@ flymike91; I respect all ideas sounded by individuals here. As long as they do it in proper way.
That web site I referred my previous post is for reference for you, it was posted by somebody on this forum but I don't remember who.
Palestine was there before Hamas. I don't approve hamas or any other terrorist groups action with Israels actions.
Can you accept "if you got the power", than you have to license to kill?
History is full of with that kind of stories. The powerful invaders comes and kills all the people around, thats the simply core of what happened till today. No matter what the name of the invader or invaded nation. World colonised vastly before..
Israel has the power, they claim that that place where they rule now is their "promised land". According to old testament. Thats it. That is true, they live thousand years with Palestinians together. They are close as uncle-nephew, they claimed that prophet Ibrahim/Abraam is belonged their side. Since this prophet, there is a sign between God and those poeple. What is that sign? If you know tell me.
It is a common sign, showed that both nations roots are closer than they think.
Palestine and Israeli peoples wanted to make peace, they tried several times in the past. But failed. Sabotaged.
There is a monster dwelling on this world feeds itself from wars, blood and tears.
I guess I understand you. I am not specialist of this subject but it seems like Iraq issue is distorted when transferred to your side. Its a thin ice. UN did not accept Iraqi invasion in the beginning as you may know. Whatever happened out there is no good for Iraqi people. In Iraq its been said like that; "Master come, Apprentice gone" They are talking like that, means invaders & Saddam.
And all the historic treasures of Iraq has been looted. This is a shame. Artifacts stoled from Baghdat museum and sold god knows to who...
Do you guys know that first advanced civilization is raised on Iraqi soil?
Do you guys know who invented the first battery/accumulator?
No, it seems there is at least one guy made it real ~1000 BC. And this battery is still functioning! ~3000 years old battery. This battery found on Iraqi soil also. But now, god knows where...
That web site I referred my previous post is for reference for you, it was posted by somebody on this forum but I don't remember who.
Palestine was there before Hamas. I don't approve hamas or any other terrorist groups action with Israels actions.
Can you accept "if you got the power", than you have to license to kill?
History is full of with that kind of stories. The powerful invaders comes and kills all the people around, thats the simply core of what happened till today. No matter what the name of the invader or invaded nation. World colonised vastly before..
Israel has the power, they claim that that place where they rule now is their "promised land". According to old testament. Thats it. That is true, they live thousand years with Palestinians together. They are close as uncle-nephew, they claimed that prophet Ibrahim/Abraam is belonged their side. Since this prophet, there is a sign between God and those poeple. What is that sign? If you know tell me.
It is a common sign, showed that both nations roots are closer than they think.
Palestine and Israeli peoples wanted to make peace, they tried several times in the past. But failed. Sabotaged.
There is a monster dwelling on this world feeds itself from wars, blood and tears.
I guess I understand you. I am not specialist of this subject but it seems like Iraq issue is distorted when transferred to your side. Its a thin ice. UN did not accept Iraqi invasion in the beginning as you may know. Whatever happened out there is no good for Iraqi people. In Iraq its been said like that; "Master come, Apprentice gone" They are talking like that, means invaders & Saddam.
And all the historic treasures of Iraq has been looted. This is a shame. Artifacts stoled from Baghdat museum and sold god knows to who...
Do you guys know that first advanced civilization is raised on Iraqi soil?
Do you guys know who invented the first battery/accumulator?
No, it seems there is at least one guy made it real ~1000 BC. And this battery is still functioning! ~3000 years old battery. This battery found on Iraqi soil also. But now, god knows where...