An update for PIE! (link in OP).
It's mostly new LFS packets (notably AI control!), but a few small tweaks and bugfixes too and an update to the quick-reference text.
It is fully compatible with previous versions.
Updates in version 0.1.2:
FIX: Added missing constants/defines
FIX: Added missing ServerStatus in STA packet
FIX: Added missing CPP packet
FIX: Auto-shutdown if 3 pings missed
FIX: Removed 'ghost data' from MCI tracking
LFS UPDATE: License byte added to NCI packet
LFS UPDATE: New PLH packet (PLayer Handicaps)
LFS UPDATE: New LCL (SMALL) packet (Local Car Lights)
UPDATE: Added PIE_PLH array, player handicap data indexed by PLID
UPDATE: Added 'Flags' to BTC packet (mirror of 'CFlags')
UPDATE: Multiple MCI packets in a set will be concatenated
UPDATE: Added script type (local/host) to ;PIE command report
UPDATE: Added PIE_buttonsafe boolean to PIE object, true when screen is safe for buttons
UPDATE: Added PIE_buttonsafe function, called when screen becomes safe for buttons
UPDATE: Added PIE_buttonunsafe function, called when screen becomes unsafe for buttons
LFS UPDATE: New IPB packet (get/set IPBans)
LFS UPDATE: New AIC packet (AI Control)
LFS UPDATE: New AII packet (AI Info)