The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
No i'm talking not about wellcome mesagge , I mean i need text at top ,but when i instaled PitBoard that text disapear

Any ideas?
Quote from oldnavy :No i'm talking not about wellcome mesagge , I mean i need text at top ,but when i instaled PitBoard that text disapear

Any ideas?

What kind of text do you want there? Please ask questions as clear as possible. Two people trying to help you but have to guess what you actualy want.
Quote from Tim NL :Hi,
The admin password in the dedi and in LFSlapper must be the same.
You can use also numbers in it (works by me).

ps. the portnumbers must also the same

In your Dedi setup.cfg
// optional: admin password
/admin=your password

// optional: InSim port

And in LFSLapper.lpr
#General options #
$Port = 29995; # Insim UDP port. Open this port after starting LFS Server by typing /insim=29999 in chat or include it in config-file LFS Server
$Password = "your password"; # Put in the admin password used on the LFS Server

did all that and it still didn't work. my admin pass has numbers in it tho. should i just change it and try it without numbers? this is for the shikane drifters main server btw if you've ever seen it.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :What kind of text do you want there? Please ask questions as clear as possible. Two people trying to help you but have to guess what you actualy want.

Ok al history from begining.

I' talking about text at top in server. Post about that :

When i instaled PitBoard to LFSlapper that text disapear.
and only pitboard working
Quote from DrachenxFire :did all that and it still didn't work. my admin pass has numbers in it tho. should i just change it and try it without numbers? this is for the shikane drifters main server btw if you've ever seen it.

Just try it with a fake password (with numbers) and then post your config file of LFS and Lapper as a TXT-file on this forum. This should be easy to solve.
Quote from oldnavy :Ok al history from begining.

I' talking about text at top in server. Post about that :

When i instaled PitBoard to LFSlapper that text disapear.
and only pitboard working

Okay, I made a button with some text on the top of the screen (and in the middle) but you can change the position yourself.

Event OnConnect()
openPrivButton( "oldnavy",85,1,30,5,5,10,16,"^3Some text for oldnavy");

openPrivButton( "config_bg",50,50,100,56,5,-1,32,"" );
openPrivButton( "config_title",51,51,98,5,5,-1,0,"^3Configure pitboard^8" );
openPrivButton( "config_title_2",51,56,98,5,5,-1,0,"^3V1.31^8" );
openPrivButton( "position_1a",51,61,15,5,5,-1,64,"Position:" );
openPrivButton( "position_1b",67,61,10,5,5,-1,16,"^2Left^8",Pitboard_left );
openPrivButton( "position_1c",78,61,10,5,5,-1,16,"Right",Pitboard_right );
openPrivButton( "position_1d",89,61,10,5,5,-1,16,"Off",Pitboard_off );
openPrivButton( "height_1a",51,67,15,5,5,-1,64,"Height:" );
openPrivButton( "height_1b",67,67,10,5,5,-1,16,"^2High^8",Pitboard_high );
openPrivButton( "height_1c",78,67,10,5,5,-1,16,"Low",Pitboard_low );
openPrivButton( "split_1a",51,73,15,5,5,-1,64,"Splits:" );
openPrivButton( "split_1b",67,73,10,5,5,-1,16,"2",Pitboard_spl2 );
openPrivButton( "split_1c",78,73,10,5,5,-1,16,"^23^8",Pitboard_spl3 );
openPrivButton( "split_1d",89,73,10,5,5,-1,16,"4",Pitboard_spl4 );
openPrivButton( "new",51,83,98,5,5,-1,64,"^3V1.31: Small bug corrected" );
openPrivButton( "config_close_a",94,100,10,5,5,-1,16,"CLOSE",Config_close_b );

Thanks mate Good work
well i had my friend take out the numbers, but it still isn't really working:

#General options#

$Host =; # Host IP. When more network interfaces are present, set it to IP of your host.

$Port = 29999; # Insim UDP port. Open this port after starting LFS Server by typing /insim=29999 in chat or include it in config-file LFS Server

$Password = "blah"; # Put in the admin password used on the LFS Server

$TrackInfoFile = "trackInfo.cfg"; # Path to the TrackInfoFile used to compare splits

$TCPmode = true; # Connection to LFS in UDP mode or TCP mode

$EnableRegisterWeb = true; # When set to "true" your LFS Server is displayed on the FRH Team website

$DateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"; # Date format used for the PB files
# Look at C#-format for date/time, little help
# HH = Hour in 0-23 format
# hh = Hour in 0-12 format
# mm = Minute
# tt = PM or AM
# dd = Day
# MM = Month
# yyyy = year with 4 digits

$TimeFormat = "HH:mm"; # Time format used for the PB files

$MessageTime = 5000; # Time in milliseconds for a racecontrol message (started by: rcm_all) to be displayed on screen

#$PubStatIdk = ""; # Indentification code for a connection to PubStat.
# To obtain a PubStatId go to , select My LFSW Setting, tab Pubstat Access
# Remove # before PubStatIdK to activate this option

$ShowPlayerControl = False; # Set option to "true" if you want to show the control configuration of players when leaving the pits.

