The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Andy King :Hi All,
Stuck on 2 things at the mo.
1) Want to create a batch file to start 4 servers and LFSLapper for each server.
2) Want to add a line to Connect Messages -
/pm LFSW - PB by {Nickname} in {Car} - {LapTime};

The {LapTime} bit doesn't work

Thanks again guys

I had a quick look at your questions and I think the first one isn't possible. You can start a server from a batch file but after that it keeps waiting for LFS to end and then runs the next command.

Your second question is easy to answer (could be found in Commands.txt in you LFS directory)
Add the following in your connect messages: /w pb
Quote from Yisc[NL] :I had a quick look at your questions and I think the first one isn't possible. You can start a server from a batch file but after that it keeps waiting for LFS to end and then runs the next command.

use command into batch:
start LFSLapper.exe cfg1
start LFSLapper.exe cfg2
start LFSLapper.exe cfg3
Quote from A.Fedorov :use command into batch:
start LFSLapper.exe cfg1
start LFSLapper.exe cfg2
start LFSLapper.exe cfg3

Wow, great thinking. I didn't know about that Start commando.
Here's an example of how to use it:

START LFS.EXE /cfg=yisc_test.txt /wait
START LFS.EXE /cfg=yisc15L_1pit.txt /wait
CALL D:\Games\LFSLapper5.54\bin\NETStartDefault.bat

You have to make sure to use full path in NETStartDefault.bat and in LFSLapper.cfg otherwise you get errors.
Quote from WingmanZ :Hi again. I deleted the info in DriftPB.txt and made a few laps. The info was updated but ingame the drift points arent showed. The Acceleration 0-100, the PB, the welcome message, all theese work.
My Config

That's because almost all options are disabled in your configuration-file.

# Drifting options #
# You can use /pm here

# This is filepath of file containing collected data.
# Will be created if it doesnt exist yet.
# You must ensure read/write access to this path.

DriftDatabase = ./DriftPB.txt;

# Actions to do on new personal best drift lap.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {DriftScore} - Drift score
# {Car} - Car used
# {SessLaps} - Number of laps on current car and track for session
# {Laps} - Number of Lap on current track and Car
# {TotalPitTime} - Total Time stop in pit place

>> #DriftPBAction = /rcm {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm_all;
>> #DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!;

# Actions to do to when total lap drift score is higher or equal to MinimumDriftScore.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {DriftScore} - Drift score
# {Car} - Car used
# {SessLaps} - Number of laps on current car and track for session
# {TotalPitTime} - Total Time stop in pit place
# {Laps} - Number of Lap on current track and Car

>> #DriftLapAction = /msg {Nickname} ^3drifted to ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts;

# Message to get on end of each drift.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {DriftScore} - Total drift score
# {LastDriftScore} - Last drift score
# {Car} - Car used
# {SessLaps} - Number of laps on current car and track for session
# {Laps} - Number of Lap on current track and Car
# {TotalPitTime} - Total Time stop in pit place

>> #OnDriftScore = /pm Score: ^7{DriftScore} ^3+{LastDriftScore};

# Action to execute on good drift score.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {LastDriftScore} - Last drift score
# {Car} - Car used
# {SessLaps} - Number of laps on current car and track for session
# {Laps} - Number of Lap on current track and Car
# {TotalPitTime} - Total Time stop in pit place

GoodDriftScore = 3500;
>> #GoodDriftAction = /msg {Nickname} ^3made excellent drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts;

# Minimum drift score required.

MinimumDriftScore = 1;

# Actions to do at end of lap if MinimumDriftScore is not achieved.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {DriftScore} - Drift score
# {Car} - Car used
# {SessLaps} - Number of laps on current car and track for session
# {Laps} - Number of Lap on current track and Car
# {TotalPitTime} - Total Time stop in pit place

>> #DriftTooLowAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 disqualified|/spec {Nickname};
>> #DriftTooLowAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 is one lousy drifter ({DriftScore} pts);

# Minimum speed in km/h to maintain. Driving below that speed will reset score.

MinimumDriftSpeed = 1;

MinimumDriftAngle = 1;
MaximumDriftAngle = 360;

All lines marked with >> can be activated. To activate a line, simply remove # in front of that line. Good luck.
Quote from WingmanZ :OMG! Thank you very much Yisc[NL]!!!

