The online racing simulator
Quote from goldwing :Hi tot all! I want to know how to change the text that appears when the car/track changes, cuurently the text says 'New car&go to pit!' i want to traduce it to french... How can i do that, i can't find this text in the config file... Tanks for all Gai Luron, Keep on like that!

That's not possible at this moment. This text is generated from inside the program. I like to have the option to change it too, so maybe Gai-Luron can change this is a next release.
I've just had a closer look at the voting system and at this moment it's bugged. I've set voting for restart to 100% but as soon as LFS has 50%+1 vote, it's trying to restart the race, which will be cancelled by Lapper and then the mayhem begins. Every vote above 50% is then used to restart race (and cancelled by Lapper) so it's almost impossible to reach 100%. I've tested this with 5.7121 and 5.713 and hope this can be fixed in the near future.
I was trying the rotator and found that it can't change cars/tracks randomly! It would be a great feature to rotate randomly between the values entered in the config file!
Hi All,
Anyone having problems with syncing PB files in newest version. Mine has stopped working and is not FTP'ng the file to my website. Not 100% when this started but fairley sure it was when I installed latest version.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Every vote above 50% is then used to restart race (and cancelled by Lapper) so it's almost impossible to reach 100%.

Also goes for lower percentages, I might add. I've experienced this behaviour also, using a percentage of 80.
Quote from goldwing :I was trying the rotator and found that it can't change cars/tracks randomly!

That would be my request also..
Or at least Lapper to remember where it left off when exitting. At this moment the Lapper starts anew when the program is restarted.

New version, the last for a while because it's my hollidays next week

Quote :+----------------------------+
|Changes from v5.713 to 5.714|
1. Add PlayerVar ident to define var that are player variable and visible on each event .
Event OnLapperStart()
PlayerVar $myvar = 12;

This var now it's visible in all player event and can be used or changed. All modification are visible
on other player event for current player.

2. Add new event :
OnRotateCar -> When car is changed on rotation
OnRotateTrack -> When track is changed on rotation

3. Suppress message "car changed go to pit". You must do in in correct Rotate Event

4. Add new built-in vars
$CurrRotateCar -> Current rotated Car
$CurrRotateTrack -> Current rotated Track
CurrLongRotateTrack -> Current rotated Track
$NextRotateCar -> Next rotated Car
$NextRotateTrack -> Next rotated Track
$NextLongRotateTrack -> Next rotated Track

Quote from Yisc[NL] :I've just had a closer look at the voting system and at this moment it's bugged. I've set voting for restart to 100% but as soon as LFS has 50%+1 vote, it's trying to restart the race, which will be cancelled by Lapper and then the mayhem begins. Every vote above 50% is then used to restart race (and cancelled by Lapper) so it's almost impossible to reach 100%. I've tested this with 5.7121 and 5.713 and hope this can be fixed in the near future.

It's normal that lapper stop LFS restart, because it's lapper who decide to restart race only when percent in config file was reached not when LFS decide

Quote :Hi All,
Anyone having problems with syncing PB files in newest version. Mine has stopped working and is not FTP'ng the file to my website. Not 100% when this started but fairley sure it was when I installed latest version.

Syncing et FTPing it's two different things. Strange what you say


I know it's lapper that cancelled restart, but then it also cancelled vote. So if 50%+1 is reached, you can't vote anymore because Lapper is cancelling restart (that's okay) and also cancels the last vote. So there's a problem somewhere in Lapper which have to be sorted some time.

Thanks for the new version, one question though, what's the difference between:

$CurrRotateTrack -> Current rotated Track
$CurrLongRotateTrack -> Current rotated Track

And between:

$NextRotateTrack -> Next rotated Track
$NextLongRotateTrack -> Next rotated Track

Since the descriptions are exactly the same.
Anyway, thanks again for all your work and support and have a great well deserved holiday my friend.
Great job Gai Luron! Can we hope the random rotate when you'll be back from your hollidays
Quote from Yisc[NL] :
$CurrRotateTrack -> Current rotated Track
$CurrLongRotateTrack -> Current rotated Track

And between:

$NextRotateTrack -> Next rotated Track
$NextLongRotateTrack -> Next rotated Track

