Visa Internet card (debut card) , works anywhere now , I m using it 6 years atleast when I wont something to buy thrue internet .Pretty safe stuff - working thrue any paying system anywhere in the world , it is good choice when you dont have a working pay-pal in your country. You can spend just a money in the accaunt - to card and transfer is nearly instantly -in few seconds.
iff you wont and have a resources in your computer you can always made a virtual enviroment with dedicated Ram on virtual host .
I recomended for this MS Virtual PC 2007 , create on them virtual disc size 10 gb and install on xp, give him dedi 256 ram . This OS always runing on different IP adress from host and you can made them fix to not use dhcp , configure the router for that internal IP you will have no problems
you are made caracteristic mistake , you are opening server ang client from the same mashine , but you cannot use the same port number , because of this you will not saw them on masterserver but he is online and the racers are connecting because theay are sawing the server in masterserver , you can connect but localy under same port use the adress with the same port and you will in , on the other side you can use dedi servers but you must give them all different names and different port numbers and made the forwarding trhose ports and all will awailable thrue master server including you
well , you than reset your acc thrue your mail where you buy your s2 licence , in main LFS site you will find the link for reset your pass thrue mail , enter your mail adrees than go to your mail to click on the link what they send to you , enter your new webpassword than login to main site and change your gamepassword.
That simpli is all.
I asking it because the Alpha word is dissapeared from ewerywhere from the game , from notes inside game , from name of the game , from opening screen etc.
well done , silverracer , I chek with tweak how the pedals are moving and see that how the throtle messing up my break pedal and break pedal messing with the throtle , anyway , I open it and clean up the inside part (with not tapeing) fixed up ewerithing in her place and close that, now how I see that no spiking anywhere on the tweek program.
Thank you once again .
I have one , not constant, problem with Momo force pedals.
When I draiving lfs sometimes I losing on my speed or slower the acceleration and dont have maximum speed .
I noticed in LFS that the brake pedals are activated (like when I breaking but one milimetar high spike it is wery hard to notice sometimes ) but I do not pressed the brake pedal.
Can someone help me with this?
1. If you use the same computer for Dedi host and LFS game DONT USE the port 63392 in dedi host , change it , probably in 99% you will not see your server from lfs game in server list, because the LFS game using the same port.
2. chek your firewal on your computer , usualy windows ask you to unblock or not the port when you start first time your dedi server , watch what are you clicking
3. if you have any type of router you must to open on him the port what are your dedi lfs server using (sea the manual for your router)
4. now in this point if not working normaly the dedi lfs server you shoud try upgrade , or reinstall your router firmwere , because like me you maybe have problem with router softver , and the upgrade or reinstall can fixed that , but carefuly this you are doing on your own risk , iff you are not experienced in this stuf you shoud ask profesional help
Oups now I see the date off the post, sorry , that guy fixed his problem a long time ago , but , I will leave the post , not erased , maybe will help someone others who has the same problem.
I wont to add something this thread , my experience.
I was a while (5 or 6 month) that I run from myself 3 LFS servers on the same time , and abaut from a weak ago I wont to do the same , but I cant , I know the procedure , I was saved my old servers on my hard drive and airio to connect them but no working.
When I testing the servers are visible on LFS world but you cannot join to them and I dont see them on my server list , on local I entering but thrue internet not. , and I dont know what was the problem , today I updated the router firmwere , and voila!
Now everithing working fine and good.
Hi guys.
Dont cry now , after seson , abaut the rules in the league.
You all sign up for that and accept it how it is standing in the rulebook.
This all give me the Deja-vu feeling , when we asked in 2009 NDR cart series after start seson the "lucky dog" rules implementation , and what was the answer?
Did you remmeber?
Draiwers is connecting to the server after
"Johnatan Palmer : Race Complete. Chat Open."
and one off them said "32 J. Holmes - well done m8, you won't get your pennis cut off! "
it is on officialy mpr what you posted
This was a much better example , what can happend after race when teammate said to teammate on the air , and this is happend before Ivan rammed car 33 in the pit on 5 minutes and 20 seconds after race.
Shoud you punished the whole winning team because that ???