The online racing simulator
that is some bad ass skin over there mate
i really like the bull on the end
Bridgestone tyres
Who has the texture of the Bridgestone tires?

I do not find them.
Just finished this team skin a few days ago, for Air Attack racing.
Attached images
thats really nice skin mate.
i just saw it in oneGP last night =D
Quote from slen :Just finished this team skin a few days ago, for Air Attack racing.

That is a mad skin!
and the render of wheels
And the render of wheels?
It's any *.dds or another thing ?

PD sorry for the bad english

other PD: Thanks
BMW Sauber 2008 KUB
Hi, this is my first skin..
This is BMW SAUBER 2008 Kubica 4
please add comments

I have update the skin:


Created by RC Racer (my second nick name is RKubica but RC Racer is already used)

Could somebody make for me (and for all offcourse) a helmet skin Kubica's ?? Here is this helmet:
Very nice, especially because it's based on my BMW Sauber 07 and you didn't mention me anywhere. You deleted my nick beside the BMW sign and added yours. I used some logos from Gobbys 07 Ferrari on my F2008 skin and didn't ask for permission or gave him credits, I know that was wrong but that's no reason to do the same with my works. And you didn't even change a lot, I just see a different rear wing and a new cockpit - probably stolen from the texture of the RFT Mod for rFactor.
I didn't mention you anywhere because I was thinking this skin made other man SORRY I was basing on your skin ! <--- mesenage for all

If you want I can delete my posts


I change rear wing, a new cockpit and nose because new BMW F1.08 have only this changes
But your a demo racer... :sadbanana<--Not getting burned today

Looks like you used the CMX viewer actually, nice job
is there a 2008 Renault and Ferrari skin?

I bet you have spent hundreds of hours on a search for these two skins already, so it's a pleasure for me to help you. One of the skins you're searching for is on a previous page of this thread... :chairs:
Quote from pauliaK :^^^^
I bet you have spent hundreds of hours on a search for these two skins already, so it's a pleasure for me to help you. One of the skins you're searching for is on a previous page of this thread... :chairs:

thanks, i did use the search function believe it or not. i kept going through all the results but gave up.
Quote from piggy501 :But your a demo racer... :sadbanana<--Not getting burned today

Looks like you used the CMX viewer actually, nice job

when i was s1 i used cmx to create s2 skins
Now that's actually the most ridiculous thing I've heard so far. I've also checked out the other topic and it's nonsense. I agree with the stuff that requires the game (such as sound, Xlayouts, etc), but skins shall be allowed. Many people do/did it. If they ban for that, shame!
Quote from Knight_Atack :Now that's actually the most ridiculous thing I've heard so far. I've also checked out the other topic and it's nonsense. I agree with the stuff that requires the game (such as sound, Xlayouts, etc), but skins shall be allowed. Many people do/did it. If they ban for that, shame!

I agree - its just plain stupid.

Why on earth shall an image that demo racers make for us, and them when they get their license, be dissalowed. I mean, you did it, I did it, EVERYONE did it, so why now?
Quote from Alistair :when i was s1 i used cmx to create s2 skins

ive made loads of S2 car skins too. havent relased them because i think i would only get burning bananas for making them. i like to skin those cars pecause they look so good
but that is just being padantic because Epidermis Boy now Luthas was a demo racer who made interiors for S1/S2 cars and he did not get banned he was given a licence by a kind person.
if any modoators are reading this give me one GOOD reason why someone who makes a skin on cmx should be baned and Epidermis Boy was not banned for his interiors made on the cmx viewer
sorry for bad spelling

(and Scawen has said very clearly that demo racers may not post S2 content) posted by samH where is this evidence, if it is not on any of the public forums how are people to know this rule exists
The fact is, demo users cant post S2 content, correct? Yes that's silly, but that's how it is around here!
thats still not a good reason
if they want to stop people making skins for cars they dont have by using cmx they should put a lisence lock on it but at the moment it is freewere (spelt wrong probabbly) that means even people who dont have lfs can use it so why dont these people deserve recognition for there work
think about it, most people on these forums do these thing so that others can enjoy it. the only people that get any money are the dev's.
it is JUST A GAME!. yes it is a very good game but it is a game so people should not get so wound up about it.
Relax and enjoy the game but remember it is not life or death it is a pc game
Hi guys! I'm kinda new here in the forums. Here's my Toyota-f1 skin. Dunno if anyone else has posted one, but what the heck... I used a Michelin logo in place of the bridgestone one to make it fit LFS. (updated the skin file with Bridgestones... thanks Nitrous13270!)

I was working on a McLaren skin before joining the forums. Turns out there's already one but tell me if anyone is interested in seeing it. BTW... These haven't been uploaded before.
Attached images
Quote from atteiros :I used a Michelin logo in place of the bridgestone one to make it fit LFS.

You didn't have to do that... We got Bridgestone tire walls in Patch Y.
Darn I hate being a noob here... Thanks! I'll update this one then.

BF1 Skins
(1668 posts, started )