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S2 licensed
Just stopping by for two reasons.

1) I'm still alive!

2) Sorry for completely disappearing suddenly!

I was overwhelmed in late 2007. I completely flaked out on LFS because of it. I started college that fall, was heavily involved with NASA RallySport and was more interested in hanging out with my (now ex) girlfriend than playing LFS.

Now I've graduated with a BSME and am working for Chrysler in Chelsea, Michigan. I gravitated towards iRacing while in college but still pop in here every once in a while to see what's happening.

I'm not sure if any of you guys still check this forum but I just wanted to pop in and apologize. I see that many of you were confused and/or concerned about me and now I kind of feel like a dick!

I hope all of you guys are doing well!
S2 licensed
Quote from james12s :i have a few quieries?

1:when in the rules it says like (fxo/xrt) does each member opick which one they like best

2:skins, are they supplies or is does the team have its own

3:any other useful info fo the teams

- Yes, you get to choose which one you'd like to drive.

- The skins idea has fell through since I didn't have the time to make them and nobody else offered me anything to use.

- I don't know what other information you'd want me to give, everything should be detailed in the general provisions.

I'm willing to answer more specific questions, but 'how things are going to work' would be pretty wordy and is detailed in the provisions linked to above.
S2 licensed
Well, considering the current "imminent" status of Patch Y... we'll be using whichever 'official' patch is available at the time. It's up to Scawen at this point.
S2 licensed
I'll get back to you on this. I wasn't even aware of the new patch (been too busy with school). I'll check it out over the weekend and make a final decision by Sunday.
S2 licensed
Event schedules have been emailed and are posted above. Events can only be rescheduled if a significant portion of the entrants object to the date/time.
2007-2008 RWS - First Round Matchups
S2 licensed
2007-2008 Rallycross World Series - First Round Matchups

North America vs Brazil (Dec. 22 - 17:00 GMT)

United Kingdom vs France (Dec. 22 - 20:00 GMT)

Eastern Europe vs Baltic Coast (Dec. 23 - 19:00 GMT)

Central Europe vs Czech Republic (Dec. 23 - 13:00 GMT)

An email has been sent to each competitor, please be sure to reply to it!
Last edited by XenoWolf, .
S2 licensed
Alright, the entries have slowed up a bit (but haven't stopped) and I've taken the time to re-organize the entry list. As you can see, I've created the 'Baltic Coast', 'Eastern Europe', and 'Central Europe' teams.

We've crossed thirty entries, more than I could have ever hoped for. Thanks to everyone! There are still a couple of teams that could use some reserve drivers, however.
S2 licensed
Something similar to the Challenge Cup skins are what I had in mind. The only problem is that we'll be using five different cars and would need a consistent theme. I'm not stressing too much about it though, it would just help out making coherent screenshots/videos.
S2 licensed
We've just crossed twenty entries (23 currently) -- unfortunately I may have to turn people away if we can't fill out some of the less popular teams. 'Regional' teams is still an option, but I'll only use it as a last resort.
S2 licensed
Quote from Kronvall :I will check if Sweden is interested in this competition. I think we are....but I'm not sure. I will let you know when I know about it.

Great! I appreciate it.

I've just fixed it so the main page redirects to the World Series registration.
Last edited by XenoWolf, .
S2 licensed
Quote from ACLRacer :Hi xeno,
i´m interested. If there´re racers from germany, who´re interested in creating Team Germany, post here.
greetz noSkill

I'm expecting one or two (from Elite Squad) but they haven't submitted registrations yet.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :The only thing i would need to learn is how to change track, cars, and that kinda thing

You could practice on a self-made server, just type /help to get a list of commands. They're also documented in your Live for Speed directory in LFS/docs/commands.txt

S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :What are the marshalls requirements?

You'll need to read the current (and any future) championship regulations, be able to run a server (know how to change the track, available cars, set a server password, etc), and be able to keep an eye out for rule infractions during the heats. Also, if I wouldn't be able to make it to an event (which is why I want to have a team of marshals in the first place) you'd need to save replays for me in case a competitor needs something reviewed.

I should probably document this stuff somewhere... (hopefully I can get the website finished this weekend!)
S2 licensed
Entries are filling up nicely:

...and we could still use some experienced European marshals!
S2 licensed
UPDATE: France is now filled. Always room for reserve drivers though!
S2 licensed
I'll consider it, but we'll cross that water when we get to the bridge.
S2 licensed
Wow, the entries poured in today! Very encouraging. We're now up to eight teams, but only one team (United States) is filled.
S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Does it have to be teams, or can it be one person?

If it can be one person, i'll sign up
I'll have a chat with some of the team too

It's not 'teams' in the normal LFS sense. You register yourself and are thus made part of a team of drivers who represent your country.
Spread the word!
S2 licensed
Inspire your fellow countrymen!

Entries are shaping up nicely and we still have a month left before registration closes. Still, we need more! At the absolute minimum (to avoid having to cancel the World Series) I want to see four solid teams, so talk to people who know people who may be interested.

S2 licensed
Psh, where's the fun in that? If that's what it takes to win... I'll enjoy losing (even though I've won quite a few B&J races going flat-out).
S2 licensed
Anyone willing to come up with some 'generic' skins that could be used for the World Series? It would just need to be a simple design that could be altered to include the country name and national colors.

I'd need a consistent design for the XFG, XRG, FXO, XRT, and RB4.

EDIT: The forum banner should be up soon, keep your eyes peeled!
Last edited by XenoWolf, .
S2 licensed
I just sent an email to LFS News with the article, hopefully we'll see it up soon!
S2 licensed
Quote from F.Rizzo :Another quick question ... does each driver have to drive the 3 car/track combos or is it that you have to decide within the "team" who drives which car?

Individuals can choose what cars they want to drive (from the available choices depending on the heat) -- they can also choose to let a reserve driver replace them if they feel they're not good at a specific combo (or for any other reason). Drivers aren't required to drive in every heat. Most of the 'team' interaction should happen before events -- practicing, sharing setups, etc. I hope that answers your question.
S2 licensed
Quote from Aquilifer :Maybe we could use some advertisement. We have N teams all having 1-2 racers. And you need 3 members to join

I meant to do a small article announcing that registration was up for LFS News over the weekend, but got bogged down by Western Civ I homework.

I'd also like to make another forum banner, and would appreciate it if drivers made the rounds across the more localized LFS boards (typically in languages I have no way of comprehending).
S2 licensed
Quote from F.Rizzo :According to the docs the Finals are in January 2007

Oops! Good call.