Now we have to see your LFS-configuration file.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Now we have to see your LFS-configuration file.

the one for the server? i don't really have that, my friend does. i know the admin pass is the same tho so would it really make a difference?
Quote from DrachenxFire :the one for the server? i don't really have that, my friend does. i know the admin pass is the same tho so would it really make a difference?

Yeah it does. There's obviously a problem between Lapper and LFS and to sort it out we have to compare the settings from LFS with the ones in Lapper. I guess you have access to that file too, otherwise it would be impossible to place Lapper on that same server.
lol i'll ask my friend to send it to me when he gets on
Hi there, could someone tell me how to get !drf working dosen't seem to be working

Quote from royk1991 :Hi there, could someone tell me how to get !drf working doesn't seem to be working


I think that's because no driftscores has been logged so far.
This is caused by the fact that most driftoptions are disabled by default.
Remove /* and */ in the drift section of your config-file.
If you can't solve this, please save your config-file als *.txt and upload it to this forum.
Remember to remove any passwords and/or pubstatid's from the txt-file.
Hey! Is there a way to reread the configuration file without having to restart the whole program on the machine it is running on?
Quote from TysCaargh :Hey! Is there a way to reread the configuration file without having to restart the whole program on the machine it is running on?

At the moment there isn't a way to do that.
I would like to also have such option and I also would like the option to include script-parts so you have to maintain 1 central part instead of x time changing the same things.
HI, heres my cfg file
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LFSLapper.txt - 40.6 KB - 288 views
Quote from royk1991 :HI, heres my cfg file

I've checked your config-file and can't find a problem with it.
So the only thing that could go wrong is that there isn't permission on the file-system to write the DRIFTPB.XT
I'll be home in about 30 minutes and will try your config-file on a test-server.

Okay, I've found two problem.
First one is the dstats command in your Sub OnConnectClose()
dstats (); should be changed into dStats ();

The other problem is in your Event DriftTooLowAction()

old: cmdLFS( "/spec " . $Nickname };
new: cmdLFS( "/spec " . $Nickname );

That last one prevented the writing of a driftpb.txt file.
ok fixed all that but still dosen't work
Quote from royk1991 :ok fixed all that but still dosen't work

I've tested this for about half an hour and it worked like a charm.
Is the file DRIFTPB.txt generated?
Otherwise there's nothing to display when you type !drf
Tried to run the new Pitboard.

Yisc, if you may have a look at it, if you got the time ? Problem is:

Lapper starts and aks to accept or deny, and the pitboard crossovers the text, and if i close the pitboard it asks again to accept or deny the lapper.

So...i would like to just to start the config of the Pitboard if someone joins (like on one of your servers).

That would be cool, mate.

Thx in advance.


Attached files
LFSLapper.lpr.txt - 91.7 KB - 287 views
Quote from Yisc[NL] :I've tested this for about half an hour and it worked like a charm.
Is the file DRIFTPB.txt generated?
Otherwise there's nothing to display when you type !drf

what do you mean by generated?
Quote from royk1991 :what do you mean by generated?

Exactly what it says
No, I try to say it in other words.
Lapper have to make two files:

1) pb.txt (sector- and laptimes are stored in this one)
2) driftpb.txt (driftscores are stored in this one)

Do you have a driftpb.txt on your server?
If that's not the case, no info can be displayed when you type !drf
Quote from Sil3nc3r- :Tried to run the new Pitboard.

Yisc, if you may have a look at it, if you got the time ? Problem is:

Lapper starts and aks to accept or deny, and the pitboard crossovers the text, and if i close the pitboard it asks again to accept or deny the lapper.

So...i would like to just to start the config of the Pitboard if someone joins (like on one of your servers).

That would be cool, mate.

Thx in advance.



Wow, that was a though nut to crack and kept me out of my sleep
I've found your problem. The whole pitboard section was also placed at the end of the config-file in the Overriding section so Lapper took the last option of the two.
I've removed that part, I added the OncloseKick section (that was missing) and I've tested the whole thing.
Good luck with it, I'm off to bed now
Attached files
LFSLapper.lpr.txt - 64.4 KB - 293 views
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LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )