gt5 will never be a competitor to lfs. because its not that ambitious to be a real driving simulator (i know the advertising is a paradoxon). but it will be a great game, no doubt. and great value for money. oh, have i said that prologue is a rip off? pay for 1/10 of a game and pay again for the whole months later?
well if you can't wait that's ok, but i will wait. and gt5 will be great. anyway it's nice to see the lfs bandwagon in action. the same phrases all over again, in germany it's called "totschlagargumente". they are getting boring.
yeah....only three developers blah blah blah......physics,......whatever well i don't care but i also i don't want to complain.
lfs is the best value for money i have ever got in a game. if i complained i would be a ungrateful *whatever* because i don't have the right to do so. especially not in these forums. i simply chose to drive other "simulator", unfortunately lfs can't provide new content. New Tracks, new cars...playing around with it, lots of fun. well, for most of you guys, thats pretty pointless and you are proud of it. driving the same combos again and again is great for some guys who expect a big career in lfs-gaming, but for me it got boring. i just want to have fun, i have no goals while driving lfs (anymore

And pls don't forget. Most of the oldschool top notch racers are only driving lfs when they have to. to practice the combos for their league races, mostly private. that wasn't the case years ago, there where lots of races just for the fun of it. no point dumping this on the "wreckers", there arent many wreckers on the servers. the pros are bored. GTR GTR GTR + the new tracks ARE boring.
Ohhhh i forgot the YOU-HAVEN'T-DRIVEN-EVERY-SINGLE-CAR-ON-EACH TRACK-Argument how could i dare to complain!?! Well, i hate frontwheel driven cars and i dont like cars with a lot of downforce, slicks arend that great either....and i love rallycross. since lfs s1 nothing relevant happened contendwise.the RAC is worthless, the Fz50 is a fat pig, it's the best car for RX, but well ,the FXR would be the best car with a decent suspension and rallycross tyres for RX anyway. it would be a real RX-Car like it is used in todays rallycross. oh....sorry i lost myself here.... well you don't need to drive UF1000 on KY1 to know thats not that great.
lfs's netcode and physics are still the best. no need to deny that. but driving the gti with better physics and netcode around blackwood doesn't make my day! i am desperately waiting to get something new and i am willing to pay for it! the price for s1 and s2 was a joke! in germany you have to pay much more for a game. MUCH MUCH MORE! most of the lfs buyers are willing to spent lots of money for extra content. pls stop throwing in the value for money. if someone is hungry you cant throw in the "YOU GOT SO MUCH TO EAT 3 YEARS AGO FOR ONLY 24 BUCKS!". Everyone who buys prologue now will buy whatever Eric has completed for the final release of s2 for extra money. just to have it before it actually get released.
anyway, lots of text and i know i will get some bitchslapping because of it. but when there isn't anyone left to bitchslap, because the bitchslapped don't bother to post anymore, the bitchslappers are getting lonely. always the same guys defending lfs at all costs, forgetting that most of the forum users are here initially because they love to drive lfs.