The difference is that with the 'long' version of the two commands, you get the entire name of the track i.e."South City Chicane Route" and with the other command, you got the code i.e."SO6";
Quote from Yisc[NL] :

$CurrRotateTrack -> Current rotated Track
$CurrLongRotateTrack -> Current rotated Track

And between:

$NextRotateTrack -> Next rotated Track
$NextLongRotateTrack -> Next rotated Track

Short Track Name or long TrackName
SO6R or South City Chicane Reverse

Edit : Une GoldWing Plus rapide qu'un VTR, ça n'existe pas normalement
Thanks for the answers, faster then lightning on this forum
Nice to see Lapper developed in this way but sadly I made a routine myself yesterday which displays next track and/or car
Hahaha no problem Gai, it's good to learn those things by myself anyway.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :... but sadly I made a routine myself yesterday which displays next track and/or car
Hahaha no problem Gai, it's good to learn those things by myself anyway...

Yes it's a good thing to find solution yourself . How do you do this? it can be give an other idea to other people.

Quote from Gai-Luron :Yes it's a good thing to find solution yourself . How do you do this? it can be give an other idea to other people.


First I declared a globalvar in the Lapperstart event:

Event OnLapperStart()
GlobalVar $Glob_Rotate_counter;
$Glob_Rotate_counter = 2;

GlobalVar $Glob_next_car_count;
$Glob_next_car_count = 1;

Then I used that var in the racestartevent:

Event RaceStartAction()
cmdLFS( "/rcm ^3Clean racing and have fun :-)" );
cmdLFS( "/rcm_all" );

IF ($Glob_next_car_count == 1)

IF ($Glob_next_car_count == 2)

IF ($Glob_next_car_count == 3)

IF ($Glob_Rotate_counter > 1)
cmdLFS( "/msg ^3Car will be rotated in " . $Glob_Rotate_counter . " races" );
cmdLFS( "/msg ^3Next car will be: " . $Glob_next_car );
cmdLFS( "/msg ^3Car will be rotated after this race" );
cmdLFS( "/msg ^3Next car will be: " . $Glob_next_car );

IF ($Glob_next_car_count > 3)

The other var is used to display the number of remaining races before rotation is done. I know you have a built in var for that but that displays the number of races left after the current one, while mine displays the number of races left including the current one. As you can see I have 3 cars in rotation on this server but this could easily be expanded to more cars if you want.
Hi All,
Do these work in Lapper

/restart 10

/qualify 30

Thanks in advance.
Quote from Andy King :Hi All,
Do these work in Lapper

/restart 10

/qualify 30

Thanks in advance.

No they don't work in Lapper and in LFS itself.
The correct syntax is:

/restart = restart race
/qualify = start qualify
/qual 30 = set qualify to 30 minutes.
Hi all,
@Gai :thanks for the new update .

I using ver. 5.714 and want to use the PlayerVar but i get the following error when i start lapper.

LFSLapper Version= on GNU license
2005-2008 Janez Cufer and Robert BRACCAGNI ( Gai-Luron )
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.
Type LFSLapper -help to view usage
Started : 7/28/2008 10:35:40 PM
Parse config file...Ok
Loading WR...Not Loaded
Loading swearwords...Ok
Mode Sync = False
Connection OK
Product:S2 Version:0.5Z InSim Version:4
Web Commands Thread Started...
Register Web Thread Started...
LFSLapper is running...
[COLOR=red]Syntax error in cfg file: var $pitb need '=' at line #306 in function 'OnLapperStart' script aborted[/COLOR]

#Event triggered when lapper start#
Event OnLapperStart()
[COLOR=red]PlayerVar $pitb; #this is line #306[/COLOR]
$pitb = "0" ;
GlobalVar $origL ;
$origL = "50" ;
GlobalVar $origT ;
$origT = "40" ;
GlobalVar $PBorigL ;
$PBorigL = "1" ;
GlobalVar $PBorigT ;
$PBorigT = "70" ;
GlobalVar $PB2Left ;
$PB2Left = "0" ;

Event OnSplit1()
IF ($pitb == "1" )

When i use GlobalVar incase of PlayerVar it work's but it should be a PlayerVar.

