The online racing simulator
Can someone explain the columns which LFSStat saves in .csv file

3,KITT2000 (FRA),mick7337,FXO,DNF,0:00.00,0,0,,3

First - 3 - place finished
Second - KITT2000 (FRA) - Ingame nick
Third - mick7337 - LFSWorld nick
Fourth - FXO - car
Fifth - DNF - race end status (DNF - Did not finish, DNS - did not start, Finished?)
Sixth - 0:00.00 - is this total time of the race?
seventh - 0 - this is?
eight - 0 - this is?
ninth - empty_place - this is?
tenth - 3 - this is?

First - 3 - place finished
Second - KITT2000 (FRA) - Ingame nick
Third - mick7337 - LFSWorld nick
Fourth - FXO - car
Fifth - DNF - race end status (DNF - Did not finish) or Total time for the winner- Gap Time for the current racer relative to winner
Sixth - 0:00.00 - BestLap
seventh - 0 - this is? Lapdone
eight - 0 - this is? Pitdone
ninth - empty_place - this is? Pos start grid
tenth - 3 - this is? Penalty flags

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

First - 3 - place finished
Second - KITT2000 (FRA) - Ingame nick
Third - mick7337 - LFSWorld nick
Fourth - FXO - car
Fifth - DNF - race end status (DNF - Did not finish) or Total time for the winner- Gap Time for the current racer relative to winner
Sixth - 0:00.00 - BestLap
seventh - 0 - this is? Lapdone
eight - 0 - this is? Pitdone
ninth - empty_place - this is? Pos start grid
tenth - 3 - this is? Penalty flags


Thanks for the info
Bug report: LFSStat crash, can't tell when because I can't monitor LFS server 24/7. LFS server is Y patch, OS is Windows 2003 standard edition.
Crash window
Quote from s1m0n :Thanks for the info
Bug report: LFSStat crash, can't tell when because I can't monitor LFS server 24/7. LFS server is Y patch, OS is Windows 2003 standard edition.
Crash window

Any update for this? Our league starts in a week...
Is it possible to display the absolute race time rather than a +18 seconds or +1 lap?

We're running a league over two servers, so it would be nice to display the full race time. Likewise for racers who crash out on a certain lap, it would be nice to know the time they crashed out.
... and save result if LAPS (done some one) > define in config or not save if not done laps

saveLaps > 2

+ after save result run define command

execute = path\graph.exe
(jscorrea) DELETED by jscorrea

New version for LFSStat:

Quote :0.95 --> 0.96

1. Add block swap racer in html statistics

0.94 --> 0.95

1. Take Over Car now work ( swap racer )


Hi Gai-Luron, great to see you continue development of this great app. However I am getting an error when trying to use v0.96.
Refer attached sceen shot (click)
Any ideas on the cause of this error?
The file language english.txt seems corrupted, look inside this file if i do an error

For now i reinstall my new computer, and i can't look at this

Quote from Gai-Luron :The file language english.txt seems corrupted, look inside this file if i do an error

For now i reinstall my new computer, and i can't look at this


Thanks Gai-Luron, I just double checked and found the english.txt file has a couple of carriage returns (blank lines) at the end of the file which was causing the error. Once I removed them it works
Here is the updated file for anyone who needs it:

BTW check your PM's..
Attached files
english.txt - 1.9 KB - 403 views
Quote from flinty72 :...Any ideas on the cause of this error?

I had a similar problem, only mine line in question was #84.
I haven't got a clue as to what causes it, but I "solved" it by deleting last two empty lines in "english.txt"
Now my last line is "lg_relay = Take Over Car".
Could be same solution to other language files as well (if the problem appears there too) - all end with empty lines.
Hope it helped

Great program by the way - I enjoy using it

thats right, i had the same problem with the german language file. Deleting the last two empty lines makes this fantastic program work again :-D

And here is the new german language file. Surely changed last line to fit in german
Attached files
german.txt - 2.1 KB - 322 views
Don't remove this line, maybe there are blank line after this two line

Bug concerning driver-swap
I encountered a little bug concerning the car being taken over (V0.96).
We did a 5-lap race and changed driver during pit-stop after lap 3 (actually I passed finish-line so I already was in lap 4).

