while trying to connect on the test server and it refused to connect. Shouldn't the queuing system handle and stop this message? Or is it just to prevent the overflow?
Whee, time for a server update, then?
"Lost connection to host, could not get all informtion from players" or something like that. happened when i tryed to connect.
Quote from Blackout :I got the "player is leaving" (or disconnecting, don't know the English version that well) message while trying to connect on the test server and it refused to connect. Shouldn't the queuing system handle and stop this message? Or is it just to prevent the overflow?

The queueing stops most cases of this but if someone is forced to leave at just the wrong moment while you are joining then it can happen.
As long as it's rare and your LFS recovered ok, did not hang or crash then I'm not too worried about it.
Quote from Scawen :The queueing stops most cases of this but if someone is forced to leave at just the wrong moment while you are joining then it can happen.
As long as it's rare and your LFS recovered ok, did not hang or crash then I'm not too worried about it.

Yeah, nothing nasty really happened.
Quote from Scawen :FIX : Start lights delay did not vary each race if wind was disabled

I feel I must protest at this one (slight protest, don't worry). In the overweight land of America where drag racing is king, a lot of people leave on the last "yellow" light (which is red here, but oh well), because the delay is set and if you leave at the last light, it takes that split second for your body to react so you actually leave at the correct time.

All I'm saying is that if you're going for realism and already have the drag strip and christmas tree starting lights, could you at least keep it realistic so we A-murikanz can feel like its a simulator? (I don't want to mention other requests, such as a readout at the end of the strip for time, mph, and 60 ft times...)
there was few guys including me that suffered from this thing. at the start of the race there was somehow an extra passenger added in and in my case also my gear rations were totally messed. i didnt had changed anything in the set.

replay attached follow the start at H. Pinola car.
Attached files
set bug perhaps.mpr - 1.4 MB - 335 views
So that's why this one guy was racing with a passenger!
sounds like the rare bug where lfs doesnt load the set for some reason
iirc its a known bug with no solution atm
it even happened on tv once
Quote from hannu :[m]y gear rations were totally messed.

I've also experienced this bug and was therefore called an idiot for not moving when the green lights came on. This bug could start a war!

edit: mpr
Great job i cant download as fast as your putting them on

Hi Scawen,

just a short question.Are you going to do somewthing about the low FPS in SHIFT+U when there are many players on the server but using SHIFT+U and for example looking just at track without visible cars you get extremly low FPS.Basically you get now extremly low FPS in SHIFT+U.
Patch W43. An evenings racing on mega busy Test Server 2. No problems whatsoever.

Just thought that might be nice to hear.
Think the lights do their job. I see more penaltys from the ppl who think they can still predict them
If I´m not mistaken restart votes aren´t cleared anymore after a certain amount of time like they used to.

This might cause some issues if you have a few votes left from a start crash, which are still there when another crash happens mid race and those involved in the crash decide they want to have a restart. With the current system those votes accumulate until at some point, you get a seemingly random restart sometime mid race.

IMHO what should happen is that votes casted during the race have a lifetime to them like they used to, but votes after the race finnished can accumulate for as long as necessary to get a restart.
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Hi Scawen,

just a short question.Are you going to do somewthing about the low FPS in SHIFT+U when there are many players on the server but using SHIFT+U and for example looking just at track without visible cars you get extremly low FPS.Basically you get now extremly low FPS in SHIFT+U.

A short explanation why this happens:
Atm in shift+u mode all cars get full physic calculations (I hope you get what mean) as the code is not yet optimised (meaning LFS doesn't know yet which cars are visible and which not), therefor the low FPS. (at least that is what the man himself told us )

So I think we'll see a fix for this soon.
Please keep attention on this:
Quote from N I K I :Scawen we have one other problem,

we can't kick or ban ppl... and there was bunch of noobs who were destroying every race on bug test server, so we tried to kick or ban, but every time someone disconnect or connect votes are canceled, so we simply can't get rid of them.

I would like to ask you if you could make W44 with new system for this like one for restart. That votes aren't canceled, so we all can have a good and clean races.

Thank you

I would make to kick/ban system a bit different.There are some id*** on the test servers and its really hard to kick/ban someone if all guys need to vote.I know some doesnt care so they dont vote.

What about putting the rule when 3/4 guys vote then person is kicked/banned.As I said its really hard now with so many people get rid of some morons.I dont like using these words but its really confusing racing with some poeple.

EDITED:I have been racing with NIKI and I can agree with him.Really hard to get rid of these people driving rubbish.
Quote from Scawen :Number of connections is now shown in connections title

This should also show how many racers are on track, cause thats also a usefull information.

Connections (42 - 32 on track)
Connections (42/32 on track)
I saw this JOOS several times last few days.
Is this a problem?

TEST Patch W48
(239 posts, started )