What is the syntax error??
Thanks in advance.
You don't have to quote numbers, just use:

$pitb = 0;

Same goes for GlobalVars, only text needs quotes around it.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :You don't have to quote numbers, just use:

$pitb = 0;

Same goes for GlobalVars, only text needs quotes around it.

Hey Yisc,
That was quick but i tested it and get the same error.
I think there is a different in syntax??

Syntax error in cfg file: var $pitb need '=' at line #306 in function 'OnLapperS
tart' script aborted

Event OnLapperStart()
[COLOR=red]PlayerVar $pitb; (this is line #306 in PSPad) When i use GlobalVar $pitb; it works.[/COLOR]
$pitb = 0;
GlobalVar $origL ;
$origL = "50" ;
GlobalVar $origT ;
$origT = "40" ;
GlobalVar $PBorigL ;
$PBorigL = "1" ;
GlobalVar $PBorigT ;
$PBorigT = "70" ;
GlobalVar $PB2Left ;
$PB2Left = "0" ;

Found it!
PlayerVar doesn't require declaration first.
So you can use it directly like this:

Event OnLapperStart()
PlayerVar $testvar = 0;

Quote from Yisc[NL] :Found it!
PlayerVar doesn't require declaration first.
So you can use it directly like this:

Event OnLapperStart()
PlayerVar $testvar = 0;

Cool it works . Pitboard can now be move from left to right and put on and off by player's
Hi All,
Thanks Gai, Event this evening of 3 Races - 2x 10 Laps and 1x 30 Lapper on Aston National in GTR's, ABSOLUTLEY brilliant due to Lapper, made our Admin Job so easy. Thankyou Gai.

We only had 2 problems which I think Gai can sort.

1) Authorisation is a bit awkward, we really need a seperate text file allowed in Authorisation area thats works like $allow = "&./admin.txt" as we had about 10 Drivers turn up on server who wanted to Race but we couldn't allow them as it would have meant restarting Lapper each time. I could easily have had FTP client open and Event.txt file ready to edit, that would have been fantastic to be able to add drivers we wanted on the fly.

2) I would like to see more Race Control Variables after tonight. We had a 10 Lap Race then a 30 and then back to 10. I had it all set using the Scheduled Actions and 1st race started fine, I then had a horrible thought, how do I change from 10 Laps to 30 Laps and back to 10 lol. Panic struck home lol, I had to use End Race and Manually reset number of Laps. Not perfect but we muddled through that.

All in all Lapper made our Event night a total hit, everyone loved it and we will all be back next Tuesday. THANKYOU Gai.

Edit: Just sussed /laps 30 didn't even know about that one so forget item 2 lol
Quote from Andy King :1) Authorisation is a bit awkward, we really need a seperate text file allowed in Authorisation area thats works like $allow = "&./admin.txt" as we had about 10 Drivers turn up on server who wanted to Race but we couldn't allow them as it would have meant restarting Lapper each time. I could easily have had FTP client open and Event.txt file ready to edit, that would have been fantastic to be able to add drivers we wanted on the fly.

Hi Andy,
Just an idea i did not test it but i think it will work.
Just schedule the event ,set a password on the server so that no one without a password can login and
kick or spectate everyone who's not in your list.

Register ScheduleAction( "ss mm hh dd MM YYYY", SA_event );
Sub SA_event()
cmdLFS("/rcm RACE Event start NOW!");
cmdLFS("/pass secret");
IF( $Username != "&./your_file" )
cmdLFS( "/kick " . $Username );

After your race event just type /pass to remove the password.
Hi Tim,
We want racers not registered to spectate, like newbies to watch and learn, I only want racers registered to actually be able to leave the pits and race or qualify so using the password isn't a perfect way of doing what we want. I have actually setup today before I read your post a similar schedule that passwords server near the end of qualifying until race ends but doesn't solve my problem of adding racers who forgot to register to a txt file on the fly so they can race straight away without restarting lapper.

Thanks anyway was a good sugestion that I had implemented so we are thinking along the same lines lol.

i was working on the config of our LFS-Lapper and i would use the split-times of the PB. I don´t found this split-times anythere, only the split-times of the TPB.
Can anyone help me please?

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LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )