I wonder if there will be another physics push before S2 Final... Scawen?
I know that the tyres and aerodynamics are much revised in the patch... just wondering about undertray, as colcob suggested, and also drivetrain (if it hasn't been adressed in the patch). Better engine modelling would be awesome. The clutch pack LSD needs preload, stalling needs to be included and better clutch physics would be nice... Also torsen differentials. Extra grip on the racing line?... would be nice. Asymetric suspension setups and seperate slow and fast damping on race cars... Brake fade... Anyway, that doesn't sound like more than three or four months work to me (excluding the engine modelling - that would take longer probably) and I believe that the most important/tricky to get right physics will be very much improved with the patch. The ones I listed above would just perfect dry weather physics. I am by no means stearing a gift horse in the teeth, just wondering about the future. Anything over and above tyre physics, aerodynamics improvements and improved 3D models and textures would come as a surprise to me.

I'm expecting the patch to completely blow me away to be honest.