The online racing simulator
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Quote from thisnameistaken :In all honesty I thought hiPricing's cars (as much as I didn't like the cars) felt more "real" than those in LFS. Just the relationship between the tyre and the road felt more natural to me. But like I said it's just not a suitable sim for me.

I'd go along with that. It's not to say LFS is poor, but there's quite a lot about iRacing which is pretty much faultless. The package as a whole is simply not what I want, though.
Quote from Shotglass :hyper on how which cars does steering further into the slide work?

It works with the skippie. The whole idea is to never counter steer, whenever the rear feels like it steps out too much just steer more into the corner. Maybe just use counter steering on corner exits as final way to prevent totally messing your exit. This techique was one of the biggest gripes I had with GPL and the same basically works in the skippie. I haven't tested it with other cars though and the whole effect is far less pronounced in the skippie than it was in previous papy sims - but it is still there.

It's not about saving the car from icy spin by quickly swinging your wheel to full lock, it's basically all about stubborningly forcing the car to take certain trajectory and not listening what the rear tyres are saying . (not to mention that the whole driving technique is so damn unnatural and unlogical for me to use)
if you let the rear step out in the legend, solstice, or radical...and not do anything about it, you are going to die

sometimes the solstice is just unsavable as well. I posted a picture series a few pages back where I hung a tire, and it snap spun the other way head on into a wall.
Looks like somebody messed up and leaked this one

If you look into "iRacing\httproot\cars\..." folder, there's "trucks\silverado" subfolders that include .dat file for this car. It's also possible to view different paintjobs using iRacing system service. Just go to car paint menu, choose any car, right-click large preview picture and copy image address. Now enter it into browser and just change the line where it says "/car.bmp?dirpath=solstice&size=2" to "/car.bmp?dirpath=trucks\silverado&size=2"

To make it little bit easier to understand how to change pattern and colors:

Selected car
Preview size (1-2)
Selected pattern
Licence stripe color in HEX
Colors 1, 2 and 3 in HEX

Quote from Hyperactive :It works with the skippie. The whole idea is to never counter steer, whenever the rear feels like it steps out too much just steer more into the corner. Maybe just use counter steering on corner exits as final way to prevent totally messing your exit. This techique was one of the biggest gripes I had with GPL and the same basically works in the skippie. I haven't tested it with other cars though and the whole effect is far less pronounced in the skippie than it was in previous papy sims - but it is still there.

It's not about saving the car from icy spin by quickly swinging your wheel to full lock, it's basically all about stubborningly forcing the car to take certain trajectory and not listening what the rear tyres are saying . (not to mention that the whole driving technique is so damn unnatural and unlogical for me to use)

Thx for the info. Since I'm not going to pay any money to give the physics a test drive I've been wondering about whether this age old papy problem has been addressed. The moment I discovered how easy it is to drive GPL cars with this technique I never started it up again.
Quote from Crommi :Looks like somebody messed up and leaked this one

For a company that's all about realism, you'd think they get the Goodyear sponsorship instead of putting fake iRacing tires on it.
Quote from UncleBenny :For a company that's all about realism, you'd think they get the Goodyear sponsorship instead of putting fake iRacing tires on it.

Could be why they haven't released the truck yet? Plus, I don't want to drive a chevy (personal choice, nothing more), so they better take their time and make this as high quality as others.

Anyone have the Silver Crown car? The 2 races I have been in with those cars at Homestead were just amazing, and both I got photo-finishes. (In the pic below I am #9.)
Attached images
SCrown finish.JPG
Quote from Hyperactive :It works with the skippie. The whole idea is to never counter steer, whenever the rear feels like it steps out too much just steer more into the corner.

hm how much steering and how quick a reaction both from the driver and the car are we talking about?
if its very suble and happens in situations where youre very gently moving about on the tyres near the limit it might be realistic but tbh it doesnt give me a great deal of confidence when it comes to the physics
I haven't bought Silver Crown yet and I'll wait until I get into Mazda so I can run both C-class cars and run road and oval races back-to-back. Competing in Skippy and SC is little tricky because races are run roughly at the same time.
What should i be getting with the rookie solstice @ LRP ? I'm currently getting 1:06.04 as qual time but I found how to improve that and I can probably get a 1:05.6 but I doupt I can go any lower? O_O So I'm asking what laptimes I should be getting.
Try to lose one second and it should be enough to take you into top5 with occasional podium finishes. For Adv. Solstice you need to drop another second.
I just watched a 1:04 lap in the Rookie Solstice on Youtube I'll try to do about the same see how it goes. Gunna requalify in 5 mins let's see how it goes.

