(1051 posts, started )
Except.. why be someone who you're not? It's better to find someone that atleast accepts you for you. I couldn't imagine being... that kind of jerk person, because I've always been the nice guy that girls confide in. It's hard to change what you are, which is why I like who I have now, who accepts me no matter how geeky I am at times, and actually is willing to listen and attempt to understand what I'm talking about, as I do the same with her.
goth/alt/raver chicks FTW
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Except.. why be someone who you're not? It's better to find someone that atleast accepts you for you. I couldn't imagine being... that kind of jerk person, because I've always been the nice guy that girls confide in. It's hard to change what you are, which is why I like who I have now, who accepts me no matter how geeky I am at times, and actually is willing to listen and attempt to understand what I'm talking about, as I do the same with her.

Read my posts again... i never said not to be yourself. Aswell, i said that I myself am such a nice guy. I was just trying to say... don't think you'll have to pick up a girl with pink, fluffy gloves, because you think she might not be able to handle a more direct way.

The girl i was talking about in my other post... the one i went to italy with... you know what she said after we spent the first night together? "You can say thanks to your mom, it seems she raised you very well... you're a real gentleman!"

I never had a girl which didn't understand me or not care for me. And if, then she wasn't my girl for a long time anyway.
Quote from jibber :
I never had a girl which didn't understand me or not care for me. And if, then she wasn't my girl for a long time anyway.

Too bad only the first 5 words of this are true for me.
I guess. I just have issues being... not entirely myself with girls. I'm by nature a... almost creepily nice guy around girls, and I'm confident with myself, but I just... I don't have the audacity to brag / be "macho". I can be funny, and I can certainly be "dirty", but not the "macho" thing, becuase by nature; I'm not. It's easier for me (maybe not better) to just be exactly how I am.
It's best to be yourself. There's no doubt about that.

I still think you misunderstood my posts a little... maybe i was exaggerating too much. I'm not really a macho-type, not at all... it's always more fun than serious, with a big grin on the face.
So... More playful and humorous? Playful being more... just outgoing and joking around?
Hold on a second.. Is this the same Dustin Dawes that used to hang around here? The female body inspector?

Man, you have changed
... I'm pretty sure I'm the same person, I've just gotten a bit more... level-headed with my views on the universe.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :So... More playful and humorous? Playful being more... just outgoing and joking around?

It's not really joking around. I would say teasing describes it best... to play with somebody a little. But in the end, i don't pretend, it is still who i am.

It's really like the example i made before... about telling a girl "you have nice tits!" (maybe better don't use that one as a pickup line! lol)... and not trying to make it sound nice by saying "you are beautiful" instead. If you want to say tits, say it!
I had to learn this aswell first. Heck, it was the girls themselves who told me not to be so "stuck up my ass" (dunno how to say it better)!

I once was such an uber-nice guy, and ruined many possible relationships with it. I was always worried about saying something that could make me look like an ****, and therefor was always too nice/scared to say what really was on my mind.
Yeah, I guess... I've never been scared to say what I think. I'll be as nice as I can, but... if it's a view that conflicts with me, that I care about I'll be vocal. It's easier I guess once you get into a relationship, because you have a foundation, so conversation, compromise, etcera are to be expected.

Making compromises though isn't difficult, you just need to have someone who's intelligent enough to realize that the universe doesn't revolve around her.

I do understand the teasing bit, but... I don't always have the best censor to teasing, so I tease a lot when I shouldn't.
Actually, i don't think you're such a nice guy... otherwise she would have ran off with another jerk for sure!

Just joking! Hehe!
I think there are other factors too, such as me not using her only for sex, or even having the relationship being based upon sex. Then there's me actually "listening" and offering her advice when she has a problem.

