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S2 licensed
Righto, this is me, playing at some gig with the band not long ago..

I'm pretty sure God didn't win any design awards when he released me...

And yeah, you can skip the "cut your hair" remarks.. I know...
S2 licensed
Quote from AlienT. :Welcome, I am also a noob and have started on the STCC server using a UF1000. It seems to be a good place to start, the STCC servers give you the insentive to progress your STCC license from copper all the way through to platinum. I am still very copper...not come close to being competative as yet, maybe I'll improve when my G25 arrives, using a mouse is not great.

Check out the STCC website for more info on this

Have fun!

He would of course first have to get at least S1, but yeah better still S2 of course.

Also, I would personally not recommend going onto a server where the expectations are a bit high right away when you are totally new to (online) race sims.

I've had a lot of really bad races whilst trying to beat the first STCC levels due to newbies (and I do not mean it's bad to be a noob, everyone was at first!) that didn't know the first thing about driving going onto those servers and causing mayhem every single race.

If you are really new to this then I'd advice you to do the training first, maybe practise a combo you like with some AI and then going online, after you know how to interact with other cars on the circuit and you have learnt your braking points and all that stuff.

Of course if you allready know your way around a circuit and can handle the car then yeah, go online and just start competing! Ask for advice or maybe a setup when you see faster/better guys, and no doubt people will help you out and you'll get better soon enough.

And yeah those sticky threads mentioned above are great too!


S2 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :How mature. I'm not trying to make myself look any better, i didn't want anyone to post but that guy. But if I keep getting insulted, well, what am I to do

Well honestly, I think you should stop getting yourself into it then.

You said you dont want these things to snowball, then why do you roll the ball down the hill in the first place.

So some bloke talked trash about you. So what? Stuff like this happens every day on every server, some people will curse, or argue over some incident or whatever or will moan about being wrecked. If you have to worry about all that you wont have time to race anymore.

Just don't get upset about it, it's part of online gaming. You should not be insulted that easily and look for "hidden messages" or things that make you look bad in every post. Cause frankly, I don't even see that.

And let's not get into the whole demo/S2 thing again, that other thread was bad enough. I for one do not agree with you on that and 90% of the people here don't. More than that even perhaps. The tension is really minimal.

So yeah, get a grip, try to see the positive rather than just the few negative things.
S2 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :
Plus, who highlighted the words DEMO in my other topic? Seems immature to me.

Just FYI, if you look at it again, you'll see the word tension is also highlighted.

This is because that poster has searched for the thread and as he knew the title was something like "tension between S2 and demo", he used those words to search for it.

And then those words you search for get highlighted in the threads that come up, so there's no immature thing going on to make you look bad.

I agree with the rest though, no one really cares, all this is immature behaviour and these personal issues do NOT belong on this forum.
S2 licensed
Hello Kegetys,

I installed the test patch a few days ago but didnt play yet.

So of course when the 5dof didnt work just now I couldnt quite figure out why till I remembered... wrong version now!

Will you be releasing an updated version to run with test patch V2??

Thx in advance.

S2 licensed
I remove all stuff from the screen with shift+F and I have that mapped to the wheel.

Or I just remove the names, if I really want to keep track of the rest, so the N key is also programmed to the wheel.

Mostly though it's the hardcore "no info" style.

So when it's necessary I take a quick look and then it's off again.
Kind of like it's my engineer on the radio that gives me a quick update.

I sometimes just need to know who's who so you can't really do without the names, well in public servers at least. A lot of people have their name on their plates, and that helps. But unfortunatly, lots of people think the numberplate is meant to insult the guy that is on your tail.
Last edited by DFS_MadFred, .
S2 licensed
Heh heh... Well, it is Pie month after all.. maybe if April is brick-in-the-face-month I will

I reckon yours is from the "first game you played" category we had..

I don't know it, but I often do a bit of retro-gaming.. those oldies rock.. so 9/10!
S2 licensed
Well Sinatra is of course a 10...

But the color pink makes my eyes bleed...

Therefor, I'd say 6/10
S2 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :Easy. Read every other watching a movie in FF.......There will be no tests...Read the first post.......we're talking have you read a book lately.

I was actually joking there, that subtle pun didn't quite catch on I reckon.