*Edit* I'm down to 1:04.869 I'm guessing that should be ok.

I guess I went a little hard during qual since my Safety Rating went down to 2.30 :S
Quote from Hyperactive :Btw. I made this schedule list for the events to show what and how many races you can have and how they are arranged in the schedule. The schedule contains the solstices, the legends and the skippie.

It doesn't really look good imho. Lot's of spare time between "events" and the qualis are badly placed. The different series still overlap just enough to prevent some people runnning multiple races one after another.

No wonder the table doesn't look good since it's full of errors. Rookie Legends races start every hour and the qualifyings start at :45 past the hour, not :15 past, so they don't overlap. Skippy and Solstice qualifyings only last 20 minutes so they don't overlap with the races, either, and you can jump straight to the race after qualifying. Advanced Solstice races start at :30 past the hour not on the hour and the qualifyings start :5 past the hour, not :35 past. It's MUCH better planned than you'd think by looking at that table.
Quote from evilpimp :I just watched a 1:04 lap in the Rookie Solstice on Youtube I'll try to do about the same see how it goes. Gunna requalify in 5 mins let's see how it goes.

*Edit* I'm down to 1:04.869 I'm guessing that should be ok.

I guess I went a little hard during qual since my Safety Rating went down to 2.30 :S

I got my SR in my first week down to 2.19 doing qualies with not enough practice, but it soon goes back up

Just add me to your friends list and check my pb's. It will set me a challenge
Will do Jason. Btw, I just won my first LRP race and it was horrible. I started up front.

Then I started pulling away from them and some crashed behind like the last 2-3. They reset car came out of the pits and right in front of me. I try to take it easy so that we dont crash and I did stay behind without any bumps allthough it got very close at times and he really didnt wanna move over.I clearly showed him my nose a couple of times but he just wouldnt. I'm guessing its because of my safety rating that I'm racing him? After like 5 laps there were 2 lapped cars in front of me and I couldnt get passed. One of them spun, hit me and damaged me a bit. I was then racing with my steering at like 45 degrees towards the right on straights and understeering like crazy on left handers and nice on right handers. It was OK but I was being safe so running 1:07s. Then, I'm going fine and after around 12 laps (5 laps to go I think), some guy spins on the straight (don't ask) and as I was coming he was recovering. I was expecting him to move away from the racing line so I kept going straight but noooo mister decided to stay on the line without moving and as I saw a little opening on the left (the grass kinda) and jumped there he decides to go there aswell! Brilliant! Major damage, I pass the finish line, reset car and keep going and still win so watever but my safety ratings taking a hit :S.
Well, it's the rookie serie for a reason but just wait for higher series, your SR takes a hit even if you look at the grass

If you're not fighting for your position, just take your time with slower cars and overtake when it's safe. If you see an accident, slow down. Few seconds lost is better than crashing your car.
Yeah I agree about the slowing and down andtaking your time with slower cars but when you got someone coming behind fast because ur getting held back it's not very fun. And the guy who spun in front of me I braked and tried to get on the outside well enough to make it but it was in T1 of LRP and he just spun around and ended up taking the whoole place and hitting theback of my car. And the points lost thingy when you put 2 wheels on the grass is very stupid...
Here's the updated schedule pic with the errors fixed

god the skippy is still kicking my ass

I've been down to a 1:48.5 or something around infineon long...but thats still pretty crappy it sounds like after reading the forums. I just can't believe it though...I'm like balls to the wall to get a 1:48 and people are saying 1:45???

Also I'm inconsistent as hell and crash all the time.

I can't help from countersteering down through the esses and constantly find myself spun/head first into a wall.