Though, I might be a jerk, but I seem to be nice, else I'd be fighting off a few more girls when I'm single.
Well Jakg story took some reading lol, you are just like me, not very socialable. I haven't had a girlfriend for years and have only actually been told that I am not ugly by one girl "A" about a year ago, but with not being very confident I just laughed back, she is two years younger then me but if we was older I suppose that would be fine. A lot of girls say they don't like me as I have a sarcastic sense of humour but when they are on their own it makes them laugh, I have been told by a few girls who have left school who say it is suprising how many girls like you in school but only go for the really popular guys because they dont want to lose their friends or get the piss taken out of them.
I know one girl "N" who I used to like a lot in Primary School and I have recently started to talk to her through Facebook, seems I still can see what I used to see in her in Primary School. We was going to meet up but she turned it down when it got near the time, got me thinking why she done this and still cant work it out, I tend to never tell girls that I like them but she knew, I still slightly feel the same way as she has got even more caring and better looking, well she always has been. When I tell my mates about her, they always say out of your league because I haven't had many girlfirends, also say you properly only want to see her because her family are rich, but this is deffently not the case, I like her for who she is, but I also know it will never happen, or will it....

Well hopefully the right girl will come along soon, hopefully. Some say girls like geeky people. I am not much of a geek but when you are into how computers work, coding etc... they seem to class you as a geek, so who knows maybe the right one will come along soon.

Edit: Hope you can understand it, some of you know I dont take the time so other users outside of an English speaking country can read it.
I'm probably THE biggest pussy in the world right now..

The girl I talked about would like to sleep with me, actually she's actually a bit sad she didn't went ahead with it the first time we met and I was in bed with her.

On one side she's really happy I stopped doing stuff she said "no" to. But apparently she actually did want a bit more, she even wants to meet up with me again and stay the night just for that..

But she also told me she wouldn't ever go to bed with just a friend, because it's wrong and on the other hand she doesn't want a relationship with me because she likes me a lot, but "it" isn't there (yet).

So I posed her a question: if I'm not your boyfriend, and I'm not "just" a friend... Why do you want to sleep with me??

And for the pussy that I am, I don't want to sleep with her knowing there will be nothing more after it...
Quote from sgt.flippy :
And for the pussy that I am, I don't want to sleep with her knowing there will be nothing more after it...

If you already like her, and know you want more afterwards, i wouldn't do that either. You'll only hurt yourself.
Quote from jibber :If you already like her, and know you want more afterwards, i wouldn't do that either. You'll only hurt yourself.

That's the problem, I'm not sure what will happen afterwards...

And it's been 6 months since I had any But I told her: a normal guy would go right ahead with it.. But I'm wondering if it wouldn't make me sadder than before.

Nice guys never get the girls, I once had a girl and she told me I was great, but not right now... Maybe in a few years. So basically I'm what a girl wants when she's tired of partying and having jerks go over them..
Quote from sgt.flippy :That's the problem, I'm not sure what will happen afterwards...

And it's been 6 months since I had any But I told her: a normal guy would go right ahead with it.. But I'm wondering if it wouldn't make me sadder than before.

Nice guys never get the girls, I once had a girl and she told me I was great, but not right now... Maybe in a few years. So basically I'm what a girl wants when she's tired of partying and having jerks go over them..

Well mate at least you get asked, I haven't had a girl friend for 2 years, I wish I bloody had one though, someone to love and care about. I don't have the confidence to go and ask, I don't alway even have the confidence at times to go and ask models to have a pic with them at car shows, don't know whats up with me but I would love to have a girlfriend at the moment.
Quote from sam93 :Well mate at least you get asked, I haven't had a girl friend for 2 years, I wish I bloody had one though, someone to love and care about. I don't have the confidence to go and ask, I don't alway even have the confidence at times to go and ask models to have a pic with them at car shows, don't know whats up with me but I would love to have a girlfriend at the moment.

Not long ago a internet friend said she loved me, but I wasn't really into her. I was a bit surprised too. But now this girl, she really really wants to be with me, literally... I just hope she finds that bit of love for me, so she would want a relationship with me.

Bit of a problem though: she lives 70 kilometers away, my previous relationship was long distance too, so I don't really care, but it would be handy to find someone close by for a change.

And the models at car shows are used to people taking pictures with them, actually they are an excellent way to train yourself, they probably never say no. And just going up to a girl in public or something isn't really anything I'd do either, only maybe after a few beers..

And for another rant: I'm sick and tired of people saying: "one day you'll find a great girl" or "enjoy your single life now you can".

