Stunned, I feel so sorry for Massa and his family, Massa is a nice guy and it's not nice to see him so devastated. Hamilton deserved the championship the same amount as Massa, but Kubica is the guy that really deserved it and was let down by his team.
Have to say all this talk about Glock is a bit silly, who would be on the radio telling him Hamiltons exact position and what it meant for the championship? Glock took a risk staying on the dry tyres, on the last lap it rained hard and he had no grip. It's a shame about the crowds reaction, but you can understand their reaction, it seems to be more out of dissapointment than bad feelings towards Hamilton.
All I can say is that last lap summed up the whole season perfectly, and I am so happy we get BBC coverage next year, sod Hamilton being champion...

:elefant::bannana_g:laola::static::monkey: :bananalla:bannana_p:leb::huepfenic