Quote from andybarsblade :No he can get away with telling the truth which is what he did and what the "BNP publish and stick through letterboxes"

I didn't believe the CPS would get a conviction on that case, I thought it was a ****ing stupid thing to do and all it would do was give false credence to Nick Griffin and the BNP. Actually there were high court judges saying the same thing before the trial was even brought.

But the fact remains his publication of that material was intended to cause a reaction toward the Muslim community in general - not a tiny fraction of Mulsims involved in illegal activity. And he targeted this campaign in towns where there were large Asian (not necessarily Muslim) populations to drum up xenophonic white support. And it worked very well in Keighley, sadly.

Does this make Nick Griffin a martyr? Does it excuse his anti-semitic beliefs, his stance on the entire non-white British population, or his objection to Muslims living in the UK?

If you're happy to defend this twat then more the fool you. I'm content in the knowledge that you're a part of a tiny uninformed minority in this country, who will never have a say in government policy.
All i have done is answer your questions/comments with reason and fact, so far you have not backed up a single of your slanderous comments with anything other than hear say, yet you think its ok to call me "a part of a tiny uninformed minority in this country" when infact i am clearly far more informed than any of you.

And with that i bid you good day
Quote from andybarsblade :All i have done is answer your questions/comments with reason and fact, so far you have not backed up a single of your slanderous comments with anything other than hear say,

You honestly believe Nick Griffin and the BNP aren't racists? That particular (ill-conceived) court case fell through but he's been convicted for inciting racial hatred before.

Nick Griffin has been a key figure in secretive race hate groups for thirty years, starting with the National Front, and he's still the public face of acceptable racism today. Do you think he's become more moderate since the days of the National Front? But hey, don't take my word for it, go ahead and join the party and see what sort of people you meet.

I believe the BNP must be allowed to have a political presence or we can't call our political system a democracy. I don't protest their political presence, but I do believe that their propaganda must be challenged at all levels. Especially in areas where they are actively campaigning in the run-up to elections.
edit: irrelevant.
Quote from DarkTimes :. Apparently Muslims are fair game... who knew?

Under British law, Muslims do not exist as an ethnic group, and so technically cannot be the victims of discrimination. In other words, the BNP can goad Muslims and get away with it.
edit: irrelevant.
Quote from andybarsblade :
Just try to think Kev what Nick said in that speach that has'nt been printed by the BBC in that link.


It really shouldn't be funny but can't he do better than arguments such as crime committed by white people is actually committed entirely by Turks and Albanians, who are not white in his eyes, therefore they are obviously automatically practicing muslims...


This is even better though, we're not 'Nazis' we're a national socialist party...
Quote :IMMIGRATION - time to say ENOUGH!...
...a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question.

That's pure nutcase-ism right there. illepall

PS, I found a funny video. Seems the Americans aren't the only ones who don't get irony.
Quote from thisnameistaken :You honestly believe Nick Griffin and the BNP aren't racists?

When did i say that? stop putting words into my mouth, i didnt say they are not racists i didnt say they are. I just agree with some of there policys.

I agree it would be a bad thing to have them in power but i also think this goverment is far to soft on some issues like immergration/crime etc and so if a few votes and a few council seats have to go to BNP candidates to show the gov in power that people have had enough then so be it.

Quote from thisnameistaken :That particular (ill-conceived) court case fell through but he's been convicted for inciting racial hatred before.

Show me when he was convicted before and what for, it must be on record some where. The case did'nt fall through because it was ill conceived it fell through because what he was saying was 100% true,
and just to put the icing on the cake the people who secretly video taped him saying those things then with some bias editing made it look like all he was trying to do was stir up racial hatred (I mean imagine something like that being allowed to go on in this country: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/ ... y+of+hate+laws/article.do) then the bbc hand the footage over to the police and try to have Nick Griffin arrested.
4 years later the BBC panorama program then go on another under cover filming mission and basicly prove every thing that they said Nick Griffin was using to stir up racial hatred.
Quote from Electrik Kar :That's pure nutcase-ism right there. illepall

Why theres already plans to make british tax payers pay for asylum seekers that dont even get to our country! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new ... trying-reach-Britain.html

It just makes me laugh some of the stupid ignorant comments made by people on here like "OMGZ SOME LIVE IN MY STREET!!!111!" like bnp supporters/members are pedofiles and its the sex offenders register thats been leeked. These people on the list that has been leaked are not racists/criminals they are normal people that chose to support a legitimate political party nothing more.
Quote from andybarsblade :Show me when he was convicted before and what for, it must be on record some where.

In 1998, Griffin, along with Paul Ballard, was convicted of violating section 19 of the Public Order Act 1986, relating to incitement to racial hatred[8] for his editorship of issue 12 of The Rune, published in 1996.
The complaint regarding the magazine was made by Alex Carlile QC, who was then Liberal Democrat MP for Montgomeryshire. He had asked the police to obtain for him a copy of the magazine, which they did. After reading it, the MP called the police again and complained about its content, whereupon the police raided Griffin's home and charged him. He was convicted and received a nine-month prison sentence, suspended for two years, and was fined £2,300. Griffin claims that the law under which he was convicted "is an unjust law and he therefore has no obligation to follow it".

Courtesy of Wiki

Quote from andybarsblade :Why theres already plans to make british tax payers pay for asylum seekers that dont even get to our country! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new ... trying-reach-Britain.html

You believe what you read in that hateful, scaremongering piece of sh*t excuse of a '"newspaper" do you?
Wow, not only defending the BNP but quoting The Daily Mail as if it were fact, of all the things I thought you were Andy, a facist was not one of them.
Wow quoting the Daily mail makes me a facist who knew?

Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Wow, not only defending the BNP

And im not defending the BNP im just voicing my opinion that i agree with some of their policys. Then certain people jump on my back and call me a ignorant facist so i have to defend my reasons for agreeing with their policys.
The only thing that I have to say is, if Nick Griffin will let the people of Oxford (and OTHER CITIES!) refer to Christmas as CHRISTMAS and not bloody "Winter Festival" then he gets my vote!
In Oxford we had two YES, TWO! 'Asian' members of the council suggesting that we dont refer to Christmas or have CHRISTIAN related decorations in the city, and the whole bloody council decreed that they would therefore be called Festive Decorations, and NOTHING depicting the CHRISTIAN attitude of Christmas would be allowed.
Next year I am personally going to object to any MUSLIM reference to Eid or Ramadam...and see how far I get (Not very, I expect!)

A few points:
1) Of course there are a lot of ex-servicemen on the list...if a guy is willing to sign up to DIE for his country, it is the ultimate proof that he supports it.
2) A lot of you guys (no offence) are under 30, and have not had the opportunity to experience the degrdation of this country over the last 30 years. It might seem that I am saying "Oh, things were better in the old days"...they WERE! For one thing, we had REAL COPPERS in the 70's (Somebody earlier quoted Gene Hunt!!) that weren't frightened to nick some little toe-rag because they were scared of being accused of racial discrimination!
3) I have PERSONALLY witnessed a case where a DESERVING white British FAMILY was declined social housing (for which they had been waiting SEVEN YEARS) in favour of a SINGLE asylum seeker who had been in the country for less than three weeks becuase they were a "priority case"
4) A theory is that the list was leaked by members of Combat 18...because Nick Griffin dis-associated the BNP from Combat 18 because of their radical views.
5) The main reason BNP want to abolish the Human Rights act is to open the door to the return of Capital Punishment.
6) If Britain were not shackled by "European" law and regulations, things would suddenly become a lot easier for British workers...ie, we wouldnt have to fork out billions every year to a bunch of bureaucrats in Brussels!

I could rant on for ages.

Nationlism IS NOT RACISM!!!!!!!!

Britain, Love it or Leave it!!!!!

Are the BBC a racist/facist organisation as well? http://www.bbc.co.uk/white/

btw...did anybody find MY name on the list???
Quote from Bladerunner :
3) I have PERSONALLY witnessed a case where a DESERVING white British FAMILY was declined social housing (for which they had been waiting SEVEN YEARS) in favour of a SINGLE asylum seeker who had been in the country for less than three weeks becuase they were a "priority case"

NONONO Dont you know they only give houses british familys dont want to asylum seekers! they save up all the good ones for british familys. (like the 1.3 million pound mansion ...sorry council house that a afghan lady is living in or the 1.1 million pound council house now occupied by a nigerian single mum with 5 kids.
Quote from Bladerunner :btw...did anybody find MY name on the list???

I did find a 'Bladerunner555' on a particularly abhorrent White Nationalist forum. Was that you?
I'm with you (mostly) Andy. Get them out of our country once and for all
De Tek Urrr Juuuurbbss!!!
To say "lets only deport the illegal ones" is a bit daft, why do you think they are classified as 'illegal'. It's because the home office has said 'No: Case dismissed - go away' and it's then a matter of hunting down and exporting those who evade detection.

Seriously, think about what "illegal immigrant" and "legal immigrant" means before making an argument for or against it.

Legal: Endorsed to stay here and welcome as part of our community. Has been measured against the strictest and toughest immigration standards in Europe already, and passed.

Illegal: Has evaded detection and the government is trying to locate and remove them.

We do have high immigration in this country but it is not because our entry criteria is too low and we welcome in anyone without papers. It's because Britain is still an [ailing] super power. We're an economic power house and have substantial military presence. We may not be the biggest, but we are a land of opportunity where those who work hard can be rewarded.

We are not currently nurse maiding either legal or illegal immigrants. Legal immigrants have to work damned hard, I know this because I live near one of our big immigration centres and have spoken to many and count a number of immigrants amongst my friends. They work damned hard to stay here.

As for illegal immigrants, what is the BNP going to do that the existing government isnt? We dont give illegal immigrants 5 bedroom houses and 3 cars - the word illegal means the government seeks to deport them (or specifically move them to an immigration centre for evaluation). It'll be the same under the BNP, only the goal posts of what defines an illegal immigrant will move, as written on their manifesto ... unless your anbcestors migrated here over 100 years ago and are white you're going somewhere else under the BNP. Even if Britain is your homeland.
Quote from andybarsblade :Wow quoting the Daily mail makes me a facist who knew?

It's not nicknamed The Daily Heil for no reason.
Quote from Bladerunner :The only thing that I have to say is, if Nick Griffin will let the people of Oxford (and OTHER CITIES!) refer to Christmas as CHRISTMAS and not bloody "Winter Festival" then he gets my vote!

You're easily pleased. And I suppose when the "voluntary repatriation" happens (I wonder if they'll be sent to a holiday camp in Poland this time...) you'll have a little street party with bunting and lemonade to celebrate.

Here's a few of the people you're siding with. But hey, if it means you get to call christmas christmas, a few nail bombs and stabbings are worth it.
Why is it people keep bringing up things from 5, 10, even 15 years ago.

Sinn Fein was regarded as the political wing of the IRA back then...they are about to share control over Northern Ireland.

BNP membership data leaked - whoops!
(982 posts, started )