Hi Gai-Luron

I would like a suggestion for the lfs stats. Now with the problem of the lfs hack speed would be fantastic that LFS stats could calculate the maximun aceleration of a user, in the same way that happend with Max speed.

So, watching this table, we would know that nobody is using cheats and could give interesting info to know about the set, f.e. he have a set with less max speed but with high aceleration etc.

But as I said, principaly for know if someone cheats..

Error if i not have internet connection (WR). I have use this addon for LAN. Fix it please.
Quote from Gai-Luron :
How to use

This version use also graph.exe of older version for the graph and generate a csv, tsv et html file for now.
You'll have to modify LFSStat.cfg to adapt the configuration for your UDP port and admin password.
you can find graph.exe in the old topic : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=75

make a bug report with the mpr if it's possible ( little mpr please )

I changed the pass to my pass but it the commands like !near don't work :s
Not sure if anyone else has encountered this, but we have to end a race for it to produce the html and csv files, rather then just restart. Any ideas?
Quote from nmd.com.au :Not sure if anyone else has encountered this, but we have to end a race for it to produce the html and csv files, rather then just restart. Any ideas?

I have. Consecutive qualifications don't generate stats, too.
Quote from nmd.com.au :Not sure if anyone else has encountered this, but we have to end a race for it to produce the html and csv files, rather then just restart. Any ideas?

This is happening to us too.

Gai-Luron - are you aware of this issue? It really is a shame that you've put in all this hard work only for the stats to fail to be produced.

For now i do a break. Sorry for this , but i need it.

For your problem, this occur if you use LFSStat in Live mode, but not on replay. This soft was made to work on replay.

If you have a bug on Replay, send me your replay.

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

For now i do a break. Sorry for this , but i need it.

Please don't apologise. Your contribution to the community is, I'm sure, appreciated by many more people than those who have already posted messages of thanks.

Quote from Gai-Luron :For your problem, this occur if you use LFSStat in Live mode, but not on replay. This soft was made to work on replay.

Just to clarify this point. Are you saying that you will not be fixing the problem in 'live' mode or that you will look into fixing it after a break?

I look later if it's possible to do that

Hi Gai-Luron,
Not sure if your back yet but here is a couple of things to ponder once you return.

There may be a possible bug with the PitStop Information as I have seen that for anyone who pits that they always have "refuel" against their pitstop information. Any chance you could check, while I try to fully confirm it.

Suggested improvement: It relates to the Lap By Lap chart. I was thinking that it would be good to have the actual equivalent lap time listed under each of the cells of the % of fastest lap break down.
So have the 100.5% lap time listed & so on, so people can see how close they are to them. I hope you get what I mean, if not let me know
Hi Gai-Luron!

Please make when race not ended (one of the driver not completed all laps) result not saved (or optional). Now it save all time and i have .tsv file without time data and graph.exe crashing.
New version 0.93

0.92 --> 0.93

1. Fix Error if not have internet connection

2. Generate Stat in Live mode, to be more tested

3. Makefile created for Linux Man


Quote from Gai-Luron :New version 0.93

0.92 --> 0.93

1. Fix Error if not have internet connection

2. Generate Stat in Live mode, to be more tested

3. Makefile created for Linux Man



Just to say that live mode is working well. Thank you.
Quote from Gai-Luron :New version 0.93



For the first time i have had a replay that LFSStats fails with.

Its the IGTC replay from the 4 hours on KY1 (Round 7)

http://www.pes.pri.ee/mitch/IgtcR7.mpr is the replay, LFSStats stops with an insim error about lap 194

I have tried it a different speeds but its the same.

Any chance of having a look, please
Yesterday's online experience:

First I entered a server that was in practise mode->server admin used '/END'->all racers was put to the grid->lag lap (40 second lap)-> the real race was restarted. After the real race restart I saw a 'Insim error ...' on my screen and stats program shut off. I could produce the stats from the replay though.
Hi Gai-Luron, long time no speak but I have discovered that your stats program seems to not work if a driver swap is performed during the race. We are currently holding a driver swap series and every time I have tried to generate the stats it fails (shutdown) when the driver swaps occur. Any chance you could have a look to see if it can be fixed?

Race Replay (27MB)
Here is the version 2.1 of the Spanish translation, with some fixes
Attached files
spanish_v2_1.txt - 2.5 KB - 327 views

- Modification of the webpage www.lfsbuddy.com to accord with the reality
- The source of lfsbuddy will bee released in accompliance with GNU General license
- Excuses from EkinoxNH and Birder

Problem solved

post removed
post removed by birder:
Hello racers,

New version of LFSStat

Quote :0.93 --> 0.94

1. Modification for Patch Y
2. Add GNU HEADER in each file source

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


Does ths great statsutility work with driver swaps?

I tried to get stats from a 3 hour race we held a few days ago and
it looks fine all the race but when the race has ended
there are no files and some error in the console
before it closes

Quote from Rolle :Does ths great statsutility work with driver swaps?

I tried to get stats from a 3 hour race we held a few days ago and
it looks fine all the race but when the race has ended
there are no files and some error in the console
before it closes

No it didn't work for me either for driver swap races, read my post above..
yes I saw that but for me it looked fine until the race was over.

It didn't shutdown when the swap occured....

LFS stats is born again
(397 posts, started )