Blueflame... Your argument is very weak. Mechanically and visually EU and US Fords are completely different.
There's 'Ford America' then there's 'Ford Europe' (look! 2 different names!) :o
They are built to different road rules, different specs.
Also, if we went along with your argument then Opel are British, are they?
Look at the amount of people disagreeing with you... Doesn't that tell you something... That
YOU might be wrong?
Plus the Wiki says "Ford Motor Company that is based in America." If Ford Europe was based in America then it would say "Ford Europe that is based in America." Yes, Ford is American... But the
ONLY American thing about Ford Europe is the 4 letters that spell 'Ford' That's it... Just 4 letters in a blue oval... EVERYTHING from design to build is European within Ford Europe... Otherwise it wouldn't be called Ford Europe.