Yeah, I have read a book lately, in fact, I read a whole lot. And some pretty serious and heavy stuff too. But I can't be arsed to sum up the latest titles.

I think you're assumption that this forum is full of dumb people that never read books is a bit weird, I mean, why else would you assume right away in post #1 that it's safe to say no one here ever picks up a book.
S2 licensed
Your read 162 words in 0.29 minutes. Your reading speed is 559 words per minute!

But in my defense, It's not my native language and I had a few pints..

I'm sure when I am sober and reading dutch, I could manage half that!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Psymonhilly :never said it wasnt

Heh, yeah I kinda misread that a bit..

But I do honestly think he's not doing it to be re-elected.

Just my 2 cents, I saw a speech he did here in Holland and he was well informed, he did his homework. He seemed very sincere. Why would he come here and do all that (not just here, but all over the world)

The american voter surely doesn't care about a little place like Holland. Or where ever..
S2 licensed
Quote from joen :....

Couldn't agree more.

The player that is right for this game will just feel it. And if you've felt it, the price is just right, no, a bargain when you look back at it.

Best 36 Euros I've spent in a long time for the ammount of fun I've had so far, if I could only get good at it... the damn flightsimmer in me still thinks in too many dimensions... Gotta keep them wheels on the deck!
S2 licensed
Quote from Psymonhilly gore's marketing trick about global warming.......

I say, he pulled off quite a trick then.

I wonder how he got the weather to break all those ridiculous records and how he got all those hurricanes and so on to occur.

You must have noticed the climate is changing? Meteorological studies show that the weather keeps on going into extremes.

He may want to be re-elected, but the warming is real, mate.
S2 licensed
You clearly don't understand half of what was said.

You continue to lobby for more content, and pretend that it is for the good of LFS, to "boost sales"

If you wanna boost the sales, then;


You said you raced in real life, so fork up the 36 euro's, it must be peanuts for you. Then you get all the content you want.

If demo racers aren't teased enough allready by one of the most generous game demo's there is, then that racer is an ungreatfull whiner and I dont want them in S2 at all. Enough whining going on as it is allready.... but hey, that's just my opinion.

I hate it when people jump up and say nothing but "buy S2" when a demo racer makes a thread and asks an honest question.

But for you I make an exception.

and yes, I am being slightly sarcastic, but only slightly...
Last edited by DFS_MadFred, .
S2 licensed
Quote from 69LoveForSpeed69 :Some S2 user should do a social experiment. They should post an online screenshot of S2, logged on as a demo user. Then, I bet other S2 racers would accuse them of being a hacker/cracker. That would be funny how many people say mean things, wouldn't it?

Not sure what you mean,

you mean, log onto an S2 server pretending to be a demo user?

AFAIK you cannot actually see ingame that someone is a demo user or an S2 licensed racer.

And if there was a way to play on an S2 server with a demo racer status then the hacker/cracker insults would be justified as that would mean you hacked/cracked it....

or am I not getting your point?
Last edited by DFS_MadFred, .
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Why dont the devs allow full S2 for 48 hours.

When installed, it will install a hidden file / registtry edit to stop people re-downloading. This way , people can try out all tracks and cars, take part in some of the races and such.

After 48 from instalation, it is reverted back to demo. 48 hours is plenty of time for people to try out S2, even if they have school/work.

I personally dont support this, as it is probbly easy to bypass the thingy that stops you getting another free trial, but with demo racers saying they want to try out extra thingys, they can have a time restriction.

That would be a silly thing IMHO.

Just think. All the other stuff you buy in real life, do they let you test them fully before you buy it?

Do you take a 6 month testdrive with a potential new car? Do you wear a new shirt for weeks before going back to the store and paying it?

Just look at a game demo as a TV commercial or an ad.
It's still just a teaser to get you to buy the product.
And as I said before, a very generous one in this case, one that is a game on it's own, not just a tiny bit of it as so often is the case.

If everyone would have the chance to make up their minds 100% before buying something. (anything) Then the economy goes down the drain.
It just does not work like that. When you buy a product, there is always a sort of "gamble" involved.

It would also mean another way of cracking the game, so yeah you are right, not something I would support either.

