CTRA (and the server that came after that was a similar style, I can never remember the name) and just having more racers online at any given time in general. The pickup racing was always the big selling point of the game
You might be able to get Flipcams and use one of the custom views from that and make it outside your car. As for the speedo's, theres a button says " Real, Virtual, Both" near the bottom for them, just do real or off.
And then implement hats for our cars as well, that respond to wind, and other cars that fly about the air. Imagine the different games with someone using a RAC as a ramp and have people fly their cars to hit the hats off someones roof.
Horrible bump there, but I remember drifting with this guy years ago and being in a long gone team with him. Haven't seen him around in forever though. Never caused any trouble back then.
Try playing around in the profiler with either global settings or specific lfs settings. I think disabling "Enable center spring" or something along those lines might help.
First of all, if this starts a flame war, my apologies. Why another cruise server? What separates it from the others? The hours that no one is even on lfs at anyway?