Poll : Did Lewis Hamilton deserve this title? (i do) :P

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Dont know
Quote from Qurpiz :Next year, it's going to be an epic battle between Kimi, Lewis and Alonso.

dont disrespect massa, kthxbye
anyone watching "after stuff" on ITV stream, i swear i just saw a mad brazillian charge in Mclaren's garage and throw racist comments at everyone......
Quote from aoun :Agreed 100%, if Lewis cops a penalty.. that's too silly.

I third that, I've had time to reflect on my stupid jeuvelile comments of earlier and I apologise, guess i just got caught up in the excitement of it all.

If Glock did lift, then shame on him but until we get some replys it's pointless speculating.

Feel really sorry for Massa, without the Ferrari's reliability problems the championship would have been his. Well done to Lewis though, nobody can begrudge he is a fantastic talent
Quote from SamH :I hope next year Massa gets it. He's a brilliant driver who has properly grown into his shoes now, and I'd like to see his efforts rewarded.


Besides that, i don't think that Hamilton really deserved the championchip after all, for several reasons. However, congratulations to him, McLaren Mercedes and GB.
Anyone to watch the uk stream?, reporters are almost kicking off with each other.
Most exciting finish I could have hoped for, brilliant. Its a shame though its only after reading the forums had the possibility of Timo letting the position go even entered my mind. Why does there always have to be rumours to make drivers look bad? Hamilton and others were sliding a lot on the last lap and had inters on, so its obviously going to be MUCH worse for Timo.
That was some crazy shit right there
Im glad to see an exciting race.

Im glad to see Massa's face. Just watching it looked like as if he knows he wasnt good enough, next year.

Im glad to see Lewis win the title.

Im glad to see him burn as Vettel sets him on fire.

EDIT: Im glad to not hear James Allen whinning voice screaming LEWISSSS WINNNNNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!

Ill say Congrats to Lewis either way.
i wanna see vettel and alonso battling for wdc next year
Congratulations Hamilton!!! We all knew he should of had it sewn up before the last GP had it not been for the FIA. But my God that was a finish. Gonna enjoy a beer on Hamilton. Get in there!!!!!
Lesson in common sense for all you tools slagging off Glock without knowing what happened: Glock wouldn't have bothered gambling with the possibility that he'd lose his chance of scoring any points at all if he simply intended to let Hamilton through again. Kudos to him for trying! Keep in mind that he was in very difficult conditions. His tyres would not only have not suited the wet track but they would have been cold by that time as well.

On the other hand there is the off chance that he planned to jump Hamilton and Vettel but didn't plan on Hamilton being overtaken by Vettel so he let his good buddy through (are they even known to be friends and why would he have more interest in letting Hamilton win than Massa?). But I'm thinking the former is more likely.
Permission to say cock.

Gratz to Hamilton. But I has to say teh Ferrari drivers behave well.
If we now have an award for motorsports moment of the year it would be this one on my top spot.
Without a doubt i mean i have never seighn it that close
Quote from sam93 :What eventful last laps. Glad Hamilton has the world championship, really deserved it. Hope he wins it next year aswell which he will.

I wouldnt say that, everyones going to be out to get him, plus theres lots of new challengers such as Vettel and Kubica who I think may outshine Hamilton in 09, Massa also definately, keep an eye on Alonso too, not so sure about Raikkonen.

The whole idea of sport is that the Best or the Luckiest win, Hamilton is lucky, end of.

Thanks for reminding me Aoun, no more ITV, no more Allen and no more commercial breaks!!!! Yeah!

A Brit winning the title is just a bonus really compared to that.
Quote from 5haz :I wouldnt say that, everyone going to be out to get him.

The whole idea of sport is that the Best or the Luckiest win, Hamilton is lucky, end of.

Most lucky racer of the year award anyone?
Stunned, I feel so sorry for Massa and his family, Massa is a nice guy and it's not nice to see him so devastated. Hamilton deserved the championship the same amount as Massa, but Kubica is the guy that really deserved it and was let down by his team.

Have to say all this talk about Glock is a bit silly, who would be on the radio telling him Hamiltons exact position and what it meant for the championship? Glock took a risk staying on the dry tyres, on the last lap it rained hard and he had no grip. It's a shame about the crowds reaction, but you can understand their reaction, it seems to be more out of dissapointment than bad feelings towards Hamilton.

All I can say is that last lap summed up the whole season perfectly, and I am so happy we get BBC coverage next year, sod Hamilton being champion...

:elefant::bannana_g:laola::static::monkey: :bananalla:bannana_p:leb::huepfenic
Quote from Qurpiz :I didn't really care about who wins the title, it's not Kimi, don't care. But that was still the most exciting finish I've ever witnessed (yes, I'll rank that even higher than last years).

Even if I don't like Hamilton's comments, or the way he drives sometimes, I still think he's far more deserving champion than Massa. Hamilton has already shown multiple times that he's truly a unique talent (this years Silverstone, for start). But I don't think Massa has. He still haven't have an exceptional race. All other champions on the grid (Alonso, Kimi and Hamilton) have done it. Massa's never won a race outside the top 2 starting places, and that's what makes the difference for me.

So, congrats to Hamilton and all the British folks out there, I know you've waited a long time to see a fellow countryman take the title.

Next year, it's going to be an epic battle between Kimi, Lewis and Alonso.

I agree only that Massa did drive well today, even if he just led from the start.
Quote from jaws99 :

If Glock did lift, then shame on him but until we get some replys it's pointless speculating.

if you watched the final bit of the race, he was struggling to get up the hill, i hardly doubt he lifted :S
My thoughts:

Hamilton and McLaren deserved it more than Massa and Ferrari.

Massa deserved it more than Lewis.

Glock will probably be penalised anyway, for running that Redbull off the track. Or at least he should be! It was the same as Lewis vs Kimi at Fuji...
Awesome finish.

Grats to Hamilton for a partly deserved championship.

Sad to see so many eejits blaming Glock. He risked something and it just didn't work out in the end. To say that he drove the last lap slower intentionally is just stupid. :thumbsdow

Oh, and <3 Vettel!

Alonso and Kubica FTW next year. Vettel's car will probably too bad.
It had started to rain pretty heavily in the last lap and a half, I doubt he 'let' Lewis past, however it cannot be certain. Maybe he 'skidded' on purpose? :o
still waiting for judging Glock by race directors and forcing him back to his 4th position as a punishment for the future...
First off, that was an astounding last 15 minutes I couldn't believe the events unfolding, at one point I called Hamilton a "foxtrotting Henman". That was with 2 corners to go...

As for the conspiracy theory, I didn't see anything contraversial when it was live, I assume Glock was struggling for grip on slicks. I'm not going to get all fanboy on the debate, tbh i'm not going to even consider the conspiracy theory unless it transpires there is some conspiracy... Rather than makeup a conspiracy theory and then try to prove it as seems to be the case here.

Now I have a request please. I had to rush out the moment Hamilton crossed the line, whilst this was good in regards to not having to listen to James Allen or ITV waving goodbye and saying how great they and Hamilton are for half hour - the downise is...

What happened with the crowd and what's this about a fiery Honda crossing the line backwards or something?
What did Glock do? Please someone tell me!
Just for all you Hami haters: The moment your dreams came true