I'm With SamH, if people are happy with something, then

for all I care people play the demo for the next 20 years, fine by me, enjoy! But they should realise they have a free game and not come here and demand things or make so called "content suggestions" with a lame excuse about "it will improve sales if they do"

my 2 cents...
S2 licensed
No disrespect, but by your own logic, you cannot know what the sauber F1 car feels like IRL just because you have some experience in it's lower powered cousin either then. (Unless you have driven one. They DID get real life data from the team, I'd reckon it's pretty accurate to an extend, but who am I, I have never raced one IRL)

Granted though, the physics in LFS, although really good for this genre of computer games, if not right up there on top, are far from perfect!

I agree on the fact that you can't get all those RL variables in.

But that's a bit besides the point. You would have the FOX be available in the demo? and maybe an oval? That's what you said.
So what if the next guy wants to preview a street course, South City?
And maybe HE would rather have a taste of the GTR cars!

They simply cannot add content to a demo because you cannot please everyone and everyone would want something else, and it's never enough.

The demo is what it is, and allready it's more than, IMHO, a demo should be. You get a taste of FWD, RWD and a Turbo charged version.

If you understand the basics in these, you'll be able to work your way up through the formula class aswell. (And the rest) Isn't that part of the fun, discovering things about a game after you purchased it? More demo content means more people will have enough to do in there and don't buy the full game.

You said something about the demo getting people addicted, after which they will buy the game, but again, that is not the purpose of a demo, a demo shows you the product to be, and then you take the gamble and buy it, like almost any other product you can buy in life, and THEN you find out what it's really like, and THEN you get addicted, at least that's how it usually works.

Therefor the demo racer in LFS is allready very lucky to have a compleet, miniature, game which he can play indefinatly. Asking for more is, indeed, as said before, rude and unnecessary, because you wont get more.

I must agree with you that it's not cool to go and assume stuff about people and insult them as such.


Last edited by DFS_MadFred, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :
EDIT:MadFred- So, I have been on lfs demo for 11 months. I loved it all, even with all the problems it had. I even made a team. Saying that was all useless is stupid, and inconsiderate.

And why is drifting stupid? Why do you dislike it? It's exciting and puts a twist on the game! Just because I like to drift blackwood *mutters*

Also, what is wrong with being "<15 years old"? I am only 13...and..well..I don't think I am acting immaturely...then again..don't all teenagers think that way? :P

Hey there,

Well I did not say it was useless. You have to read more carefully, I was just expressing my opinion about game demos.

I don't think it's a bad thing you have spent 11 months with the demo, I hope you loved every minute of it, and the fact that you made a team is great, that's what the online experience is about, playing together, teaming up, having fun...

You say that you are considering getting a license, well great, that means the demo has served it's purpose, it gave you a taste of LFS, and you want more. Believe me, and all the others that have said it, it is SO worth the money.

I'm just saying, that in my opinion there should be some restrictions with demos. Right now you can look at the LFS demo as a complete game. Sure it has only one track with different layouts, and 3 cars, but you have full acces to the options ingame. Plus you have unlimited acces to online play.

I just meant to say that normally a demo is not a game as such, but only a teaser of things to come, and usually you cannot even play a proper bit or you're restricted to half a level or track and bound by time. What would you have done if the demo would only give you 6 months? You would probably have had just as much fun and bought S2 sooner? Who knows?

You simply cannot deny that normally a demo would not be used the way the LFS demo is used. It's great that you can, but I think it's not the right way. To each his opinion.

That other stuff you mention I'm sure, does not apply to my post, as I never said anything about drifting or about youngsters being immature, you're probably refering to someone else.

I hope you join us in S2 as soon as you see fit. You have had a few bad experiences with less mature S2 users perhaps, but to be honest, that's only a very small portion of the people around, and yes, they are populating both sides of the fence.

The rest are good people from my experience, so don't let a few bad apples drive you away!!
Last edited by DFS_MadFred, . Reason : typos
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :either way nobody can deny that there is something seriously wrong with a demo that has more players than the full version that people actually organize events for and that causes players to keep playing it for years without a moments thought if the game might actually be worth 24 pounds ... and lack of content sure isnt the reason

Agreed, a game demo isn't supposed to have it's own "community" with teams and events and all that. That's not the purpose of a demo.

