Update - My PC hasn't changed this time.
My old laptop's (HP nx7400) screen broke (screen, not inverter), and a new one was about £150 - I decided I would might as well buy a new laptop, so I bought an Asus 701 4G Linux, modded with 2GB of RAM, a hooky (and now legit) copy of XP, a Draft-N WiFi card, internal 8GB memory stick, 8GB SD Card and Bluetooth for £150 del. I really started to like this little thing and have been finding the size great for School.
My Dad, however, thought he'd be nice and buy an old laptop and take the screen off and swap them over - except he ended up paying about £150 for it...
So my old laptop is now back up and running (albeit with the whole top half from another similar laptop) and I have my little eee - And I have no idea which one to use for School.