I've been a fan since I was a little kid (back in the 80s) when stuff like Macross (Robotech), Speed Racer, Astroboy (Tetsuwan Atomu) & Battle Of The Planets (Gatchaman) first hit our tv and I'd get up at 6am to watch them and piss my parents off. Since then I've dug everything - Akira, Battle Angel Alita, Ghost In The Shell (movies & series), Neon Genesis Evangelion, Samurai Champloo and, more recently, stuff from Studio Ghibli (a lot of which is great to watch either with your kids, nephews etc or just by yourself). If you get past some of the goofy-ass names (

) it's a killer artform, and no more geeky than sitting around playing video games all day and then crapping on about them on the web ...
Anyone who thinks anime's for geeks/paedos clearly doesn't understand it. I don't care if others like it as much as I do but please don't slam something before you know what it's about. Noone likes it when people come on here and slam LFS before trying it properly.
And, if you think anime's for kids, try showing a kid the film Wicked City, Legend Of The Overfiend or, especially, Grave Of The Fireflies...