Stats-Tool gives output, that I did laps 1-4 (4 laps) and the other guy did laps 4-6 (2 laps).

Well, obviously neither did I lap 4, nor did we drive 6 laps (as it was a 5 lap-race).

I'll attach outputted html-file (unfortunately we didn't save the replay ...)
Attached files - 3 KB - 351 views
Yes i understand. The problem it's to attribute lap 4 for the first or th second driver. Maybe 0.5 Lap ^^

If you have an idea


New version : 1.00

Quote :0.96 --> 1.0

1. Add picture of track in html file

2. Remove blank line at end of language file, Fix bug in LFSStat when blank line

3. Add new german language from commandermas

4. Try new method for calculate track done when Take over Car

Hi Gai-Luron, great to see the new update includes the picture of the track used.

I think I may have found a small bug/error with the track name of the new South City Chicane Route Track.
Take a look at the track name from a race on the South City Chicane Route Reverse Track in the following Stats to see what I mean.
I also noticed that SO6 is not in your tracks.txt file.

I also have a small suggestion to see if it is possible to have the driver swap - take over car (relay) table removed if no driver swaps occurred when stats are generated. Not sure if that is possible but wanted to ask.
Sorry to bring another issue/bug to light Gai-Luron but I have noticed some issues when using LFSSTAT online from my client PC.
I used LFSSTATS "live" during our Monday Night Racing League and noticed that the starting order was incorrect for 2 out of the 3 races.
The format of the nights racing was as follows:
Qual (20mins)
Race 1: Grid Positions taken from Qual
Race 2: Reverse Grid from Race 1 finish positions
Race 3: Reverse Grid from Race 2 finish positions
After the conclusion of racing and on review of each of the STATS I noticed that Race 1 & 2 had incorrect starting positions to what they should have been. However Race 3 was correct.
I then re-run the STATS offline using the replays and the starting positions were generated correctly, so it looks like there may be a bug with the starting position coding when using LFSSTATS online??
Below are the comparison STATS outputs for your reference:
Online "Live" Stats:
Qual Online
Race 1 Online
Race 2 Online
Race 3 Online
"Offline" Stats from Replays
Race 1
Race 2
Race 3
BTW I had noticed this same issue the week before when trying to use LFSSTATS online but thought I had done something incorrectly but now that it occurred 2 weeks in a row I thought I would ask for your assistance in looking at fixing it, if possible.

Lastly the second issue I noticed which occurs when using LFSSTATS either Online & Offline is the positions shown in the "pitstops" table, if you look at race 2 & 3 the number under the "p" column do not start form P1 as it looks as though positions p"1" to p"x" (x=no of racers who did not pit) are taken by those drivers who did not perform a pitstop and consequently don't appear on the "pitstops" table, however I would of thought that the positions should always start form p1 in the "pitstops" table for the racers who do complete a pitstop?

I would appreciate of you could advise if these issues can be corrected. Thanks once again for you time & efforts.

New version : 1.10

Quote :1.0 --> 1.10

1. Fix issue on start grid when using LFSStat in live mode

2. Fix # position in pitsops

3. Add SO6 South City Chicane Route, also on tracks.txt

4. Remove Take Over Car line is there is not in race ( Only empty line, no title )

Wow, thanks heaps Gai-Luron

I will be testing it tonight in a league race and will let you know how it goes.

EDIT: Worked a treat tonight with no issues or bugs to report, thank once again Gai-Luron
Updated the spanish file.

Translated the lg_relay function.
Attached files
spanish_v2.2.txt - 2.5 KB - 321 views

Thank's , update file and version with new translate file 1.11 ( only modification on language pack )

Dutch file and corrected English file
Here is the Dutch file and a corrected english file.
Attached files - 6 KB - 355 views
Completed Dutch file.
Thanks for your help Gai.
Attached files - 3.1 KB - 322 views
Thank you Yisc[NL]
Thank you commandermas

For the translation done for ORT web site ( Open Race Trophy ).

You can watch your work here :

Open Race Trophy Restart in September

Thank's again

LFS stats is born again
(397 posts, started )