Hi, been enjoying this for a couple of days now, great mod. I have a suggestion though dont know if it can be done. But I noticed the better your rt is the faster your time is, which is not correct. Real drag strips there is a sensor you must go past before it starts recording your time. Just something i wanted to bring up
#77 - Knu
OK guys, I've fixed some threading problems and added some basic exception handling. In practice it means it should not crash at all now. But...

If you encounter any problem, type "/i debug" on the server (without the quotes) and send me the debug.log file AND your description of what went wrong!

And if you get "An Exception Occured" messages in the console window, even if nothing (noticeably) went wrong, still send me the debug.log.

Quote from static_x2003 :But I noticed the better your rt is the faster your time is, which is not correct. Real drag strips there is a sensor you must go past before it starts recording your time. Just something i wanted to bring up

AFAIK that's "elapsed time" you are talking about. The time displayed is actually R.T.+E.T. i.e. the total time from green light to finish. If I'm wrong, though, correct me.
Thats what im saying at drag strip it doesnt start counting when the green light goes. The car has to go past another sensor before it starts recording your time,
#79 - Knu
Well, version 0.79 is out, look at the first post for details. This one should be rock-stable. A pretty soft rock, of course, but still

And I see pretty low activity over the past few days.. Was that last version that crashed all the time so scary?

Quote from static_x2003 :Thats what im saying at drag strip it doesnt start counting when the green light goes. The car has to go past another sensor before it starts recording your time,

I think I already anwsered that
I see what your saying, Im just saying thats not how a drag strip works r/t shouldnt have an affect on your et.
mod doesn't seem to want to work for me...... choose my language..... read the rules, but the ok button doesn't appear, press shift+I and it finally appears, click "ok" and everything related to ISRM dissapears..... got a debug of.........

@11/09/2007 19:57:02:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ISRM.ISRM.In(Object message)
at ISRM.ISRM.In(Object message)
P: 3
just wondering if their was any way to install this so that you can use it off line?
#83 - Knu
Quote from beefy696969 :just wondering if their was any way to install this so that you can use it off line?

Yes, create your own local server in Multiplayer->Start new game.
Quote from static_x2003 :I see what your saying, Im just saying thats not how a drag strip works r/t shouldnt have an affect on your et.

Re-read my post more carefully: "The time displayed is actually R.T.+E.T."
Quote from strato12345 :Getting some kind of error message but the mod seems to work fine.

Quote from b00st_junk1e :mod doesn't seem to want to work for me...... choose my language..... read the rules, but the ok button doesn't appear, press shift+I and it finally appears, click "ok" and everything related to ISRM dissapears..... got a debug of.........

Weird. Could you tell me what /i debug gives while it is working?

And... 0.8 is out with some new features
#84 - Knu
Quote from strato12345 :Edit: Yeah the staging lights doesnt work and neither does the "Hall of Fame":

No, no, no... it works, just delete your old incompatible PB.txt

About the staging lights: works fine for me (and on some online servers too), maybe you are using BL1R. If so, you'll have to add a corresponding line to Tracks.txt


A small fix released.
#85 - a99
Great mod, BUT! It crashes every 5 - 7 min's... Any ideas?
#86 - Knu
I need your debug.log file and some information about how are you trying to run it (server settings, ISRM settings).

I've launched a 24/7 demo server - "official mod_drag server".
3100 drag races held already - and counting!
If you want to be a Moderator, you can apply via PM. Although, I won't just give away the positions to everybody.

P.S. no, the server doesn't crash every 5-7 minutes... in fact, doesn't crash at all
#87 - FRED
Ive been playing on your server for the past couple of days the only problem i have is when scrolling through the Hall of Fame it disconnects me(Lost connection to host),other than that no problems
would it be pos to make it run in single player
#89 - Knu
This is the same issue Becky Rose has (had?) with her X-System. This usually happens if host sends too many buttons at once and the player's got a slow connection. I'll try to do something about this, but can't promise.

Please read the manual!

Everybody who's interested
New version will take a while to make, as I have certain global code changes in mind, and have less free time now. It will probably be the last public version, and most of the additions will be S2-oriented and league-oriented.
sorry didnt see that but try to be a bit more polite next time please!!!
#91 - Knu
Oops, I just saw your signature, I'm really sorry
no prob
whay my server does not appear in the list of servers but appear as concrete server ?

Argentina DRAG #1 somebody says to me if it sees the server in the list of servers?
Hi, I am having a problem and need some help.

I am trying to set up this mod_drag mod on my little server.

I ran the /insim 29999 in the chat console of my server, it seemed to be working.

I edited the configuration file, only to change the admin password. I left everything else at the default.

When I run the ISRM.exe file, it errors out with the following:

The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application.

Do I need to put the ISRM.exe and other files inside the LFS dedicated server folder, or what?

Thanks for any help,

do you have framework 2.0 ?
#96 - STF
Hey Dennis,
u can edit the admin password from isrm config file, only with the value u specified in LFS config file. if they do not match.. it`s gonna give you an error in-game saying passwords don`t match.
have you installed .NET Framework 2.0 as Andrei221 mentioned earlier?
that error usually comes from that.
This is the link to download it from Microsoft Website
OK, thanks for the help, I forgot to install the .net framework, I realized that right after I made the post .

Anyway, I used the server all last night.

Today I tried to restart everything, it didn't work. A few minutes ago, I started out fresh with a new install of the LFS dedicated server and mod_drag.

The mod_drag mod will not work now at all.

I join the server, type /insim 29999, and run the executable for mod_drag. It says Connection Successful and seems to work fine. Nothing shows up in the server or the server logfile, not errors, no text that confirms connection, nothin'. Any help?


#98 - Knu
Quote from dieselfuelonly :It says Connection Successful and seems to work fine. Nothing shows up in the server or the server logfile, not errors, no text that confirms connection, nothin'. Any help?

Either the password doesn't match, or the program failed to initialize properly (that's a minor bug which I can't be bothered to fix now ), so you need to restart it. (maybe even a few times )

On a different note, over 20000 drag starts have been held on the server!
Well, maybe this is part of my problem.

When I try to start insim on my LFS server, with /insim 29999, I get an error saying:

INSIM - TCP : Bind Failed
INSIM - Not Initialized

But if I try a different port, say 29990, it works fine.

In my servers config file I have it set to port 29999 though.

What's wrong??


#100 - Knu
Your port 29999 is probably used somewhere else. But, of course, you can use any other port. Just edit the config file correspondingly.

ISRM.mod_drag 0.5 Beta - Release
(274 posts, started )