Do u like anime? (I do)
(2006 posts, started )
The anime lovers thread
What do you think about anime and if like it what are your favorites?
I couldnt care less about it.
Quote from zeugnimod :I couldnt care less about it.

Whel theres a big difrence then me sortof a manga junkie(the comic kind)
Is anime something you can eat?
#5 - JTbo
Quote from deggis :Is anime something you can eat?

hihi:Laughing my as of

No its japanese style of animation its an artform( oh and manga is the comic form usualy popular manga's become animes (animated series inthe same stile)

Oh dude designed by me girl by pal ben
Attached images
OT, but looking at your signature, here is what you want it to read, just copy and paste:

Some drivers are like politicians

Bleach is rather intresting, and the most suspensive anime i have ever watched
Anime, Yes! My Favorites are Initial D, Wangan Midnight, and i recently discovered éX-Driver, Shame that died, 6 episodes and a sucky Movie! But dam great storyline.
Animé is for geeky paedophiles and people who never grow up.
Quote from BlueFlame :Animé is for geeky paedophiles and people who never grow up.

Less comments like that please. Keep them to yourself (goes to everyone, I'm not picking on BlueFlame).
Quote from BlueFlame :Animé is for geeky paedophiles and people who never grow up.

You might be thinking of hentai.
Quote from LFSn00b :I watch hentai.


I had a roommate in college who watched hentai and was on the 4chan forums constantly. Easily the strangest person I've ever met, and most of my friends in high school were pretty strange.
I've been a fan since I was a little kid (back in the 80s) when stuff like Macross (Robotech), Speed Racer, Astroboy (Tetsuwan Atomu) & Battle Of The Planets (Gatchaman) first hit our tv and I'd get up at 6am to watch them and piss my parents off. Since then I've dug everything - Akira, Battle Angel Alita, Ghost In The Shell (movies & series), Neon Genesis Evangelion, Samurai Champloo and, more recently, stuff from Studio Ghibli (a lot of which is great to watch either with your kids, nephews etc or just by yourself). If you get past some of the goofy-ass names () it's a killer artform, and no more geeky than sitting around playing video games all day and then crapping on about them on the web ...

Anyone who thinks anime's for geeks/paedos clearly doesn't understand it. I don't care if others like it as much as I do but please don't slam something before you know what it's about. Noone likes it when people come on here and slam LFS before trying it properly.

And, if you think anime's for kids, try showing a kid the film Wicked City, Legend Of The Overfiend or, especially, Grave Of The Fireflies...
I'm not an anime freak but I enjoy watching or reading anime/manga from time to time.
Actually I'm only watching Claymore ( Action oriented but very entertaining) and still reading Berserk when a chapter come out (the manga should be finished in 20 years or so , it is already 15 years old )
I watch anime, ALOT! My Netflix queue is over 99% anime. For those of you that diss anime, I don't think you've actually watched a good anime. There are some amazing shows out there. My favorites would probably be: Trigun, Fullmetal Alchemist, Berserk, Cowboy Bebop, Basilisk, Last Exile, Samurai X (OVA), Twelve Kingdoms, and Cromartie High School.

I have a profile at Anime News Network to keep track of what I'm watching, what I've watched and what I want to watch. So far, I've seen 149 different films and series, and I'm currently in the middle of 7 of them.
Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon
(Yes, I'm a freak)
Quote from Bob Smith :Less comments like that please. Keep them to yourself (goes to everyone, I'm not picking on BlueFlame).

Sorry Bob, when i said that, i wasn't trying to be funny. Thats how i feel on the subject. Child Abuse happens alot, and more than 50% of the people doing it, watch Japanese Cartoons.
Quote from BlueFlame :Child Abuse happens alot, and more than 50% of the people doing it, watch Japanese Cartoons.

I'd like to know where your stats come from ...
(Christofire) DELETED by Christofire
#23 - JTbo
Maybe stats did came from Sun, magazine that reveals truth behind curtains

I have enjoyed from .hack series and Space Battleship Yamato and Initial-D, there is lot of different type of series, shooting something like Blueflame does is really shooting at blind...

If Blueflame has read that from somewhere I'm pretty sure writer of his source has not understood difference of Anime/Hentai/Manga in first place, I would imagine that it is possible that there is such amount of Hentai readers, but you know what, 100% of them has drinked water for example, you never can say from people you know.

It is as logic as lowering speed limits because in theory lower speed would have saved lives, nobody just don't pay attention to reason of accident when it was some turning front or driving wrong lane, sometimes driving drunk at insane speed and they think lowering speed limit is going to help, just as stupid, there is no relevance.
I`ll like watching anime, Bleach is my favorite.
<- avatar.

Quote from BlueFlame :Child Abuse happens alot, and more than 50% of the people doing it, watch Japanese Cartoons.

My house mates watch a lot of anime, I'll let them know that statistically one of them should be a child abuser. I wonder which one it will be?

Statistics never lie!

Do u like anime? (I do)
(2006 posts, started )