OK...Hold fire everybody!!!!!
I have noticed a slight trend here; only slight, I will admit, but it seems to me that we have a difference of opinion in that everybody is stating from their own personal experiences.
Basically, on one side we have Andy, Mookie and myself, with Kev leading the 'opposition'(with help from others, of course!)
When one of us (Andy, Mookie or I) make a statement, all we hear basically is: "Pics or STFU!!!1!!"..OK, so they ask for links etc...as if what we are saying is too far-fetched to be true.
If anybody cares to look CLOSELY at our various profiles, you will notice that all three of us live in the Midlands, and I believe that the closer you get to the Capital, the greater the influence of the so-called "PC" brigade.
Whether people like to admit it or not, there IS a North/South divide in England, and regional demographics play a large part in the way we view life.
Also, one must take into account the direct local government and the way that the local populace is run...each local council runs and introduces local bye-laws to suit the local population, I am sure that Kev would not be happy with Oxfordshire County Council deciding how York should be run, in the same way that I would disagree with Yorkshire County Council controlling Oxford.
The point I am trying to make is, although I have heard "But we are all the same!" (when talking about race/creed/etc), the truth is, even we, the indigenous people are different from each other! We all have differening views on a lot of subjects, so let us just agree to differ.
I suppose now, that I will be accused of being a member of the Oxford Popular Front or something else just as absurd....
(Note to Sam..I didn't miss Kevs point at all; what I should have done was to highlight the part of his post that I was answering....that of 40-60 year olds not knowing what to do...)