The online racing simulator
Quote from JJ72 :HAHAHAHA.

american commericals are the shit.

The Bose ad did not go away!

How was James Allen doing on the last 2 laps? I was watching speed, i would love to hear JA now!
Quote from aoun :The Bose ad did not go away!

How was James Allen doing on the last 2 laps? I was watching speed, i would love to hear JA now!

quoting him "OMG this is madness, what is going on, absolutely imence"
Now that my hands have stopped shaking from rage, a couple notes from the race:

- Was nice to see Kimi back on form. If only to get my hopes up.

- I'm sure Spa is an awesome track to drive, but it's also great to watch.

- What happened to Heikki in the start? Crash? Spin?

- Once again it's proven that rain = entertainment.

- Hatemelol deserved the win (since Kimi DNF). The episode in chicane IMO is nothing to rag on about, it was racing. I'd like to see more of that in F1. Come to think of it the last 3-2 laps of the race was the best racing we've seen entire year.

- Heidfeld!!! Out of nowhere.

- Kimi is out from the title race. No other way of saying it.
Quote from aoun :The Bose ad did not go away!

How was James Allen doing on the last 2 laps? I was watching speed, i would love to hear JA now!

He had multiple "Big O" moments (I don't know if the actual word would violate the rules of the forum).

However, they were justified in this case. Murray Walker had similar moments too.

Quote from Qurpiz :What happened to Heikki in the start? Crash? Spin?

Just a bad start. Too much wheel-spin probably.
What happened to Kovalainen in the end? Did he spin out or was it something with the car...?

EDIT: it seems it was the gearbox... :/
Lewis is complaining about Kimi to save his own ass! he didn't do anything wrong AT ALL... if he gets penalised then it is quite OBVIOUS that something aint right within the authorities that control F1.

Everyone said Hamilton sould have let Vettel passed straight away in france, and when he does... it's StILL NOT ENOUGH!!
An epic finale, some of the most tense last few laps I can remember. Hamilton won it though, fair and square. As Brundle said, at the end of the day Hamilton had the skill and Kimi put it in the wall. If Hamilton's win gets fiddled with by the incredibly biased stewards, it will be criminal.
Quote from samjh :Just a bad start. Too much wheel-spin probably.

Actually, after the bad start he got caught up in the middle, had to go avoid-mode and went way wide at T1, ending up near the back of the pack. If he'd have just had that bad start he would've been sorta okay.
If Hamilton loses the win I will find it very difficult to invest 2 hours on a Sunday to watch this nonsence.
WoW, nice to see the flamewar against me I don't care, I'm bored of typing.
Quote from Jertje :Actually, after the bad start he got caught up in the middle, had to go avoid-mode and went way wide at T1, ending up near the back of the pack. If he'd have just had that bad start he would've been sorta okay.

Well its more of bad start, going past most racers, spinning Webber, getting a DT, pitting and serving DT next lap and then he just came back way behind heh.
Quote from evilpimp :Well its more of bad start, going past most racers, spinning Webber, getting a DT, pitting and serving DT next lap and then he just came back way behind heh.

Yes, but I mean that he (probably) wouldn't have fallen back to behind Webber in the first place, if he wouldn't have had to go wide at T1 after his bad start
Quote from Töki (HUN) :What about the overtaking in T1? Hamilton cut the last chicane. However he left Kimi go away, but he DID gain time with cutting and it was easy to overtake due to drafting...

If Hamilton didn't cut the track, he COULDN'T have taken Kimi over. That's a fact!

What happened at the chicane was not only 100% fair it was inevitable. As soon as the rain starting falling Hamilton had it in the bag. Ferrari doesn't tend to perform so well in the wet or on the hard tire. Hamilton is the best driver out there in the wet at the moment.

Kimi squeezed too hard and on contact Hamilton aborted the move and handed the position back straight away. If Raikonnen didn't force Hamilton off the track then Hamilton would have been past and gone anyway.

If anyone was at fault it was Kimi, though I don't think he did anything particularly wrong either.
Quote from samjh :He had multiple "Big O" moments (I don't know if the actual word would violate the rules of the forum).

However, they were justified in this case. Murray Walker had similar moments too.

Just a bad start. Too much wheel-spin probably.

and too early on the brake for T1. The flying Trulli was on the inside of him, Bourdais ran into the back of Trulli, pushed Trulli wide, Heikki had absoblutely no where to go and has to go extremely wide and in the process about 10 cars passed him...
Fantastic race! Proof that a proper track creates Passing, Battling, and Action!

I hope Tilke cries himself to sleep tonight.
Bear in mind that according to the regulations, if it's raining and you don't have much grip you can jump all the chicanes you like, and even use other cars to keep you on track, and not get penalised even if you should've lost two or three positions. As demonstrated by Michael Schumacher a couple of years ago in Hungary.
Quote from Töki (HUN) :LOL! Hamilton sais Kimi was not FAIR with him in the chicane (before finish) THIS IS AN IDIOT!!!! :vomit:

LOL! Toki sais Hamilton is an idiot yet he's probably one of the best drivers the world has seen so far and no matter what Hamilton does everyone will slate him when the have no reason to anyway.
Quote from thisnameistaken :Bear in mind that according to the regulations, if it's raining and you don't have much grip you can jump all the chicanes you like, and even use other cars to keep you on track, and not get penalised even if you should've lost two or three positions. As demonstrated by Michael Schumacher a couple of years ago in Hungary.

It was not about the wet conditions, it was about being Schumacher in red car
Hamilton made all the ground up on Kimi braking for the chicane, he didn't cut it because he had outbraked himself, he cut it because by the time they both arrived they were side by side and Kimi didn't give an inch, despite after having obviously braked far too early and cautiously before that point. If they insist on using tarmac on these areas they can't complain if someone doesn't lose much time when they use it.
Anyway, Lewis did let Kimi back in front, where in the rules does it say you also then have to let him reestablish a comfortable gap? If they were nose to tail before the chicane, then nose to tail after it is fair enough.

Overall a good race, although thanks only to the conditions, again. It would have been much more predictable had it stayed dry throughout.
Great race

Hamilton deserves the WDC after this race, a bit aggressive after the chicane IMO, but not enough for a penalty, this is racing!!

And big -1 again for the F1 broadcasting, the climax of a great race and the face of Hamilton's Dad on the screen, yeah, just what I wanted to see instead of Heidfield and Alonso desperately overtaking everyone to get the podium :rolleyes:
Wow, what a race! Great stuff by Hamilton, even though he was quite lucky considering how often he left the track.

Here's a Premiere stream of the battle between Lewis and Kimi, lot's of onboard: Click
Great race and epic last laps!

Even though Ewlis Hoemlalthon would set the Top Gear's Cock-o-Meter on fire from a distance of 100 meters, he deserves the championship as Kimi insists on driving like a total n00b if the Ferrari doesn't go up in smoke.