1. I'm single and all alone right now, it doesn't help knowing I might someday find someone, I live today.
2. I don't care about going out, drinking with mates or whatever. I love going to the movies with a girl, taking her out to dinner, have walks and just watch TV with her.
Quote from sgt.flippy :Not long ago a internet friend said she loved me, but I wasn't really into her. I was a bit surprised too. But now this girl, she really really wants to be with me, literally... I just hope she finds that bit of love for me, so she would want a relationship with me.

Bit of a problem though: she lives 70 kilometers away, my previous relationship was long distance too, so I don't really care, but it would be handy to find someone close by for a change.

And the models at car shows are used to people taking pictures with them, actually they are an excellent way to train yourself, they probably never say no. And just going up to a girl in public or something isn't really anything I'd do either, only maybe after a few beers..

And for another rant: I'm sick and tired of people saying: "one day you'll find a great girl" or "enjoy your single life now you can".

1. I'm single and all alone right now, it doesn't help knowing I might someday find someone, I live today.
2. I don't care about going out, drinking with mates or whatever. I love going to the movies with a girl, taking her out to dinner, have walks and just watch TV with her.

Good point.
Well as I am not old enough to go down town drinking I wouldn't know, but if I had a girl I would rather take her out then go out with mates.
Quote from sgt.flippy :So I posed her a question: if I'm not your boyfriend, and I'm not "just" a friend... Why do you want to sleep with me??

Don't ask - Just enjoy and put the doubts out of your mind. Me and "E" started as just friends (but did things that no-one who's "just friends" should ever do) but in the end we realised what we had.

As long as you move in fast the "friend zone" can be ok, but you can't escape the friend zone if your there and then the feelings develop.

FWIW I wouldn't sleep with her either (until I know what was going on), but kissing (and where it leads) would probably be ok.

I almost wish that me and "D" had hit it off (properly) so that I could of made all my mistakes with her - "E" has had a fair few boyfriends before, whereas i'm still making all the typical noobie errorrs, and while I know this sounds clichéd, we really seem to be in this for the long term.
Quote from Jakg :
FWIW I wouldn't sleep with her either (until I know what was going on), but kissing (and where it leads) would probably be ok.

Hugging and kissing I'd be fine with, really no problem with that. But going that bit further kinda scares me.. Maybe because I only had one real girlfriend before.

I don't know what to do, I'll see where it ends up I guess.
Quote from sgt.flippy :Hugging and kissing I'd be fine with, really no problem with that. But going that bit further kinda scares me.. Maybe because I only had one real girlfriend before.

I don't know what to do, I'll see where it ends up I guess.

FFS, just give her what she wants, i doubt you'll be complaining
God damn you lot are depressing reading. I skipped most of the thread, and just read the last few pages and it seems to me that this must be the time of year that therapists go on holiday.

Firstly, to all you lot who never ask a girl out. Why the hell not? Hell when I was last single and looking I chatted up just about every girl I met, and made some wonderful friends in the process, heck my best friend is actually a girl I got to know after hitting her with one of my corny chat up lines...

Go out there, be obvious, be confident, be corny as hell, and have fun.

The line that got the attention of my girlfriend, "Are you single, interesting, and English speaking?". The one before that, "If I said that's a nice belly piercing would you hold it against me?". The one before that, "stop laughing for a minute I want to ask you out." or something along those lines, and there was the line that should have been sucessful but wasnt, "I'm just going to the bathroom, when I get back i'm going to chat up that girl right there."... She was already taken grrr.

Just dont get all frigging emo and pulling is easy. If you wait so long that you actually care whether you get bounced back then you're going to get stuck fancying the same unavailable girl forever, when frankly, the only way to find out if she's the right one for you is to date her... Hell I chat girls up before I even find out if they're gay, I start on the assumption that they are and take it from there.

If you cant think of a witty line, use a stock line. Be obvious as it will lighten the mood, and be prepared to spend some time demonstrating your not just a bag of emotional baggage from unresolved childhood trauma's, have fun, enjoy yourself. If you enjoy yourself even if you get blown out then you've had a good time and havn't lost anything.

