The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
Thank You Gai-Luron

Have a nice BBQ :munching_
Hi Gai,
This doesn't seem to be working....

Event AngleVelocityAction() = was missing
cmdLFS( "/rcm " . $Nickname . "^1PLEASE USE CAUTION RE-ENTERING TRACK" );
cmdLFS("/rcm_ply " . $Nickname );

and cannot work out whats wrong.

Edit: Its in Spinning Options sorry

Thanks in advance.
What's the name of your event?????

New version, 5.702

Fix issue if config file is not ansi type. Now this file can be UTF-8 or Ansi

Quote from Gai-Luron :New version, 5.701

Fix issue if config file is not ansi type. Now this file can be UTF-8 or Ansi


Sorry Gai your gonna have to explain that one lol

Bug Accelerate Options isn't showing correct speed when you select MPH, it defaults to 100 which is KM/H when it displays the message in LFS.
Quote from Andy King :Sorry Gai your gonna have to explain that one lol

That means (to say it simple) the file can be read into several editors without breaking the file structure.
By the way Gai, the new version is 5.702 instead of 5.701
How convert old PB.txt to new 5.702 version?
Quote from ZolArT :How convert old PB.txt to new 5.702 version?

As far as I know, the old PB-files can be used with the new version but I haven't checked it myself.
Old PB's work fine in New Lapper
Quote from Andy King :Bug Accelerate Options isn't showing correct speed when you select MPH, it defaults to 100 which is KM/H when it displays the message in LFS.

You have selected Mph in shift+i screen on LFS ?

Hi Gai,
Yes but shows 100 MPH rather than 60 MPH
In 5.702beta LFSLapper.cfg is not to be found in /cfg. Where is the new config file supposed to be?
Quote from bknec :In 5.702beta LFSLapper.cfg is not to be found in /cfg. Where is the new config file supposed to be?

There's no CFG file in the new version. LFSLapper.lpr is the new name of the config-file.
Quote from Darkone55 :Only 1 thing tho. I deleted all irrelevant stuff from the LFSLapper.cfg file. But when I start LFSLapper now, it says: "Parameter PB on AutoAction contact admin Server" in LFS behind the host his name.

I probably deleted 1 wrong line, but is there a way to get rid of this?

That means you haven't closed a line the correct way. Search the lines and look if they are finished with | or ; (if you have 5.5x or 5.6x Lapper)
If you can't find it, just upload your CFG to this forum and I will have a look at it.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :That means you haven't closed a line the correct way. Search the lines and look if they are finished with | or ; (if you have 5.5x or 5.6x Lapper)
If you can't find it, just upload your CFG to this forum and I will have a look at it.

Looks like I have 5.14. I'll download the latest first then, thanks.

new version

For now i fix the bug, but i write in todo your wish

Quote :+----------------------------+
|Changes from v5.702 to 5.703|

1. Fix wrong value for acceleration Time display in Acceleration options.

2. Corrected config file by Yisc[NL]

3. Fix issue when wr not present on lfs world or not loaded

|Changes from v5.701 to 5.702|

1. Fix issue when config file is in utf-8 format. This file must be in UTF-8 or ansi
solve somme bug on autokick, and $allow

|Changes from v5.700 to 5.701|

1. Idle Time out wrong Unit in config file, now second

2. Laptime and averagespeed (unknown) when new PB

3. Car can be put in lower or uppercase in !top

4. Corrected config file

Thanks for the updated version.
I corrected some more things in the config-file and deleted a whole section in the "Overriding options" which I think you left there accidentaly.

One question:

# Minimum speed in km/h to maintain. Driving below that speed will reset score.

$MinimumDriftSpeed = 50;

Is this really only for km/h or can this be used for MPH too?
If that's the case, the text have to be adjusted, if not an extra option should made available there.

One request:

Exclude the first lap and the laps in which someone makes a pitstop from the rules set in the "Slow user" section. First lap because an accident can happen in turn 1 which causes someone to drive a slow lap. Laps with pit stops are obviouse I think, you can't drive a good lap when your car has to be seriously repaired
Attached files
LFSLapper.txt - 41.7 KB - 401 views
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Exclude the first lap and the laps in which someone makes a pitstop from the rules set in the "Slow user" section. First lap because an accident can happen in turn 1 which causes someone to drive a slow lap. Laps with pit stops are obviouse I think, you can't drive a good lap when your car has to be seriously repaired

Brilliant idea as I had to switch it off as kept bumping racers off for exactly the reason given.

Thanks Gai its getting better and better by the hour lol
I change the extension of the config file because i use an editor wich can colorize file when displaying ( The editor is PSPAD, you can find it here : ). extension cfg is to generic and i change to lpr. You can use PSPPAD editor with this file Put it in Syntax folder to have colorized config file.

I remove overriding option, thank's Yisc[NL].


Hi Gai-Luron,

I found some bug's. I still using 5.701 ( i did not tried 5.703 but i did not saw a fix)

1: When you use a openGlobalButton that closed on time (Example 4sec) it will be closed after 30 sec.
It's alway's 30 sec .

Register MsgAction("!blue",MA_blue);
Sub MA_blue()
$allow = "&./admin.lst";
openGlobalButton( "blue",40,50,120,15,10,4,0,"^4RESPECT BLUE FLAGS QUICKLY",);

2:When people vote for a restart and ( $VoteRestart = 60; ) the race is restarting by more then 60% .
You see in screen race is restarting and someone vote anything (race ,qual or end race) the vote is canceld and start at 0 vote's.

PS. I have my !help running with working tab's .Looks realy cool
server [NLR]NL Racing#5 FOX on BL1

PSPAd is realy super thanks!!
Quote from Tim NL :
1: When you use a openGlobalButton that closed on time (Example 4sec) it will be closed after 30 sec.
It's alway's 30 sec .

Register MsgAction("!blue",MA_blue);
Sub MA_blue()
$allow = "&./admin.lst";
openGlobalButton( "blue",40,50,120,15,10,4,0,"^4RESPECT BLUE FLAGS QUICKLY",);

If you are not on track, or no player are on track it's normal, because receive info from insim every 30 s. It's not really a bug because normally there are player on track.

For restart, i take a look

Quote from Gai-Luron :I change the extension of the config file because i use an editor wich can colorize file when displaying ( The editor is PSPAD, you can find it here : ). extension cfg is to generic and i change to lpr. You can use PSPPAD editor with this file Put it in Syntax folder to have colorized config file.

Hi All,
If you spend hours in Lapper.lpr file then this is a must, wow its much easier when colour coded.

Thanks Gai for heads up on this editor.

Request: Can anyone help me with this Logo Button....

openPrivButton( "logo",115,0,25,6,0,-1,0,"^3[^1A^7K^4M^3] ^1Racing UK X",);

When I add this to connect messages it shows fine, when driver joins server it still there, when he races its there, but as soon as he spectates it disapears never to be seen again. I want it onscreen continuously which I cannot suss. Fedup and going to bed lol.
/pbut logo,115,0,25,6,0,-1,0,^3[^1A^7K^4M^3] ^1Racing UK X|

this can works at 5.641

i think this is works in this beta
openPrivButton( "logo",115,0,25,6,0,-1,0,"^3[^1A^7K^4M^3] ^1Racing UK X" );
openPrivButton( "help",25,28,150,10,5,-1,0,"^2Commands list" );
Quote from Andy King :
Request: Can anyone help me with this Logo Button....

openPrivButton( "logo",115,0,25,6,0,-1,0,"^3[^1A^7K^4M^3] ^1Racing UK X",);

When I add this to connect messages it shows fine, when driver joins server it still there, when he races its there, but as soon as he spectates it disapears never to be seen again. I want it onscreen continuously which I cannot suss. Fedup and going to bed lol.

Hi Andy ,

This will work
Start your Logo when people click on Acept.

Sub OnConnectClose()
openGlobalButton( "logo",115,0,25,6,0,-1,0,"^3[^1A^7K^4M^3] ^1Racing UK X",);
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )