Having played iRacing now for a few days I am feeling a bit bored of it. I don't particulary like the racing system.
BUT the physics model is fantastic, and ignoring early troubles its a VERY slick bit of software.
I know EXACTLY why iRacing want me to feel bored - so I buy more cars! But I am not paying

a demo of a car might change my mind, but iRacing isn't too business smart on this. I can't see ANY dissadvantages allowing a 10 minute demo of car. It makes PERFECT sense. try before you buy!
Also, regarding tracks. I couldn't give a f*ck about whether the track is a real track or whether it's made up. In fact I prefer made up tracks because they are new, and offer something different. I really can't be assed to drive the SAME tracks!
I am still in belief that laser scannng is nothing more than a red herring also.
BUT it does make perfect business sense for iRacing to have laser scanning and real tracks. It's fantastic for marketing, and IS what people in general want. On tracks my annoyance is a personal one, but the not demoing cars thing should be changed! It just amkes money sense!
I know this is probably the 1,000,000th user review of iRacing
One thing iRacing and it's phsyics model has achieved is to expose that naivety of the hardware currently available.