What does everyone prefer? images within the post, as long as they are not too big? (I resize down to 600 on the long side for the net) Or do you all prefer links?
Personally, I prefer images sized down and posted directly in the post, but was just wondering other's opinions......
I mentioned a while back of going to the RC air show. The wife came with me this time, mostly to whisk the 4 year old away and back home since she starts to whine and cry after a very short period to go home any time we go somewhere. So, after showing up, seeing one plane fly, grabbing some of their burgers and hot dogs for lunch that they sell there, the wife wants to go shopping. Have fun, I say to the 2 of them. But, she kidnaps the 7 yr old and talks her into going shopping!!!!!!! Man, I was ticked as this has been Lauren and my thing every year to go see the RC show.
Oh well.... I only got 2 good shots for the short time we were there.
So, a few weeks ago, we visited an old flour mill. It's pretty cool.....