Ok, well first of all Jack please don’t call yourself socially inept. I got to admit I am a shy guy and well not really “social” in your point of view, but I don’t think I am socially inept. Being social isn’t all about talking it’s also about manners. I do know all kind of etiquette’s a lot of other people don’t know about and you probably know a lot of etiquette’s too. I think it looks really stupid and asocial if you don’t know how to behave in a restaurant.
Anyways, more about this further down my “story of life” which I also will tell in a chronicle order.
In high school nothing really happened, no dating and well no real friends either. Pretty much lost touch with those friends, because I never went and go out.
So let’s skip high school and let’s go on to university. University was pretty weird, because at first there were only girls in my class. Many would probably feel lucky, but… you know… those are only classmates. The thing is though I had to talk with those girls. It went surprisingly well and I could get along well with most of those girls. There was one girl that was different. I don’t know why and how it happened, but everybody thought we had a relationship. I had no problems with that and neither did she, but well officially we were not a couple (I probably should have asked here to make our relationship official, but I didn’t for some reason)
We got along well and she even liked LFS, but when the university decided to change classes again we kind of grew apart and lost touch.
So life got on and now I got into a class without any girls

(The total opposite and we were obviously not in the same class anymore)
A few months later I did met a girl at work, but apart from her being a nice girl and all nothing happened. She was a bit young, but that shouldn’t be a big problem.
After that I got chased for a year or two by a girl I absolutely didn’t like. Apart from her being ugly and fat she was a Christian and she wanted me to turn into a heavy believer as well. She even tried to drag me into a church. So that was really a big no no, but I also got the “problem” of being a nice guy and well I am not the type that ignores one. On the other hand I never started a conversation with her and I did try to answer most questions and things by just saying yes or no in the hope she would eventually give up. I even told her I didn’t like here, but the church/God told her otherwise

Since nothing seemed to help I got evil and hacked her and apparently the evil approach paid off. She did contact me a few times after, but I got rid of her pretty fast.
Here are some publically available pictures of here for those interested:
http://lh6.ggpht.com/annevaneg ... huZu2fGT4aI/P3220222.JPG
http://lh5.ggpht.com/annevaneg ... Ki_6TSjqPvo/P3220230.JPG
At this time there was a girl from a foreign country joining my class. I have to admit she is a nice girl and she was different from others. She actually tried to start some conversations with me, because she noticed I was a shy guy.
Now it was time to go to Malaga with this university class, including this foreign country girl. Over at Malaga we as a whole had some great fun and we went to some expensive restaurants, because school was paying the bills.
Now when you ever go out and have a dinner in an expensive restaurant you will have to follow etiquette’s. Surprisingly none of the other guys knew about those etiquette’s. The girl even told the other guys to copy my behavior, because she didn’t want to look stupid.
This particular girl even slept on my shoulder for a while and hugged me a few times, but that’s about it.
At a later stage we did meet some English people. We went to another expensive restaurant with those two English people and one of my classmates kept asking this English girl about her age. She didn’t want to tell her age, but my classmate just kept on guessing and after a while she asked me “You know how old I am don’t you?”
I was like no I don’t, but you never ask a girl anyways and once again I got told that I was a true gentleman.
So I know all those social aspects, but I am not really one that chats and talks a lot. I am doing fine on my own and whatever is going to happen happens. I am not looking for a girl, but you never know what will happen. (Oh and neither am I looking for a guy for those smart asses around here)
To conclude I won’t say I am a social person, but in my opinion am I not socially inept either. I am glad I did meet all those people especially this foreign girl, because I did change massively in a good way and I got a bit less shy and I got a bit more confident.
It’s a shame I still don’t go out, but I don’t really enjoy going out, because I am always hanging around on my own which is boring. Long live LFS
Ps. I also got told that a lot of people (colleges in this case) don’t get my humor. Most of those college’s are low educated, so I think that might be part of their misunderstandings.
I am about to change jobs though, so who know what will happen.