If it was up to me I'd say there should be a time limit on (any) demo and I'm not talking about 20 to 30 days like a lot of software has, in the case of LFS maybe 6 months or so, so you can really get a feel for the sim and you may need a bit of time since a lot of players are new to the racing. After that, if you haven't made up your mind yet, you probably wont.
Or, you don't want to spend the money, in which case I say, tough luck, try something else. No freeloading. The Demo is very very generous, as said a few times before.

I know some, usually younger, players have a hard time when it comes to affording the full version, or maybe they cannot buy something over the internet. But that's life, life's expensive and not always fair.
There's plenty ways to earn a few bucks/pounds/euros/insert your currency here.

p.s. in case you wonder how long I was a demo racer, about 20 minutes.
S2 licensed
Oh yeah I guess that's what they wanted me to try in the clinic I went to..

They are just like hearing aid devices and they generate the same sound you have in your ears. That's another way to make the brain habituate the sound.

They were very expensive though and the health insurance didnt cover it unfortunatly. But I was told the succesrate was less than 10% and they didn't make it go away, just get less loud and a bit easier to live with.
S2 licensed
I'm not sure what you mean by interference, possibly you mean "white noise" ?

Like the static interference you get on your transistor radio when you put it between two channels?

It's not a form of cure as such, more a masking effect.
They use sound therapy, playing white noise and then it's
combinend with cognitive training and lots of group and individual therapy and you can somewhat get the sound to be less intrusive and intense.
So that, over time, your brain will stop seeing it as an alarm signal.

It's called Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, and it takes about 18 months I think, I haven't had it yet, I am thinking about it though.

You'll never be physically cured, but if you can listen to it and not care, thus having it as "a normal part of yourself" ,then you could indeed call it a form of cure.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :
@ DFS_MadFred.. that's a bad deal, bud. Really sorry to hear about that I hope it can be fixed! I very often get tinnitus late at night, after a busy day dealing with lots of people - and especially if I've been wearing headphones. It's always gone in the morning, though. I can't imagine what you're going through!

Thanks for the kind words mate.

Unfortunatly there is no cure for it I'm afraid. Not when it's due to irreversable damage anyways, which is the case. Only a few types can be cured, or at least somewhat succesfully treated.
Of course, ultimately you'll find a way of life that will make it liveable.
And that could be called a cure of a kind, I reckon. I'm not there yet, but I will get there one day.

Used to have it late at night too after busy days. Stress is a very big trigger for tinnitus. Of course I also had them after band gigs. Had them for years like that and one night I woke up and knew it was different. Has been on "air raid alarm" levels since then. Be careful with those headphones, the one due to stress is somewhat more "innocent". The noise induced one can make it permanent though. It's a big warning signal your brain is sending you.

S2 licensed
I have to agree about the doctor, when these things happen, this is the absolute first things you must do.

I am talking out of experience, because I have been suffering from tinnitus for 3 years now. I've got a very loud ringing in both ears, 75dB at 4000Hz, also I have lost part of my hearing.

So there is a high pitched whistle that is ALWAYS there and never masked by any sound other then noise levels that are harmful for the ears. in short, there's nothing I can do to get away from the noises in my ears.
So you can imagine it is HELL. After 3 years I am starting to come to grips with it, but it still made me lose my job, my girl and all the things I had planned for the future went down the drain. Psychologically, I am still not back to my old self, and probably never will be again either.

In my case it was the 15 years of playing in a hardrock band without adequate protection, but also the years and years of playing games and sims on the computer with those big headphones on that completely cover up your ears and of course at volume levels that where too high to be safe, that caused it.. Acoustic trauma, as mentioned before. Although you can get tinnitus from a lot of other things aswell.

I must take this chance to say, please please please, be carefull with the loud noises on the headphones, you really don't want to get what I have.
Keep the volumes at safe levels. It does not necessarily take 15 years of rockmusic to get this, ONE single noise trauma can cause it..

I know the OP did not speak of ringing, and it doesn't sound like the typical symptoms, but it's relevant enough for me to go and warn you about possible consequenses.

So please people. Be careful, I would hate for anyone else to go through what I did.
Last edited by DFS_MadFred, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Aegilops :I think we have a bit of a conflict on that no. 26 business

As said before, of course we'll have people with the same numbers. Personally, I say, you've got good taste, mate! 26 ftw!

But if I got there first, why am I left out of the list?
Last edited by DFS_MadFred, .
S2 licensed
I'm racing with #26