Just dont go round moping that you dont have a girlfriend and that you want one if you havn't actually tried to get one.

And seriously, if you fancy her so much you care whether you get blown out, then you seriously need to stop caring and get laid just once in your life - love is something that builds, you dont start out with it unless you've no idea what love is - in which case, you're wrong.
Ok, well first of all Jack please don’t call yourself socially inept. I got to admit I am a shy guy and well not really “social” in your point of view, but I don’t think I am socially inept. Being social isn’t all about talking it’s also about manners. I do know all kind of etiquette’s a lot of other people don’t know about and you probably know a lot of etiquette’s too. I think it looks really stupid and asocial if you don’t know how to behave in a restaurant.
Anyways, more about this further down my “story of life” which I also will tell in a chronicle order.

In high school nothing really happened, no dating and well no real friends either. Pretty much lost touch with those friends, because I never went and go out.
So let’s skip high school and let’s go on to university. University was pretty weird, because at first there were only girls in my class. Many would probably feel lucky, but… you know… those are only classmates. The thing is though I had to talk with those girls. It went surprisingly well and I could get along well with most of those girls. There was one girl that was different. I don’t know why and how it happened, but everybody thought we had a relationship. I had no problems with that and neither did she, but well officially we were not a couple (I probably should have asked here to make our relationship official, but I didn’t for some reason)
We got along well and she even liked LFS, but when the university decided to change classes again we kind of grew apart and lost touch.
So life got on and now I got into a class without any girls (The total opposite and we were obviously not in the same class anymore)

A few months later I did met a girl at work, but apart from her being a nice girl and all nothing happened. She was a bit young, but that shouldn’t be a big problem.
After that I got chased for a year or two by a girl I absolutely didn’t like. Apart from her being ugly and fat she was a Christian and she wanted me to turn into a heavy believer as well. She even tried to drag me into a church. So that was really a big no no, but I also got the “problem” of being a nice guy and well I am not the type that ignores one. On the other hand I never started a conversation with her and I did try to answer most questions and things by just saying yes or no in the hope she would eventually give up. I even told her I didn’t like here, but the church/God told her otherwise illepall
Since nothing seemed to help I got evil and hacked her and apparently the evil approach paid off. She did contact me a few times after, but I got rid of her pretty fast.

Here are some publically available pictures of here for those interested: ... huZu2fGT4aI/P3220222.JPG ... Ki_6TSjqPvo/P3220230.JPG

At this time there was a girl from a foreign country joining my class. I have to admit she is a nice girl and she was different from others. She actually tried to start some conversations with me, because she noticed I was a shy guy.

Now it was time to go to Malaga with this university class, including this foreign country girl. Over at Malaga we as a whole had some great fun and we went to some expensive restaurants, because school was paying the bills.

Now when you ever go out and have a dinner in an expensive restaurant you will have to follow etiquette’s. Surprisingly none of the other guys knew about those etiquette’s. The girl even told the other guys to copy my behavior, because she didn’t want to look stupid.
This particular girl even slept on my shoulder for a while and hugged me a few times, but that’s about it.

At a later stage we did meet some English people. We went to another expensive restaurant with those two English people and one of my classmates kept asking this English girl about her age. She didn’t want to tell her age, but my classmate just kept on guessing and after a while she asked me “You know how old I am don’t you?”
I was like no I don’t, but you never ask a girl anyways and once again I got told that I was a true gentleman.

So I know all those social aspects, but I am not really one that chats and talks a lot. I am doing fine on my own and whatever is going to happen happens. I am not looking for a girl, but you never know what will happen. (Oh and neither am I looking for a guy for those smart asses around here)

To conclude I won’t say I am a social person, but in my opinion am I not socially inept either. I am glad I did meet all those people especially this foreign girl, because I did change massively in a good way and I got a bit less shy and I got a bit more confident.
It’s a shame I still don’t go out, but I don’t really enjoy going out, because I am always hanging around on my own which is boring. Long live LFS

Ps. I also got told that a lot of people (colleges in this case) don’t get my humor. Most of those college’s are low educated, so I think that might be part of their misunderstandings.
I am about to change jobs though, so who know what will happen.

(1051 posts, started )