I feel like I have some huge epiphany around a turn one lap and then I can never do it again lol.

edit - well, I just checked out qualifying for the new skippy series and it looks like 1:47.1 is the best lap so far. I'm kinda happy with a 48.5 now...just need to build some consistency and speed will come later. I would be extremely happy with something like a 48.0 as a pb, unless of course the leaders speed up any more than that, and then I'd like to be around 1 second off the aliens.
Consistency should come before speed

I've learned that from ~1.48 onwards it's mostly down to driving style though. I had an incredibly clean driving style and 1.48.5 was as good as it's going to get with that - you do need to slide the cars into corners instead of waiting for them to settle, a bit like go-karts, which is what Huttu does. That takes a lot of getting used to though.
Do you guys have replay of your 48.5 lap?
I'm really out of ideas on where I lose time and couldn't find fast laps from Youtube.

Edit: Uploading my lap onto Youtube and I'll add it here if you could give some tips where I'm losing time.

Edit2: Here we go, had couple mistakes there but it was really lucky lap anyways, can't keep up that kind of pace in a long run tho
I'll record one later today when I go out pb hunting
Damnit, I'm one spot behind you in season standings, a tie with 81 points

Edit: 1:48.3 in offline practise
Aha, you appear to be having the same 'problem' I had Crommi. You drive incredibly smooth, but it appears that the Skippy is not the right car for that specific driving technique.

I asked Luke McLean what I was doing wrong earlier at Infineon Cup, because I was in the same situation where I was driving near perfect lines at near perfect levels of grip without being 'fast' in comparison to the aliens, and here's a snippet of what he told me:

Quote :I can see where you are going wrong there. You are driving it too much like a car that has aero(something like a modern F1 car) and your braking heavily and waiting for the car to stabilize. With the skippy you are 100% mechanical grip so you basically dont have to do your braking in a strait line and get the car settled, you can kinda brake and than let the car kinda drift into the corners.

Ill link you to a Greger Huttu replay thats like a 24.0 and you will see how hes almost always got the throttle going in corners and the car is kinda drifting in corners but not in a bad way. Your style will work nicely for the Mazda type cars but for Skippy its important to learn to kinda use more "feel" driving but its very hard to explain in words.

Check this out :

Even though that's a lap around the cup layout, I guess you get the point

It also really seems as if your setup is made for stable driving, instead of the crazy kart-style entries on the brakes, I'd like to try it and see how that works.

In the mean-time, here's the set I'm using to get used to the "Huttu" school of driving. I picked it up on the forums, but I can't find it anymore so I can't credit the guy who made it, but full creds to him

I'm also in the process of uploading a 48.4 with my current driving style, which you'll see is quite a bit different from yours. It doesn't look as fast, and I'm a lot less on the limit, but that goes to show how much potential there is left in that style.

Edit: btw, this does seem to be a very specific advantage that the GPL drivers have on us LFSers; it seems like that style was the way to go, and much of it was carried over in cars like the Skippy. From what I've heard though, Spanks could be a real beast in a car that needs to be driven like that
Attached files
inf_long_jul31.rar - 470 B - 172 views
hey crommi that was a nice looking lap A couple things, the sweeping right bend before the carousel, I think its better to stay wide and late apex it there. Theres less tire scrub, and you're in a straight line longer before your turn in. Minor detail, but I think it might help :P

Also, through the carousel I'd stay out wider, more towards the middle/outside and the top, and slowly wind the steering inward and get on the gas a bit sooner. Be careful not to upshift to 4th on your way out though...its like lifting off the gas, and you'll stop turning and go straight off the track haha.

Through the esses there was a little bit held back, but not much. Most of the time through there is gonna be finding the perfect line and getting through with the least drama.

Through turn 10 I read the fastest way is a slight lift with no brakes, or maybe just a dab and then back on it. Again, just a little bit to be gained there.

I think there was quite a bit of time lost through the last turn though. You stayed way wide. Your first apex is gonna be the first tire bundle in the corner. You wanna stay as tight down in there as possible, and wind back on the gas as soon as you can. The tighter you stay, the shorter the track

Quote from Jertje :Spanks could be a real beast in a car that needs to be driven like that

teehee :couple:

My first kart like 7 years ago...we were told it was 5 years old. Turns out it was 23 years old at the time. It was a bit behind in technology...
add on no power from the restricted yamaha KT-100, and the hardest kart tires bridgestone made and that thing was sideways everywhere Also a bit slow in comparison :P

I think I would have a very large bill if I ever went to the skip barber school
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