This is unbelievable, the breaking of WR's, i would like to see it with auto clutch if they can do the same, just to see the difference.
I saw the FeGreen-FXO WR (pecholobo) and wow, that clutch is fast, my first toughts of it (2 months ago) were that he was fast using the button.... but now this, a macro or whatever, that is being discussed if it's a cheat. For some isn't a cheat, but for others yes, that's what im asking, if the community/fast racers/wr's holders/respectable teams see it like a cheat, because i don't want to mark my name as a "cheater" or "unsportsmanlike" racer, (maybe because im at my best moment of being fast :razz

.. So that's why im asking...
If the spanish people come here to say it isn't a cheat... ok for them... it's unfair for others yes, but the only one that i see that has beaten them fair and square is Ray (Bawbag)... and that's good because he's an alien.
And im not going to use it then
PS: I know now why pecholobo never completed the MHR, or got any other WR's apart from road cars
EDIT: arco

you were like my benchmark for the rb4 laps