OPS! Another 2 problems
1: The server isnt showing in the host list in the game
2. The PB files are working, the info is stored inthere, the points are showing now BUT when i type !drf this happends (this happends when 2 guys are playing)
Now what should I do? All is working, just this problem...

When Lapper crashes after typing a command like !drf there's an error in your configuration-file.

A section isn't closed with an ;
A line isn't closed with an |

Something like that. If you can't find it, post your config-file (without password) again and I'll have a look at it. The other problem is harder to determine. LFS should register your server on the master server. When this isn't happening it might be a problem with a firewall blocking the port(s) needed for that action. But as said, hard to determine from this side.
Quote from WingmanZ :My firewall is off, im thiniking to start again or to config the server again. Can`t i change the port for the connection?
I just change the conifig file with new ang re-config it and the problem whit !drf dissapeard.

Yes you can change the port of your LFS-server in the configuration file or server-settings.
I found two small errors in your Lapper-configuration:

OnConnect = /msg ^7Say Hello to {Nickname}|

Changed to:

OnConnect = /msg ^7Say Hello to {Nickname};

>> DriftPBAction = /rcm {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm_all;
>> DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!;

Changed to:

#DriftPBAction = /rcm {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm_all;
#DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!;

I can't get Lapper to crash with those small errors in place so I think everything is fine as far as Lapper is concerned.
Quote from WingmanZ :Ok thank you very much! I have one last question (i hope ). What port i should pick? Which is preffered?

The only restriction LFS gives you is:

/port=63392 :a high number below 65536

For insim you can use:

/insim=PORT :listen for InSim (PORT is between 1 and 65535)

Default insim-port is 29999
Regarding the massive abuse of that speedhack:

Quote from SilverArrows77 :Im sure LFSLapper can be setup to do this - u just have to play with some of its options - on a goodlap time it will issue a msg to all about the "good" lap - but this could easily be changed by setting the laptime (or splittime) to something that only a cheat could achieve then setting a /kick or /ban command to it instead of the /msg or /pm (i forget) that lapper uses.

Good thought, but unfortunately only the {Nickname} and not the {Username} variable is available there - i am sure this can be quickly fixed.
Is Gai Luron still around?
Thanks in advance.

is it possitble to automaticaly restart a race aver for ex 90 seconds and also display this countdown after te race in large text on screen ??? I once saw this, and I do not know how to do this .

We also would like to log every person that visit out server.. is this also possible?

This would come handy in the training stages of our league.
Thanks for the assistance


Is there an easy way to schelude Control allowed/racer flags check? Or make the check every time the player drives over a split, or every lap.
Because at the moment players can cheat lfslapper by selecting allowed controllers/aids before joining the race/leaving pits and then changing them back to restricted ones.
I'd imagine this is possible because lfslapper does notice players using restricted controllers/aids when it's restarted and connects to the server.
Strange error
I keep getting this error when i start up LFSLapper.
Attached images
LFSLapper error.JPG
how to put on the drifting points?
tnx mate
Quote from BOSCHO :last question why when i start the MonoStartDefault.exe for second time it gives my that thing ?

That's because mono isn't a commando Windows knows about.
Either start Monodefault.bat (I think you should start with NetstartDefault.bat anyway) or start Lapper by hand from it's own directory: LFSLapper /cfg=blablabla.txt
this eroor was because in MonoStartDefault in the first line was this mono word i deleted it and everithing is ok now

tip for every who need:

there is a "cheat" to push (current) lapper properly work with usernames and authentification on demo servers with new patches (Y18 and later).
server just must be launched as S2 (/mode=s2) but with demo restricted settings (BL1 or BL2; XFG, XRG, FBM; maxguests=15; carsmax=12). authentification works and demo users are allowed to connect on that s2 server because of new online system.
Anyone see Gai-Luron lately?
I haven't seen him around and he's not responding to my PB's.

Soory, i don't see you Mail but i read your post when i have time. I have many things to do at this time and i can't do all for now.

I try to do this ASAP. Sorry , don't worry, i don't stop dev

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

Sorry, i don't see you Mail but i read your post when i have time. I have many things to do at this time and i can't do all for now.

I try to do this ASAP. Sorry , don't worry, i don't stop dev


Okay, thanks for answering and take your time.
There are more important things in life then LFS and/or Lapper
Hello all!

After having problems with LFSRelax 1.52 with AutoMessage I also have the same Problems with lapper (V5.54):

When I for example drive too fast in pit Lapper sends some messages for a possible ban etc.

This Error accurs:

LFSLapper Version= on GNU license
2005-2008 Janez Cufer and Robert BRACCAGNI ( Gai-Luron )
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.
Loading WR...Not Loaded
Mode Sync = False
Connection OK
Product:S2 Version:0.5Y20 InSim Version:4
Register Web Thread Started...
Web Commands Thread Started...
LFSLapper is running...
The following error occurred:
Der Index war außerhalb des Arraybereichs.
bei LFSLapper.LFSClient.Loop(Connect insimConnection) in C:\Program Files\lfs
\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.54\src\LFSClient\loop.cs:Zeile 1457.
bei LFSLapper.LFSClient..ctor(String scriptfilename, debug Pdebug, Boolean de
bugmode) in C:\Program Files\lfs\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.54\src\LFSClient\lfs
client.cs:Zeile 780.
bei LFSLapper.LFSLapper.Main(String[] Args) in C:\Program Files\lfs\DevInsim\
lapper\LFSLapper5.54\src\Main.cs:Zeile 86.
Void Loop(InSim.Connect)
Save Debug Infos

I did not change the Config!

I also tried to disable antivir AND Windows Firewall - but got the same result

Does anyone know where the error could be? I am using LFS Y20...

I also attach the Lappers Log file - perhaps it helps...


I just raced with an older Backup of Relax (1.51) and Lapper (5.15)... Both worked like charme!

So I also attach both config files...
Attached files
logerr.txt - 30.3 KB - 256 views
LFSLapper554.txt - 32.9 KB - 255 views
LFSLapper515.txt - 23.5 KB - 241 views
#823 - cuc
false start problems...
first of all i wanna thank you for this great addon!

so here is my question:
using 5.54 with mono and i have the problem that false starters (too early) will be forced to spectate... but i dont know why..

the section of LFSLapper.cfg is:
OnFalseStartL1 = /msg {Nickname}^1 bad luck!!;
OnFalseStartL2 = /msg {Nickname}^1 bad luck!!;

but there is nothing more..

is there anything i missed?

if you need more infos let me know..

Quote from cuc :hi!
first of all i wanna thank you for this great addon!

so here is my question:
using 5.54 with mono and i have the problem that false starters (too early) will be forced to spectate... but i dont know why..

the section of LFSLapper.cfg is:
OnFalseStartL1 = /msg {Nickname}^1 bad luck!!;
OnFalseStartL2 = /msg {Nickname}^1 bad luck!!;

but there is nothing more..

is there anything i missed?

if you need more infos let me know..


That's not done by lapper but by LFS itself.
There's nothing you can do about that.
#825 - cuc
Quote from Yisc[NL] :That's not done by lapper but by LFS itself.
There's nothing you can do about that.

ok.. thanks..

and where can i read about it? it doesnt happen everytime.. this seems a little bit random?!
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )